Abolish Money 1


May 18, 2013
Aloha all, *
** *I used to tell people in chat rooms back in ‘01 that Bush was going to kill their children. That he would leave the nation unguarded, and that he was bad for the country. I got kicked out of so many chat rooms because nobody wanted to listen and those hosting the chat rooms keep censoring all my thoughts. And now all that has come to pass. America is headed for its’ fall as did the Soviet Union, while Bush and company are collecting as much wealth as they can to be secure in the long run because they know it’s coming and don't want a panic in the streets like the Soviet Union had. It’s inevitable and they are “mums the word”. It’s so true, every thing points in this line of thinking. Don't believe or trust the media it’s their tool of control and millions so unbelievably do trust it at face value.
** *Picture this.... *the entire system fails and now Money, Gold, Silver becomes the most sought after resource (as it is now that's why they call it Capitalism) and those who have it will survive at their current level a little longer than those who don't. Mayhem sets in and *control is lost (which started in 1996) only its now front page news, the people with a heart and common sense will now stand up and regroup while the rich are so far off safe and secure with all your tax money and left you in fear of terrorism from people in the middle east who don't even know you. Propaganda, paranoia, anarchy, in America, *and debt is their fate and their policy. This is doomed to fail and everyone in control is covering up and promoting more fear. That is what is out of control, Control itself. Misguided information has everyone guessing what's going on and TV doesn't have the answer, only people not fearful of their fear-laden campaign have the wisdom and power to correct this path of madness.
** *All Ism's fail to a certain degree and now it’s OUR turn. The only way to save face is to reunite the people to a level where in the future, as it was intended, to get the voice of the people to make the decisions not a small group in power. It’s as illegal as anything else illegal. And a nation based and founded on laws has gotten so large that its only form of collective reasoning is those with the most power and money set the laws and rules. Voting is a joke, and the issues of getting the all the people to vote and for the people to have the power has not been addressed and they are neglecting these issues waiting for some one else to deal with them, passing the buck as it were. An in America Capitalism this phrase is more fitting than ever, it epitomizes it. Pun or no Pun, *it is what it is!
** *The tool, that is the internet, is the key to voting, it can work, it just needs proper guidance, and my generation looks like the one that has to burden this problem, fine so be it, but we need the help of the past generations to kick the habit of taking the current administrations word at face value and with the help of the next generation to uphold our generations common sense's corrections. It has come to this and in a way that's positive, because at-least we know the problem, were not just in the dark. The current administration is the blind leading the blind, and they only care about themselves. It’s no wonder they’re on a path of failure.
** *I suppose..... this next generation and all people currently pissed off at this failure stand up and address these problems together via the internet, and the corrections of the people, by the people, and for the people, be taken into consideration and remove the current administration who has dragged our name through the mud, and so grossly dismissed the voice of the people by keeping quiet the actions, the predictions and the knowledge of what is truly the nature of the current situations in America, and their intentions, motivations, and truth about what our hard earn taxes are being used for. *
** *What is the focus of this war? What is their agenda? and Why do they not feel inclined to enlighten us? Fear is what they are using and Fear is what they are promoting, Fear is for all to decide for ourselves. If they operate with out the people's consent, this is illegal in a society that bases its’ foundation on the voice of the people. No one is listening to the people and the people are only told what is shown on TV and written in the papers. They have a firm grasp of control on the information that is presented and when you control the information outlets you can bend it all you want. This is why the internet has the power to expose the control because they cant control those who believe differently and have proof of control of their actions, or inactions. The internet is a threat to them and keeping a lid on the information keeps their control in power.
** *But those cast in the light of opposing the current administrations actions, motives, and lies, are labeled traitors, non patriots, or anarchists. Well that's just plain phooey, its like a six year old saying "I know you are, but what am I" and keeps repeating it over and over. Talk about juvenile. The last time I checked the type of behavior being presented by this current administration mirrors a certain country in Europe and they spoke German.
** *If the people want a dictator then they can move to North Korea. If Bush's idea of Freedom, as a Republican, is that of kraut eating killer of millions then his fate needs to be addressed, brought out into the light and cancelled. The only difference between Bush and Hitler is that Bush is killing its own soldiers who are citizens and making a bundle off it, as Hitler just killed a race of people, stole other peoples wealth along the way and destroyed what he couldn't carry or keep. *Bush is stealing the soul of a country with out millions of people ceasing to exist, his soul killing reaches more than the 6 million Jewish people in Germany, *his reaches the global population....... an more importantly the 300 million americans.
** *You'd think with 300 million people having a voice to do what's right, why do they continue to let a small group of greedy humans control them? This would be much of a fight. 300 million against what 25? *Sounds like a massacre to me. The people who have paid taxes all their lives and served the great country of America, be it in the armed forces, public government, and in private business's just sit idly by and let themselves be railroaded into believing the current administrations actions are for the common good or in the interests of national security is a gross inaction of lazy, careless, fearful, citizens. * * * *
** *That's not much to be proud of or even worth preserving. This is what is being expressed by the people of America. Everyone not wanting to address this problem and waiting for some one else to do their part for them. If this is the path of what Americans have become then boy oh boy that’s very sad and disrespect-able.
** *To be an American you must be willing not only to die for it, but to express your voice when things like this come up. This is how you earn the term Bravery and this is how you earn Pride. If you have ever sung the National Anthem and gotten teary eyed or choked up at the end singing "in the land of the Free and the home of the Brave" then you know what it means to love your country and take pride in it.
But Bush and his actions have taken the air out of the lungs of the believers of this great song and this pisses me off, and if it doesn't piss you off then I say, you don't deserve to be an American.
** *You cannot be an American if your not willing to fight for what's right and you most certainly don't deserve any FREEDOM whatsoever. *
** *It's time for the silent majority to get out of their lazy-boy chairs and soft sofa's and answer their call to duty for all the freedom they have enjoyed and abused. Get off your asses and be apart of what hold dear because it’s all about to go down the drain. *The only traitor and unpatriotic american is the one who doesn't accept his responsibility to set things right. You may have worked your ass off to get to that comfortable lifestyle, but the cost for this freedom is to be accountable to stand up and do what is expected of you at the drop of the proverbial hat to keep on enjoying that habitat. No Freedoms for the leach or the illegal wanna be citizens. *You have got to earn your freedom and all its benefits without being a worthless coward who sponges off other peoples efforts.
** *Too lazy to vote or care about the other guy then move out and take your worthless ass pride with you.
** *Greed leads to denial, which creates an illusion of security that is fed off fear, while creating wars that breed lawlessness and the excuse to commit crimes..... RDM
It seems that no one is taking the first step to help change the way things work they just keep on living out their life the way it is. Mind is trapped by your surroundings. The same routine over and over. I am saying we need to step out of line all of us. I am not inciting a riot I am inciting a change. Something everyone wants but no one has the balls to change the path were on. This is what I mean by fear. Chicken shit humans afraid of the getting their hands dirty.
An analogy: when the paint can has set for too long the heavy particulate settle to the bottom and the paint separates from the rest of the components. Humans in this society are the same way. Those who have are floating above those who don’t have. To the next level humans have taken this. Those on top have adapted to keep us separated from them and in a cycle that perpetuates this constant state is the cycle that needs to be broken. I am saying we need to find a stir stick and whip this separation into a blended balance. And to do it so that the outcome doesn’t involve any of the tools used to achieve the the separation in the first place. For this is the way of the how.
Money is the root of all greed, and greed is the root of all separation between humans. Those with the power over the masses are the ones who should fear the masses. It won’t be like a hollywood movie where a small group of the rich will win over the rioting masses. The rioting masses will stomp out all sources and absorb them and adapt into a new path. Everything people hold precious and of value will no longer matter. Your mortgages, your debts, the people you owe will no longer have power over your life. All the walls will be torn down and there will be no barriers between rich and poor. Nothing to separate humans from one another. Humans will be forced to get along with one another by being human. All those who choose the old ways of value of money will be the ones burned at the stake, to put it mildly.
Once money is removed and replaced there will be no need for war, murder, crime, hate, greed, or pain. It will come to pass, life with out a money system. People coexisting among one another with out the competition of having to work to survive. Once free from the control and separation of money humans will be left to focus on what really matters.... living life with out fear. And any one who believes this cannot happen are in denial and are the ones who are so unhelpful that their negative views will be to blame for their own closed mind. A closed mind will become the only illegal thing. Just because your mind is closed doesn’t mean it can’t be opened. If you choose to be so non-helpful the you deserve your fate that comes your way because of it. And no pity or sympathy to you. Your karma will befall you and you will wallow, wither, and waste away in your own empty shell.

I can’t even fathom the thought of people who don’t, can’t, won’t or even consider the idea of trying to remove some thing so well known as the culprit to continued separation of the people. I have no time for a closed mind. You can laugh at the idea, put down, even try to sabotage the idea, but remember all your negative actions towards some thing creates more negative in your own court. If it effected you as much as something your truly cared about you too would be helping to correct it.

SO what’s it gonna take for you to help? Excuses only satisfy those who use them! Maybe your list of other shit in your life is too long. Maybe your mind is so undeveloped or closed that you can’t see how life would be without money. To that I say that’s fine, I am not asking for that answer from you, I am asking if your mind is open or closed? You can certainly entertain the idea, maybe even come up with a few suggestions about it, maybe if we all were left to focus on one such topic then the answer would present itself sooner than later.
Starting discussions about it, groups dedicated to presenting it to the masses to consider could help. But fobbing off the entire idea because your mind can’t understand the idea or makes you confused is truly a cop out or an admission of stupidity. The more resistance I hear about this idea means there is a need to remove it. The more overwhelming lack of support for this idea means it’s going to be even easier than I thought to bring it about. The more you resist only proves that it’s true and the more it’s needed to be removed, and the more prevalent it is that it’s gonna happen. So cast your doubts all you want and fight it tooth and nail, but remember, I SAID “this will come to pass too, like it or not”

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