A suggestion

Lets send all the freeloaders to Hawaii instead. Just think how much money the "rich" and the taxpayers would save without all those freeloaders sucking them dry.

The freeloaders don't pay taxes so who would miss em?? No welfare or medicaid on the mainland. Look at all that money saved.

You wouldn't have to worry about trickledown because there would be nothing to trickle anywhere.
Hawaii can be the land of freeloaders. Surf, sand and freeloaders.

I think that's a splendid idea though the Hawaiians might object for awhile. They've been saying for years now that if there was just a level playing field and all those eeeeee-vul rich people would be much less rich, that all would be well. Well lets give every "poor" person $50,000, a liberal supply of rice and beans to get them started, and let them have one of the most beautiful states to live and exist with that level playing field they all say they want. We'll find out how they do.

We won't even miss the $50 k once we no longer have to pay all those entitlements, programs, freebies, etc. in return for almost no taxes paid into the system.
Or, if we're all going to remain here;


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Lets send all the freeloaders to Hawaii instead. Just think how much money the "rich" and the taxpayers would save without all those freeloaders sucking them dry.

The freeloaders don't pay taxes so who would miss em?? No welfare or medicaid on the mainland. Look at all that money saved.

You wouldn't have to worry about trickledown because there would be nothing to trickle anywhere.
Hawaii can be the land of freeloaders. Surf, sand and freeloaders.

I think that's a splendid idea though the Hawaiians might object for awhile. They've been saying for years now that if there was just a level playing field and all those eeeeee-vul rich people would be much less rich, that all would be well. Well lets give every "poor" person $50,000, a liberal supply of rice and beans to get them started, and let them have one of the most beautiful states to live and exist with that level playing field they all say they want. We'll find out how they do.

We won't even miss the $50 k once we no longer have to pay all those entitlements, programs, freebies, etc. in return for almost no taxes paid into the system.

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