ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Or they just made a simple mistake.

I think that the MSM really does expect one of you teabaggers to go off on a shooting spree at some point, because a lot of you are unstable.

It just wasn't the case this time, and after they got it wrong with Giffords, they should have been more careful.

How many tea party gun attacks have there been?

Same old BS the left wing nuts spew, it is amusing how you guys will believe shit with no proof. I guess that's why you follow Obama.

Don't you love the phantom argument? Because that's what it is.

People on the left kill people and the argument, the debate is from a democrat, "well you guys might do it too". No evidence. Just a phantom argument that maybe, just maybe one day a tea party person might might do something.

What madness is this?

The Left has always depended on lies and half truths
The same reason so many are afraid to call themselves or their ideas, socialist.
They know that their ideas are not popular with the US voter
and history shows their failures all too well

As such, they are left with half truths and poor attempts to
push the center of US politics- left in the hope that their
ideas will appear less radical
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Too bad they run your party now...

So the Republican party isn't your party? What a shocker, oh and by the way neither is it's jakes party. Just thought I'd let you in on that not so little secret.

The GOP is now a solely owned subsideary of the Cult of Jesus H. CHrist and the Latter Day Snakes.

When we get our party back from them, we'll let you know. Probably after the ass-whuppin' they'll take in November.

You are showing your true colors day by day. Now you seek to demonize the Latter Day Saints.

"Cult of Jesus"? What the heck is that garbage you are spewing?

Good christian men and women. Mormons are good people. I do not adhere to their religion. There is a difference between faith and religion. But we all struggle to keep to Christ. I'm somewhere in the weird zone of a Christian with a Ted Nugent twist.

But you are visceral in you attacks these days with no evidence of horrid crimes committed by your version of so called cult.

What's up with you?

Oh and btw Harry Reid is?
I hear you

With Papa Obama and his first christian roots in a Marxist based , Black Liberation Theology church,
religion is not a winning issue for the Left.

Combine that with his Constitutional assault on religion via Papa ObamaCare,
the majority of the Left and the MSM will stay away from it.

Only on these posting boards, does one see the radical left pursue this line of attack.
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How many tea party gun attacks have there been?

Same old BS the left wing nuts spew, it is amusing how you guys will believe shit with no proof. I guess that's why you follow Obama.

Don't you love the phantom argument? Because that's what it is.

People on the left kill people and the argument, the debate is from a democrat, "well you guys might do it too". No evidence. Just a phantom argument that maybe, just maybe one day a tea party person might might do something.

What madness is this?

The Left has always depended on lies and half truths
The same reason so many are afraid to call themselves or their ideas, socialist.
They know that their ideas are not popular with the US voter
and history shows their failures all too well

As such, they are left with half truths and poor attempts to
push the center of US politics- left in the hope that their
ideas will appear less radical


Progressive. I'm not a Marxist, I'm not a Maoist.....hells bells....I'm Progressive.

You are showing your true colors day by day. Now you seek to demonize the Latter Day Saints.

"Cult of Jesus"? What the heck is that garbage you are spewing?

Good christian men and women. Mormons are good people. I do not adhere to their religion. There is a difference between faith and religion. But we all struggle to keep to Christ. I'm somewhere in the weird zone of a Christian with a Ted Nugent twist.

But you are visceral in you attacks these days with no evidence of horrid crimes committed by your version of so called cult.

What's up with you?

Oh and btw Harry Reid is?

Where have you been? I've been ripping on Mormons for a year now!

And, no, Romney's membership in the Mormon Cult is all the reason I need to vote against him, not that there aren't plenty of others.
I hear you

With Papa Obama and his first christian roots in a Marxist based , Black Liberation Theology church,
religion is not a winning issue for the Left.

Combine that with his Constitutional assault on religion via Papa ObamaCare,
the majority of the Left and the MSM will stay away from it.

Only on these posting boards, does one see the radical left pursue this line of attack.

Yawn, you guys tried the Reverand Wright Bullshit 4 years ago, it didn't work for you then, it won't work for you now.

I don't think Obama will bring up MOrmonism, but it's the elephant in the middle of the room, and the Mainstream Media will.

Oh, Obama never had to once say, "Boy, Sarah Palin is dumber than a bag of hammers".

Never needed to be said. But it was obvious.
Romney as Mormon and Wright's black liberation theology are bogus silly arguments of extremists.

America has rejected the extremism of each end: no lefties, to tea partiers for president. The TPM will quickly fade into oblivion. The libertarians are just for laughs anyway.
Romney as Mormon and Wright's black liberation theology are bogus silly arguments of extremists.

America has rejected the extremism of each end: no lefties, to tea partiers for president. The TPM will quickly fade into oblivion. The libertarians are just for laughs anyway.

Actually, here's what's going to happen.

Your boy Romney is going to lose in November.

People will downplay the role Mormonism played in that loss.

A bunch of Teabagger types will scream about how Romney wasn't conservative enough, and the Right Wing Echo Chamber will resonate with them.

In 2014, a bunch of TeaParty candidates will knock off a few Republican Establishment types, and the GOP will make decent gains in the House and Senate.

Then the real battle for the GOP will begin, between the Estabishment and the TEA Party.

Normally, I'd have sided with the establishment, but they lost me when they backed Romney.
Actually, you have not a clue, because your hatred for your former faith, Mormonism, colors your perception in dark and disturbing shades. JoeB, hatred rots the soul.

Romney as Mormon and Wright's black liberation theology are bogus silly arguments of extremists.

America has rejected the extremism of each end: no lefties, to tea partiers for president. The TPM will quickly fade into oblivion. The libertarians are just for laughs anyway.

Actually, here's what's going to happen.

Your boy Romney is going to lose in November.

People will downplay the role Mormonism played in that loss.

A bunch of Teabagger types will scream about how Romney wasn't conservative enough, and the Right Wing Echo Chamber will resonate with them.

In 2014, a bunch of TeaParty candidates will knock off a few Republican Establishment types, and the GOP will make decent gains in the House and Senate.

Then the real battle for the GOP will begin, between the Estabishment and the TEA Party.

Normally, I'd have sided with the establishment, but they lost me when they backed Romney.
Guy, sorry, man, I never really had any faith.

I knew it was bullshit in Catholic School at 11 when the nasty old nun said the babies drowned in the great flood were "wicked".

To the point, though, Mormonism will be a factor in Romney's humliating loss, but one that will get downplayed.

If the GOP is going to have a future, it needs to peal a large chunk off the Democratic Coalition.

In 1968, it was Southerners. In 1984, it was working class whites.

I just don't see the block Romney peals off. If anything, he drives people away. Hispanics and women,m ostly.

Actually, you have not a clue, because your hatred for your former faith, Mormonism, colors your perception in dark and disturbing shades. JoeB, hatred rots the soul.

Romney as Mormon and Wright's black liberation theology are bogus silly arguments of extremists.

America has rejected the extremism of each end: no lefties, to tea partiers for president. The TPM will quickly fade into oblivion. The libertarians are just for laughs anyway.

Actually, here's what's going to happen.

Your boy Romney is going to lose in November.

People will downplay the role Mormonism played in that loss.

A bunch of Teabagger types will scream about how Romney wasn't conservative enough, and the Right Wing Echo Chamber will resonate with them.

In 2014, a bunch of TeaParty candidates will knock off a few Republican Establishment types, and the GOP will make decent gains in the House and Senate.

Then the real battle for the GOP will begin, between the Estabishment and the TEA Party.

Normally, I'd have sided with the establishment, but they lost me when they backed Romney.
Yes, yes, yes, JoeB, we all are aware you don't see much.

About religion (now) and Mormonism (now), but not back then, not really.

You believe that the meaning of life is somewhere else, and you must take a car there.

Shallow and sad.

Guy, sorry, man, I never really had any faith.

I knew it was bullshit in Catholic School at 11 when the nasty old nun said the babies drowned in the great flood were "wicked".

To the point, though, Mormonism will be a factor in Romney's humliating loss, but one that will get downplayed.

If the GOP is going to have a future, it needs to peal a large chunk off the Democratic Coalition.

In 1968, it was Southerners. In 1984, it was working class whites.

I just don't see the block Romney peals off. If anything, he drives people away. Hispanics and women,m ostly.

Actually, you have not a clue, because your hatred for your former faith, Mormonism, colors your perception in dark and disturbing shades. JoeB, hatred rots the soul.

Actually, here's what's going to happen.

Your boy Romney is going to lose in November.

People will downplay the role Mormonism played in that loss.

A bunch of Teabagger types will scream about how Romney wasn't conservative enough, and the Right Wing Echo Chamber will resonate with them.

In 2014, a bunch of TeaParty candidates will knock off a few Republican Establishment types, and the GOP will make decent gains in the House and Senate.

Then the real battle for the GOP will begin, between the Estabishment and the TEA Party.

Normally, I'd have sided with the establishment, but they lost me when they backed Romney.
It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.
good insight

It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.
Yes, yes, yes, JoeB, we all are aware you don't see much.

About religion (now) and Mormonism (now), but not back then, not really.

You believe that the meaning of life is somewhere else, and you must take a car there.

Shallow and sad.


quite the contary, the meaning of life it to enjoy every minute of it, becuase it is limited.

And not to deny yourself enjoyment because some asshole with a bible says so.

If you want to know why I really despise religion so much, it's because growing up Catholic, I didn't see holy people. I saw frustrated homosexuals with superstition and unable to come up with very good answers to sensible questions.

But as bad as Catholicism is, Mormonism is worse because the fraud is on Steroids.
It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.

What happened was they made a mistake just like Fox made a mistake when it identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he got caught hitting on the pages.
It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.

What happened was they made a mistake just like Fox made a mistake when it identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he got caught hitting on the pages.
Still pushing the same falsehood
That is so left of you...
Well at least you didn't say Fox News, this time
to make it sound bigger than it was....

1) You must mean Mark Foley
2) It was onscreen texts in a segment that labeled Foley a Democrat on
the O'Reilly Factor, not the main news

Besides, in the segment, where this "great conspiracy" occurred
“In the ‘Personal Story’ segment tonight [of the O'Reilly show] the conservative Washington Times today called for the resignation of
House Speaker Dennis Hastert over the Foley scandal,” reported O’Reilly. “The issue, it seems, is dividing conservatives.”

3) "Bending over" as you said in an earlier post , there was never accusations by the House that Mark Foley actually had sexual relations

4) Granted the Democrats were able to make political hay out of the sex scandal involving Rep. Mark Foley.

Of course their "outrage" is very selective. For example the Democrats were not as outraged when a Democrat, Gerry Studds,
had a sexual liaison with a House of Representative's 17-year-old male page. In fact, Gerry Studds, actually accused the
House of Representatives of invading his privacy. Studds was not just communicating with the boy, but involved in a sexual affair.

Really, if one attempts to spin they need to make sure their
information is factual enough to be plausible. Granted, truth to the Left is never
very important and tends to be against them; but, the lie still needs to be plausible.

No doubt "you people", as you say, need to rework this line of defense of the MSM.
This one should go back into the hopper...

Strange how an "ex Republican" knows the spin form Media Matters
so well

Funny how that works
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Joe, you are not all that insightful now, so please don't suggest that you were all that aware as a youth and young man. Unless you were homosexual. That would ring perhaps, but you have never let on here that you have that orientation.

Yes, you are shallow, and that is sad. You are bigoted against religion, and that reveals that "driving your car elsewhere" will lead you only nowhere.

Yes, yes, yes, JoeB, we all are aware you don't see much.

About religion (now) and Mormonism (now), but not back then, not really.

You believe that the meaning of life is somewhere else, and you must take a car there.

Shallow and sad.


quite the contary, the meaning of life it to enjoy every minute of it, becuase it is limited.

And not to deny yourself enjoyment because some asshole with a bible says so.

If you want to know why I really despise religion so much, it's because growing up Catholic, I didn't see holy people. I saw frustrated homosexuals with superstition and unable to come up with very good answers to sensible questions.

But as bad as Catholicism is, Mormonism is worse because the fraud is on Steroids.
It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.

Tell "just what happened with ABC here" that doesn't happen with FOXNEWS on a regular basis.

Remember when they went with the story of Obama spending $200 million per day in India, based on some wingnut blog?

Did they ever apologize for it? No.

Did they ever even acknowledge that they were totally out of bounds by giving that story any credence? No.

So spare us your fake outrage.
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It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.

What happened was they made a mistake just like Fox made a mistake when it identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he got caught hitting on the pages.

Mark Foley.


And I don't believe it was a "mistake". They have never made one of these "mistakes" where it showed the Democrat in the favorable light.
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