A Thumbs Down


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Can we please get a thumbs down icon to use, like the thumbs up one? I don't even know if this is available???

I personally would like to see a thumbs down icon, so that I don't feel so torn over giving a neg rep to people that have literally no rep points or very few rep points.... I don't want to wipe them off of the face of usmb rep, with my negative rep....but I would still like to make note, that I disagree.
I dont neg rep anyone.

i did it once by accident and had the mods fix it.

the debate is all I need to show my dissaproval of someones posts
That's true about you TM! But many people do use and like the rep system around here, and if they are going to have a thumbs up thingy, then I think they should also have a thumbs down one too.
Can we please get a thumbs down icon to use, like the thumbs up one? I don't even know if this is available???

I personally would like to see a thumbs down icon, so that I don't feel so torn over giving a neg rep to people that have literally no rep points or very few rep points.... I don't want to wipe them off of the face of usmb rep, with my negative rep....but I would still like to make note, that I disagree.

There is a "thumbs down" icon you can choose for the top of the post only. (see above)

Other than that, you can load the image of one from another site.














here, this one looks more sweet and caring like you!

That's true about you TM! But many people do use and like the rep system around here, and if they are going to have a thumbs up thingy, then I think they should also have a thumbs down one too.


I jsut cant resist trying to get more people spending their efforts on content instead of points
Can we please get a thumbs down icon to use, like the thumbs up one? I don't even know if this is available???

I personally would like to see a thumbs down icon, so that I don't feel so torn over giving a neg rep to people that have literally no rep points or very few rep points.... I don't want to wipe them off of the face of usmb rep, with my negative rep....but I would still like to make note, that I disagree.

I know how you feel... i send pos rep and say

I found it. Can you add it, please.

Actually, at the bottom of this post window, there is a post icon for thumbs down that you could just as easily use since it's already in your images.


  • $thdown.jpg
    654 bytes · Views: 192
That's true about you TM! But many people do use and like the rep system around here, and if they are going to have a thumbs up thingy, then I think they should also have a thumbs down one too.


I jsut cant resist trying to get more people spending their efforts on content instead of points


God help you if you were being judged for your content.... you would have the most red splats on the board.... but of course you have your rep turned off.
sorry guys, i mispoke....what i would like to see is something to counter the THANKS thingy...can we have something like that only for not thanking?

i don't know what to call it....

maybe just DISAGREE
sorry guys, i mispoke....what i would like to see is something to counter the THANKS thingy...can we have something like that only for not thanking?

i don't know what to call it....

maybe just DISAGREE

That's a good idea...I know just what you mean.

You see them crying over their rep and you feel bad because you CARE. Aww
Can we please get a thumbs down icon to use, like the thumbs up one? I don't even know if this is available???

I personally would like to see a thumbs down icon, so that I don't feel so torn over giving a neg rep to people that have literally no rep points or very few rep points.... I don't want to wipe them off of the face of usmb rep, with my negative rep....but I would still like to make note, that I disagree.
There already is a thumbs down icon when you click on "New Thread." It looks like this:
and the url is http : // www . usmessageboard . com / images / icons / icon 13 . gif -- minus a few spaces, that is. You can simply use the above thumbs down image by left clicking the image, copy, then transferring the url as a paste in image format (
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sorry guys, i mispoke....what i would like to see is something to counter the THANKS thingy...can we have something like that only for not thanking?

i don't know what to call it....

maybe just DISAGREE

I'm sure if they can make a THANKS button they can also make a NO THANKS button and/or call it DISAGREE.
sorry guys, i mispoke....what i would like to see is something to counter the THANKS thingy...can we have something like that only for not thanking?

i don't know what to call it....

maybe just DISAGREE

I'm sure if they can make a THANKS button they can also make a NO THANKS button and/or call it DISAGREE.

We already have a disagree so to speak. " :eusa_hand: " It's confers the "no thanks" thought.
Can we please get a thumbs down icon to use, like the thumbs up one? I don't even know if this is available???

I personally would like to see a thumbs down icon, so that I don't feel so torn over giving a neg rep to people that have literally no rep points or very few rep points.... I don't want to wipe them off of the face of usmb rep, with my negative rep....but I would still like to make note, that I disagree.

A "NO Thanks" button is my hope. Too many threads and posts are so partisan and so stupid they deserve such feedback.

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