A Welfare State : Government ***Buy*** The People

Yes, Timmy.......you too can be a millionaire!
Just buckle down, do your homework and count your pennies

Word out today is that young people have lost earning power in the last ten years. Its not that they "own ipods" but that the standard of living for the working class has declined

Being that Imperial Power now lies with the Union's, why not complain to them? Why support special Privilege? We're stuck with the bills?

How about We pass a Law that Excludes Unions from All State and Federal Jobs, like they do already at the Capital Building. That last bit about open ballots was pretty freaky. Sounds like they are getting ready to pound some heads. The Power they wield is dangerous to The Republic. Thanks for helping bring that point out.

The power that the wealthy wield today is the danger to our nation. The disparity in income and wealth has never been greater. It even exceeds that of 1929. Time for the Unions to get aggressive and get the people that do the work of this nation their fair share of the wealth that they produce.

In this current recession-near Depression, many people are learning just how badly the working people of this nation have been treated. Not only have the wealthy shipped jobs overseas, with just the profits to their pockets coming back, but they have actively recruited illegal immigrants for the express purpose of depressing wages. Then they play the xenophobia card.

Time for us in the working class to take back our nation, and that begins with Health Care. The we need to address the fact that the very wealthy pay a far lower per centage of their income in taxes than does the working man or woman.

HORSE SHIT--you've got an excuse for all of your bad decisions. Hell, I have made some major mistakes in my life--(financial too) but I don't expect YOU to pay for them.

I am so sick & tired of the whinner's in this society. --Shee-it who hasn't had a bad time every now & then.

As Americans--it is our hertitage that we grab OURSELVES UP by the bootstraps & do it ourselves.

If you expect someone else to do that for you--then screw you.
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Being that Imperial Power now lies with the Union's, why not complain to them? Why support special Privilege? We're stuck with the bills?

How about We pass a Law that Excludes Unions from All State and Federal Jobs, like they do already at the Capital Building. That last bit about open ballots was pretty freaky. Sounds like they are getting ready to pound some heads. The Power they wield is dangerous to The Republic. Thanks for helping bring that point out.

The power that the wealthy wield today is the danger to our nation. The disparity in income and wealth has never been greater. It even exceeds that of 1929. Time for the Unions to get aggressive and get the people that do the work of this nation their fair share of the wealth that they produce.

In this current recession-near Depression, many people are learning just how badly the working people of this nation have been treated. Not only have the wealthy shipped jobs overseas, with just the profits to their pockets coming back, but they have actively recruited illegal immigrants for the express purpose of depressing wages. Then they play the xenophobia card.

Time for us in the working class to take back our nation, and that begins with Health Care. The we need to address the fact that the very wealthy pay a far lower per centage of their income in taxes than does the working man or woman.

HORSE SHIT--you've got an excuse for all of your bad decisions. Hell, I have made some major mistakes in my life--(financial too) but I don't expect YOU to pay for them.

I am so sick & tired of the whinner's in this society. --Shee-it who hasn't had a bad time every now & then.

As Americans--it is our hertitage that we grab OURSELVES UP by the bootstraps & do it ourselves.

If you expect someone else to do that for you--then screw you.

Ya know Oreo, his post sounds a hell of a lot a speech Lenin might have given.
The power that the wealthy wield today is the danger to our nation. The disparity in income and wealth has never been greater. It even exceeds that of 1929. Time for the Unions to get aggressive and get the people that do the work of this nation their fair share of the wealth that they produce.

In this current recession-near Depression, many people are learning just how badly the working people of this nation have been treated. Not only have the wealthy shipped jobs overseas, with just the profits to their pockets coming back, but they have actively recruited illegal immigrants for the express purpose of depressing wages. Then they play the xenophobia card.

Time for us in the working class to take back our nation, and that begins with Health Care. The we need to address the fact that the very wealthy pay a far lower per centage of their income in taxes than does the working man or woman.

HORSE SHIT--you've got an excuse for all of your bad decisions. Hell, I have made some major mistakes in my life--(financial too) but I don't expect YOU to pay for them.

I am so sick & tired of the whinner's in this society. --Shee-it who hasn't had a bad time every now & then.

As Americans--it is our hertitage that we grab OURSELVES UP by the bootstraps & do it ourselves.

If you expect someone else to do that for you--then screw you.

Ya know Oreo, his post sounds a hell of a lot a speech Lenin might have given.

DITTO--what really pisses me off about liberals in this country--is that are all for this massive goverment spending is that they FORGET about what's coming. Hell, I am 57 years old & maybe have--if I'm lucky another 20 years left--but what really bothers the shit out of me--is the "I want for "me" attitude of today's youth.--never giving a shit about what happens to their children. Bunch of freakin overly educated MORONS.

Our fortefathers protected us & this country--(financially & through wars) They gave lives in order to do so--& their generations are now leveling everything they did--& it makes me want to vomit. I just want to smack the shit out of all of them.

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The power that the wealthy wield today is the danger to our nation. The disparity in income and wealth has never been greater. It even exceeds that of 1929. Time for the Unions to get aggressive and get the people that do the work of this nation their fair share of the wealth that they produce.

In this current recession-near Depression, many people are learning just how badly the working people of this nation have been treated. Not only have the wealthy shipped jobs overseas, with just the profits to their pockets coming back, but they have actively recruited illegal immigrants for the express purpose of depressing wages. Then they play the xenophobia card.

Time for us in the working class to take back our nation, and that begins with Health Care. The we need to address the fact that the very wealthy pay a far lower per centage of their income in taxes than does the working man or woman.

HORSE SHIT--you've got an excuse for all of your bad decisions. Hell, I have made some major mistakes in my life--(financial too) but I don't expect YOU to pay for them.

I am so sick & tired of the whinner's in this society. --Shee-it who hasn't had a bad time every now & then.

As Americans--it is our hertitage that we grab OURSELVES UP by the bootstraps & do it ourselves.

If you expect someone else to do that for you--then screw you.

Ya know Oreo, his post sounds a hell of a lot a speech Lenin might have given.
Yeah, more Union Power, just what we need in this country, eh? :lol: :rolleyes:
HORSE SHIT--you've got an excuse for all of your bad decisions. Hell, I have made some major mistakes in my life--(financial too) but I don't expect YOU to pay for them.

I am so sick & tired of the whinner's in this society. --Shee-it who hasn't had a bad time every now & then.

As Americans--it is our hertitage that we grab OURSELVES UP by the bootstraps & do it ourselves.

If you expect someone else to do that for you--then screw you.

Ya know Oreo, his post sounds a hell of a lot a speech Lenin might have given.
Yeah, more Union Power, just what we need in this country, eh? :lol: :rolleyes:

I made an observation not an accusation. Of course I have little control of others interpretation.
HORSE SHIT--you've got an excuse for all of your bad decisions. Hell, I have made some major mistakes in my life--(financial too) but I don't expect YOU to pay for them.

I am so sick & tired of the whinner's in this society. --Shee-it who hasn't had a bad time every now & then.

As Americans--it is our hertitage that we grab OURSELVES UP by the bootstraps & do it ourselves.

If you expect someone else to do that for you--then screw you.

Ya know Oreo, his post sounds a hell of a lot a speech Lenin might have given.
Yeah, more Union Power, just what we need in this country, eh? :lol: :rolleyes:

Bunch of freakin asse's BANKRUPTED the corporation that made their pay-checks!!!

Now our dumb--ass Federal Government took them over.

What a freakin disaster.
The Nature of the Welfare State

by Sheldon Richman,

Welfare-state programs have three central characteristics: plunder, deception, and obfuscation. Because those programs always effect a forcible transfer of wealth from one group of individuals to another, they involve what the great 19th-century economist Frederic Bastiat called "legalized plunder." The law sanctions stealing in these cases and is thereby changed from its original purpose, which was to protect people's rights and property. Bastiat's classic book The Law explains this point with the utmost clarity.


The Law was one of the first books on economics I ever read.

The premises of the philosophies put forward by guys like Bastiat are no less idealized than those of Marx, or any other philosopher for that matter. The state is supposed to be nothing more than a creator, adjudicator and enforcer of the law, and nothing more. The problem, of course, is that those who have all the money will use their wealth to influence the law and the state to their own benefit, often at the detriment of others. In Bastiat's world, that's not supposed to happen. But - like Marxism - this is fantasy. The accumulation of wealth is an accumulation of power, and that power is used to shape the law to the benefits of those who have power.

The idea that there should be zero redistribution of wealth also presumes there is no randomness and chance in life, or that randomness and chance doesn't matter and that those who benefit from randomness and chance should benefit while those who are victims of randomness and chance should suffer and be punished. Members of The Lucky Sperm Club get the spoils. Those who aren't a member, too bad.
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Ya know Oreo, his post sounds a hell of a lot a speech Lenin might have given.
Yeah, more Union Power, just what we need in this country, eh? :lol: :rolleyes:

Bunch of freakin asse's BANKRUPTED the corporation that made their pay-checks!!!

Now our dumb--ass Federal Government took them over.

What a freakin disaster.

Yep, we are in disasterville. All the market leader indicators are up, and the major market lagger, the unemployed, is slowing down dramatically. With a new health care bill and a recovering economy, 2010 may be third time on record that the sitting Party will increase its numbers in the House and the Senate after electing a president the previous election.

I wish the Pubs and the Libertartoids would pick up their slack. They earn less than Dems.
The Nature of the Welfare State

by Sheldon Richman,

Welfare-state programs have three central characteristics: plunder, deception, and obfuscation. Because those programs always effect a forcible transfer of wealth from one group of individuals to another, they involve what the great 19th-century economist Frederic Bastiat called "legalized plunder." The law sanctions stealing in these cases and is thereby changed from its original purpose, which was to protect people's rights and property. Bastiat's classic book The Law explains this point with the utmost clarity.


By God, you are right. We transferred hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to Haliburton and the like, and got back over 4000 of our sons and daughters in body bags for our money. Then Haliburton moved the company to Dubai. Where the hell were you then?

Pay attention.

I am also against militarism as were the Founding Fathers.
They were opposed to standing armies.

But as stated welfare-state programs have three central characteristics: plunder, deception, and obfuscation. The administrations have been able to persuade the masses that we need to intervene in foreign countries. The benefactors of course have been war profiteers.

Hope you have noticed that "antiwar" president Obama is continuing the same policies as Bush.

"If we analyze the programs of the welfare state, we will find to a greater or lesser extent the elements we've been discussing: plunder, deception, and obfuscation. This is easily seen with the crown jewel of the welfare state, Social Security. The working generation is plundered for the benefit of the retirees. The government deceives the workers by implying that the money is being saved for them and that it will be there when they retire. In fact, the government just plans to tax the next group of workers. The whole process is obfuscated with talk about trust funds and employer contributions. This last is especially egregious. Workers are led to believe that employers are kicking in half of the "contribution," which is actually a tax. That makes the system appear to be a good deal. In fact, the employer cannot really contribute. Anything he appears to pay is really part of the workers' compensation. Without Social Security, that cash would have been paid to them. The market sets pay levels. If the government commands employers to pay into Social Security in behalf of their workers, regular cash compensation will be reduced. There is no way around that fact. But the appearance of an employer contribution is a clever act of deception and obfuscation."

The answer to this problem is to make social security a real pension fund. All states have a pension fund for their government workers. Other countries have real pension funds for their equivalents of social security that invests in stocks, bonds, real estate, private equity, commodities, etc. That is what social security should be.
Being that Imperial Power now lies with the Union's, why not complain to them? Why support special Privilege? We're stuck with the bills?

How about We pass a Law that Excludes Unions from All State and Federal Jobs, like they do already at the Capital Building. That last bit about open ballots was pretty freaky. Sounds like they are getting ready to pound some heads. The Power they wield is dangerous to The Republic. Thanks for helping bring that point out.

I am neither for nor against unions philosophically.

However, if capital can organize within a legal structure, why can't labor? Capital can amass enormous power by organizing within a limited liability legal structure.

If we are going to apply your rules to labor, why not to capital as well?

Check to see how much money corporations have pumped into Washington compared to labor. Companies have much greater influence on politics and our lives than unions.
Get a bigger slice, buy some stock in one of our thousands of publicly owned companies. Forego that I-pod or that new car and invest in your future.

Yes, Timmy.......you too can be a millionaire!
Just buckle down, do your homework and count your pennies

Word out today is that young people have lost earning power in the last ten years. Its not that they "own ipods" but that the standard of living for the working class has declined

Show me a young person today that hasn't overextended himself and I show you a conservative who's doing just fine. He's not depending on daddy to help him.

It's a matter of personal responsibility.

Yes, I will show you young people that have overextended themselves. Right wing talk radio will tell you they are overextended on "I-pods and shiny new cars" that it is their lavish lifestyle that overextends them
Most young people I know are overextended. They go to college to try to get a bigger piece of that pie and come out owing $100,000. When they get their first job, they find out they will not be hired as permanent employees and will not qualify for health insurance. If they get married and try to buy a home, they are looking at $300,000 mortgage payments.
Yes, young people are overextended.....the deadbeats!
hmmmm, if you take out social security and medicare, of which every working person pays for...with the exception of the wealthiest who live off of investments only and do not get paid a salary...

HOW MUCH does the federal government even spend on this so called "Welfare State" a year?

What is included in this "Welfare State" so that we can get a real number and handle on it?

Yeah, more Union Power, just what we need in this country, eh? :lol: :rolleyes:

Bunch of freakin asse's BANKRUPTED the corporation that made their pay-checks!!!

Now our dumb--ass Federal Government took them over.

What a freakin disaster.

Yep, we are in disasterville. All the market leader indicators are up, and the major market lagger, the unemployed, is slowing down dramatically. With a new health care bill and a recovering economy, 2010 may be third time on record that the sitting Party will increase its numbers in the House and the Senate after electing a president the previous election.

I wish the Pubs and the Libertartoids would pick up their slack. They earn less than Dems.

I guess that means you are going to have to pay more taxes, spread some of that wealth. Greedy Dems. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Unemployment looks Great You are so Right on that and Foreclosures. Just keep those borders open Comrade, the Transformation is almost complete. Don't wory about the purge, the Party recognizes your loyalty. :dig::dig::dig:
I work in a tourist area where many people only work three months a year. I teach high school and still believe that education is the best way to improve one's circumstances. But when I speak to my students about continuing their education, traveling, and trying to improve their lives they look at me with a puzzled expression. They think their lives are pretty damn good.They see nothing wrong with collecting unemployment all winter and sitting around the house smoking dope and making babies. Living off the govt aint too shabby. Its a "career choice"

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