Abolishing The Presidential Oath Of Office


Sep 23, 2010
Anything that comes from the United Nations harms the American people no matter how it looks at first glance. This one gives with one hand and takes with the other:

A United Nations tribunal on Tuesday ruled unanimously against China’s history-based claim to sovereignty over 90 percent of the South China Sea.

I cannot fault China for telling the United Nations’ phoney judiciary to shove it even though Xi Jinping rejected the ruling but not the United Nations:

In Beijing, Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping rejected the ruling. According to the official Xinhua news agency, Xi said China would not accept any proposal or action by the court, and said that the islands in the South China Sea have been China’s since ancient times.


Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun on Tuesday warned in response to the ruling that the military would protect the country’s national sovereignty, security, maritime rights and interests.​

Court Nullifies China’s Claim to South China Sea
United Nations arbitration denounced by Beijing
BY: Bill Gertz
July 13, 2016 5:00 am

Court Nullifies China’s Claim to South China Sea

NOTE: Communist China did not exist in 1945, yet it eventually got a seat on the UN Security Council. China, and Russia, wisely despise the United Nations while they hang onto their SC veto like grim death.

Should China’s manmade islands trigger a war Americans will fight it. The only danger is fighting for the United Nations rather than fighting to protect our own “. . . national sovereignty, security, maritime rights and interests.”.

The only fear is that American Communists will dust-off the “unjust war” garbage they used in the Vietnam War. Bringing defeat to their country in Vietnam is coming to frutition.

Had America defeated the Communists in Vietnam, and in Korea, instead of fighting Peace Without Victory wars China would not be building islands with two American allies on its borders.



China and Russia, along with every parasite country in the world, will always defeat America in geopolitics because Democrats will always do whatever it takes to “protect and defend” the United Nations. If you start the clock with the League of Nations the one government world crowd has almost a century invested in Hillary Clinton; much more than they invested in the Chicago sewer rat. Should Clinton lose to Donald Trump her loss will signal the beginning of the end for the United Nations.

Finally, Hillary Clinton has been a known-liar for decades; so her oath of office will pass unnoticed as did Taqiyya the Liar’s:


It is fair to say that the “constitutional scholar” makes no pretense of defending the Constitution. Indeed, swearing his oath of office was the first lie he told as president.

The First Lie President Obama Told
Jeeze moron.

If you want to talk about China then talk about China.

If you want to talk about Hillary then talk about Hillary.

Your feeble mind is mixing apples with oranges.
Abolishing The Presidential Oath Of Office

Rump would have to have the Oath abolished before he ever steps up. He can't swear it with this hanging out there.

Doesn't get any more direct that that. It isn't going away.
Jeeze moron.

If you want to talk about China then talk about China.

If you want to talk about Hillary then talk about Hillary.

Your feeble mind is mixing apples with oranges.

I know, right? I haven't seen that much of a Rambler since American Motors was around.
Jeeze moron.

If you want to talk about China then talk about China.

If you want to talk about Hillary then talk about Hillary.

Your feeble mind is mixing apples with oranges.

Yeah- what a mess.

But just think- if it wasn't for USMB he would be on the streets ranting this crap to people.

hmmmm maybe he is.....
If you want to talk about China then talk about China.

If you want to talk about Hillary then talk about Hillary.

Your feeble mind is mixing apples with oranges.
To yiostheoy: Mind your own business, asshole.

Do not read my messages if you are too ill-informed to follow the premise. Do some research before you mouth-off in my threads:

This is an excerpt from the old Socialists’ acceptance speech:

It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace.

To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.​

The old Socialist never said exactly how much sovereignty Americans had to yield up. He must have believed that a woman would still be a virgin if she only did it once. Unfortunately, sovereignty is like virginity; once it is lost it is gone forever.

Move the cursor to 15:30 to hear Hillary agreeing with Cronkite's global government worldview:

Rump would have to have the Oath abolished before he ever steps up. He can't swear it with this hanging out there.

To Pogo: All of the assholes are out in force today:

There is no way in hell Democrats will limit a ‘free press’ they control. Indeed, Democrats and press barons are equally contemptible of free speech on the Internet.

Incidentally, if Democrats want to alter the First Amendment I suggest eliminating these four words ——“or of the press” —— so it reads:​

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.​

Under my suggested change the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us. More to the point, the press would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending press protection while feeding everybody else to Democrat wolves.

As I’ve said many times, Democrats had nothing to fear so long as freedom of speech was limited to soapbox orators and barroom pundits. Freedom of speech on the Internet is exposing Democrat ideology to more Americans than Democrats can live with. That’s a new fear for Democrats; hence, they are reacting like cornered rats.​

To yiostheoy: Mind your own business, asshole.

Do not read my messages if you are too ill-informed to follow the premise. Do some research before you mouth-off in my threads:

Is this or is this not a freaking message board?

If a monologue where you can't be called for bullshit is what you want, go get yourself a radio talk show. You ain't Lord God El Supremo of Who May Speak.
Rump would have to have the Oath abolished before he ever steps up. He can't swear it with this hanging out there.

To Pogo: All of the assholes are out in force today:

There is no way in hell Democrats will limit a ‘free press’ they control. Indeed, Democrats and press barons are equally contemptible of free speech on the Internet.

Incidentally, if Democrats want to alter the First Amendment I suggest eliminating these four words ——“or of the press” —— so it reads:​

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.​

Under my suggested change the press would still enjoy freedom of speech like the rest of us. More to the point, the press would have to defend freedom of speech as a matter of self-interest instead of only defending press protection while feeding everybody else to Democrat wolves.

As I’ve said many times, Democrats had nothing to fear so long as freedom of speech was limited to soapbox orators and barroom pundits. Freedom of speech on the Internet is exposing Democrat ideology to more Americans than Democrats can live with. That’s a new fear for Democrats; hence, they are reacting like cornered rats.​

So you have no response at all. Just another Rambler who wants us to get in the car and let's drive somewhere else, because this point is too inconvenient.

Is this or is this not a freaking message board?

If a monologue where you can't be called for bullshit is what you want, go get yourself a radio talk show. You ain't Lord God El Supremo of Who May Speak.
To Pogo: Find yourself a chat room designed for bumper sticker mentalities, asshole, or stop taxing your brain with my messages.

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