A triple headline piece in the New York Times.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Two of the headlines are migrant children work on America's roofs and Biden impeachment the GOP searches for an offense.

Searches for an offense? How about migrant children working on America's roofs? That sounds like enough to get rid of a president to me.

It is true, that the GOP has not "connected the dots" BY proving diaper Joe guilty of a crime. But it's only an impeachment inquiry, not an impeachment. There is more than enough to inquire about, especially Biden's DOJ/FBI/DNC has chosen to be completely uncurious.

Funny thing, though. It seems the media has finally decided to practice journalism again. Something that seemingly died during the Obama Administration. How proud Biden must be to have revived the once great institution of the American Press, now slowly resurrecting itself from the Obama era state run media.

Two of the headlines are migrant children work on America's roofs and Biden impeachment the GOP searches for an offense.

Searches for an offense? How about migrant children working on America's roofs? That sounds like enough to get rid of a president to me.

It is true, that the GOP has not "connected the dots" BY proving diaper Joe guilty of a crime. But it's only an impeachment inquiry, not an impeachment. There is more than enough to inquire about, especially Biden's DOJ/FBI/DNC has chosen to be completely uncurious.

Funny thing, though. It seems the media has finally decided to practice journalism again. Something that seemingly died during the Obama Administration. How proud Biden must be to have revived the once great institution of the American Press, now slowly resurrecting itself from the Obama era state run media.
You mean Joe's running a roofing company on the side and hiring kids to crawl up and down the ladders? Well, heck, you don't expect an 80 year old president to crawl up ladders toting felt and shingles, do ya?
Something has to be done with the millions of children that flooded into the country. No one cares if they are killed. Plenty more where they came from.
Searches for an offense? How about migrant children working on America's roofs? That sounds like enough to get rid of a president to me.
You mean Joe's running a roofing company on the side and hiring kids to crawl up and down the ladders? Well, heck, you don't expect an 80 year old president to crawl up ladders toting felt and shingles, do ya?
You're right. What does the president have to do with border policy or labor law enforcement, or welfare of children in America, for Pete's sake?

My bad . . .
You're right. What does the president have to do with border policy or labor law enforcement, or welfare of children in America, for Pete's sake?

My bad . . .

So, it is your position that any law not being followed in the US is a good enough reason to get rid of the POTUS?
You are missing the forest for the trees. This is not about Biden or the Republican Congress which has done nothing. This is about American workers having to compete with literal child labor.
I guess if the POTUS hired them you might have a point
Your point being that the POTUS has nothing to do with border policy, labor law enforcement, and the welfare and safety of children in America?

I guess thinking like that is how we got to where we are, huh?

Thanks a lot . . .
So, it is your position that any law not being followed in the US is a good enough reason to get rid of the POTUS?

What an absurd idea that has nothing to do with anything I said. Hm, weird . .

The president is doing nothing about the humanitarian disaster caused by his we facto open border policy. That is more than good reason to get rid of the POTUS and to be Ready to get rid of the VPOTUS if she becomes POTUS and continues to pretend nothing is wrong.
Your point being that the POTUS has nothing to do with border policy, labor law enforcement, and the welfare and safety of children in America?

Border policy sure, the other two not so much. The POTUS is one man, not a god.
Timing is everything. And there is a lot more evidence to uncover. They are just getting started. This will play out right before the election. 2 can play your game...

At least you are honest about this being nothing but an election year ploy.

Not often we find an honest partisan sheep. Well done
Border policy sure, the other two not so much. The POTUS is one man, not a god.
It's amazing the lengths to which you will go to defend Biden.

Biden is responsible for the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services. Those agencies are responsible for preventing labor abuses, and abuses of children.

Biden has overwhelmed those agencies by mis-using the asylum process to make illegal immigration quasi-legal. Children are sent to unvetted sponsors, and are lost track of. It's a situation guaranteed to give those willing to profit from child abuse increased opportunities to do so.

I dont' ask POTUS to be a god, and I don't ask POTUS to be perfect. We had a president who was not a god and definitely not perfect. But, he put America first and tried to make America great again. Biden is doing the opposite.

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