A Tale Of Two Hot Links(?) Polls Suggest That Dems and GOP Won't Vote At All(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
CNN, 10/29, finds that polled people seem to be sour on the current economy, but happy with the economy yet to happen(?). Next Year They like.

Poll Americans grim on economy ahead of midterms - CNN.com

So at the bottom of the link, 36% of GOP are enthusiastic about voting, so far, except that only 26% of Democrats are enthusiastic. Probably no one knows about Alaska, however, where a pollster may have found some Democrats a week or so ago. Mainly, Alaska Democrats are able to find Democrats, according to polls(?).

So this year there are Independent candidates doing well. In a Gallup article, at the beginning of the year--after the Republicans shut down the federal government--42% of the polled were Independent identifiers. Some of the shut-down may be rubbing off, even during this week.

Record-High 42 of Americans Identify as Independents

At the beginning of the year, Gallup found that 24% of the polled were GOP, with 31% Democrat identifiers. So if 36% of GOP are enthusiastic about the vote, this year, that would be about 8% of the electorate(?), who get polled. If 26% of the Democrats are enthusiastic about voting this year, that would be about 8% of the electorate(?), who get polled. That is 16% of the electorate who get polled, There is no polling advantage to either party(?).

Opinion Polls can be wonderful, after all!

Maybe the Independents will show up and vote. The major political parties appear to not have too many voters showing up. . . .if any can be found to ask, like in Alaska(?). . . .where at least some were found, only a week or so ago.

Usually, in fact, no one turns out for the midterms anyway, except old farts voting against school money.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mark Twain also complained about Cold Winters, the one July he spent in San Francisco!)
CNN, 10/29, finds that polled people seem to be sour on the current economy, but happy with the economy yet to happen(?). Next Year They like.

Poll Americans grim on economy ahead of midterms - CNN.com

So at the bottom of the link, 36% of GOP are enthusiastic about voting, so far, except that only 26% of Democrats are enthusiastic. Probably no one knows about Alaska, however, where a pollster may have found some Democrats a week or so ago. Mainly, Alaska Democrats are able to find Democrats, according to polls(?).

So this year there are Independent candidates doing well. In a Gallup article, at the beginning of the year--after the Republicans shut down the federal government--42% of the polled were Independent identifiers. Some of the shut-down may be rubbing off, even during this week.

Record-High 42 of Americans Identify as Independents

At the beginning of the year, Gallup found that 24% of the polled were GOP, with 31% Democrat identifiers. So if 36% of GOP are enthusiastic about the vote, this year, that would be about 8% of the electorate(?), who get polled. If 26% of the Democrats are enthusiastic about voting this year, that would be about 8% of the electorate(?), who get polled. That is 16% of the electorate who get polled, There is no polling advantage to either party(?).

Opinion Polls can be wonderful, after all!

Maybe the Independents will show up and vote. The major political parties appear to not have too many voters showing up. . . .if any can be found to ask, like in Alaska(?). . . .where at least some were found, only a week or so ago.

Usually, in fact, no one turns out for the midterms anyway, except old farts voting against school money.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mark Twain also complained about Cold Winters, the one July he spent in San Francisco!)

Do you suppose the optimism for the economy next year is the perception that the Republicans may take control of the Senate?

You may be correct about old farts on fixed incomes voting against a raise on their property taxes to pay for schools. Many people do vote for what is in their best interest. I am sure that you don't, right?
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More likely the perception about economic conditions next year is the greater likelihood that advertising will tend to be about products, services, clothes, movies, food, cars and usual business commerce.

This season is likely a ratings disaster, in the factories and boards rooms, already. There is nothing being shown to buy!

One thing about school bonds: At least people know how to heat up an election, even if there is no gas money(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Kentucky voters at least get advice on the road to wealth and great riches! Become a U. S. Senator, and Minority Leader! Usually, in California, you have to join the state civil service, or become a teacher. UC Professors, also, know a thing or two about obscenity!)
I think even the day to day democrats are starting to realize that populist movements never work out.
U.S Consumer Confidence has skyrocketed in recent weeks. Anyone has to wonder, for example, about the low Obama approval ratings. A lot of Hispanics, for example, likely want to ship him back Waikiki, which even those with a Conservative Education, know is near to West Africa(?). Mostly, the Hispanic vote is largely Democratic., everywhere else(?). Mostly, The Republicans Tea Party is convinced that it is near to West Africa(?). A lot of people who do not approve of ObamaCare, probably wanted a single-payer plan, instead.

Pollsters working for Republicans would not be expected to be seeking too much intellectual depth, on much of anything!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Germans in Germany, seem now to approve bestiality(?). Caligula, the Roman Emperor, was likely into it, too! He had his own version of the ideal Senator!. . .possible with Populist end, in mind(?)!

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