ABC's Charles Gibson to Cindy Sheehan: Thanks for your sacrifice. Now get lost.


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Looks like ol' Cindy missed the chapter on shelf life of media whores! :lol:


In an appearance August 18 on WLS radio in Chicago, ABC News anchor Charles Gibson was asked about anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan's plans to travel to Martha's Vineyard next week, where she will protest the Iraq and Afghanistan wars while President Obama is vacationing there. Gibson, whose newscast and network featured Sheehan when she led anti-war protests outside President Bush's Texas ranch in 2005, answered, "Enough already."

That's a remarkably different stance from the one Gibson took four years ago. On August 9, 2005, the ABC anchor conducted an extensive on-air interview with Sheehan. "Cindy Sheehan is her name," Gibson began. "She says she's not moving until the president meets with her, and I had a chance to speak with her a few minutes ago. Cindy Sheehan, bottom line, what do you hope to accomplish with all this?" During the next week, Gibson and ABC continued to cover Sheehan. On August 17, 2005, when Sheehan left Crawford, Gibson reported, "We're going to turn next to the standoff that is playing out near President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Cindy Sheehan, you know, the mother who lost a son in Iraq, is now on the move, but she's still standing her ground. ABC's Geoff Morrell is in Crawford with the details…" The next day, Gibson reported, "All across the country last night, people held candlelight vigils in support of Cindy Sheehan…" Sheehan was mentioned in several other ABC newscasts, as well.

ABC's Charles Gibson to Cindy Sheehan: Thanks for your sacrifice. Now get lost. | Washington Examiner

Good thing the MSM is committed to fact and principle, rather than being mere opportunistic political pimps and demagogues!! :rolleyes:
Enough already! Priceless! Absofuckinglutely pricelss.

That's the imaginary journalistic profession for ya...

also, Mediawhoring for Dummies! LOL!
Well sorry Cindy but no news camera's out there for you this time I guess. LMAO.
How many of you sacraficed a son in these wars?

Is the point really lost on you that this thread is more about the media's use of Cindy Sheehan and less about the woman herself. Those on the right have always felt that the left was using the woman, now it's evidenced to all.
How many of you sacraficed a son in these wars?

And you missed the point ENTIRELY as usual. Now that Obama is President and the dems run Congress the war THAT IS STILL GOING ON, is unimportant and Gibson does not want to talk about it.

Stop being a fucking partisan hack and grow the fuck up.

In an appearance August 18 on WLS radio in Chicago, ABC News anchor Charles Gibson was asked about anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan's plans to travel to Martha's Vineyard next week, where she will protest the Iraq and Afghanistan wars while President Obama is vacationing there. Gibson, whose newscast and network featured Sheehan when she led anti-war protests outside President Bush's Texas ranch in 2005, answered, "Enough already."

That's a remarkably different stance from the one Gibson took four years ago. On August 9, 2005, the ABC anchor conducted an extensive on-air interview with Sheehan. "Cindy Sheehan is her name," Gibson began. "She says she's not moving until the president meets with her, and I had a chance to speak with her a few minutes ago. Cindy Sheehan, bottom line, what do you hope to accomplish with all this?" During the next week, Gibson and ABC continued to cover Sheehan. On August 17, 2005, when Sheehan left Crawford, Gibson reported, "We're going to turn next to the standoff that is playing out near President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Cindy Sheehan, you know, the mother who lost a son in Iraq, is now on the move, but she's still standing her ground. ABC's Geoff Morrell is in Crawford with the details…" The next day, Gibson reported, "All across the country last night, people held candlelight vigils in support of Cindy Sheehan…" Sheehan was mentioned in several other ABC newscasts, as well.


And, of course, the difference is that Sheehan is protesting Obama, not Bush. How dare she criticize Obama! Does she think she's special because she lost a son in the war?
How many of you sacraficed a son in these wars?

Have you?

Why was her cause "just" during the Bush administration but now she needs to get lost because Obama is President?

Do you have an answer? Do you care about the truth?
Wow Gibson didn't even make an effort to hide his true colors. How appalling. I actually feel a bit sorry for Cindy. She lost a son and now has been turned on and abandoned by those who once embraced her. Even if I may not agree with her message, I have to respect her for continuing her battle. But I wonder how long she will last in her efforts now that the major media outlets will ignore her. Hey maybe Fox News will throw her a bone. Although the story will more likely be how the liberal media giants have discarded her now that Obama is in the House.
How many of you sacraficed a son in these wars?

Is the point really lost on you that this thread is more about the media's use of Cindy Sheehan and less about the woman herself. Those on the right have always felt that the left was using the woman, now it's evidenced to all.

That would be assuming they began ignoring her the moment Obama took the White House. Wasn't Sheehan on Dailykos a while back bitching that the media ignored one of her protests because they were focusing on Hurricane Rita?

Rain on Cindy Sheehan's parade - Washington Times
I wasn't a big fan of Cindy's when Bush II was POTUS.

But you are right that the MS media is a fickle whore.

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