A Strong Case for Corporate Reform


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
This is not a 'liberal' docu-drama, it was produced by Jaimie Johnson, an heir of the Johnson & Johnson fortune. Interviews include Bill Gates Sr., Milton Friedman (the economist who wrote the book on 'trickle down'), Steve Forbes and many other members of the 1% who control half of the wealth in America.

It's a pretty good case for re-vamping the tax code from the ground up, too.





#4 is an excellent segment showing how US Sugar Corporation is ripping off tax payers and consumers alike while one brother pays for democrat campaigns and the other billionaire brother buys republicans - all bases covered!




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you spent alot of time putting this together, i know jamie from rich kidz
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you spent alot of time putting this together, i know jamie from rich kidz

I didn't spend that much time constructing the post - I spent more time watching the movie.

So what do you think washamericom, Is it time to look at real corporate reform for the first time since the 1930's? Is America ready for a tax revolt?
two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?
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two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?

Actually, if you would spend time reading history instead of the right wing "talking points manual", you would see, and I mean OBSERVE RIGHT NOW THAT:

1. Corporations do NOT want free markets. They want to drive competitors out so that they have market share: See Cargill, Monsanto and all (4? Yes, only 4, and they are giant lobbies) meat processors in this country.

2. Most large corporations pay very little percentage-wise in taxes. They pay less THAN I DO, percenatge-wise:
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes.com

3. Did you enjoy when your manly "producers" in the end of that neocon soft porn of a novel, run away and form a socialist collective, ahem, commune? THAT was their utopia. Irony is delicious and you neocons are so dense.

Maybe all the megacorporations should shut down and that would leave small business opportunities in their wake... hundreds of thousands of them... THAT is competition, fool!
two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?

Actually, if you would spend time reading history instead of the right wing "talking points manual", you would see, and I mean OBSERVE RIGHT NOW THAT:

1. Corporations do NOT want free markets. They want to drive competitors out so that they have market share: See Cargill, Monsanto and all (4? Yes, only 4, and they are giant lobbies) meat processors in this country.

2. Most large corporations pay very little percentage-wise in taxes. They pay less THAN I DO, percenatge-wise:
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes.com

3. Did you enjoy when your manly "producers" in the end of that neocon soft porn of a novel, run away and form a socialist collective, ahem, commune? THAT was their utopia. Irony is delicious and you neocons are so dense.

Maybe all the megacorporations should shut down and that would leave small business opportunities in their wake... hundreds of thousands of them... THAT is competition, fool!

where is that right wing talking points manual?, is that on a telepromter somewhere?, and i forgot the secret conservative handshake.
i like how you shop at walmart because you like the prices, then damning the very convienience while you tout your fantasy liberal battle cry, "help the little guy".
i remember when i was young and idealistic, but then i grew up. keep trying to drive out the ones that pay the bills. let your pseudo intellect be your guiding light.
the 111th congress was like a speed monopoly game where you just deal out the money and real estate. talk to the unborn slaves that will pay off the behemoth credicard debt voted in by people like you. yeah we'll spend our way to prosperity, that's always worked before.
your theory is fluff, tim geithner might like it, and he is the only person on the planet that can save america and prevent unemployment from going above 8 % right before we closed guantanamo, where do you get the ego? peddle your dimocrat bullshit to one of your, cause i don't believe a word, because now i'm winning the future, for this is the day when the oceans start to receed.... can't write a sentence without neocon in it.
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GM was ready to shutdown. Why didnt we let that happen? They are a corporation I thought.
two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?

No, the taxpayer does, which includes more than 50% of Americans. The corporations do their best to push their just and fair duty off on Joe and Jane Citizen. America is waking up to that fact.
"Eliminating the Estate Tax is wrong" but, taxing the same money twice is moral.. did I hear that right??
two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?

Actually, if you would spend time reading history instead of the right wing "talking points manual", you would see, and I mean OBSERVE RIGHT NOW THAT:

1. Corporations do NOT want free markets. They want to drive competitors out so that they have market share: See Cargill, Monsanto and all (4? Yes, only 4, and they are giant lobbies) meat processors in this country.

2. Most large corporations pay very little percentage-wise in taxes. They pay less THAN I DO, percenatge-wise:
What The Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - Forbes.com

3. Did you enjoy when your manly "producers" in the end of that neocon soft porn of a novel, run away and form a socialist collective, ahem, commune? THAT was their utopia. Irony is delicious and you neocons are so dense.

Maybe all the megacorporations should shut down and that would leave small business opportunities in their wake... hundreds of thousands of them... THAT is competition, fool!

where is that right wing talking points manual?, is that on a telepromter somewhere?, and i forgot the secret conservative handshake.
i like how you shop at walmart because you like the prices, then damning the very convienience while you tout your fantasy liberal battle cry, "help the little guy".
i remember when i was young and idealistic, but then i grew up. keep trying to drive out the ones that pay the bills. let your pseudo intellect be your guiding light.
the 111th congress was like a speed monopoly game where you just deal out the money and real estate. talk to the unborn slaves that will pay off the behemoth credicard debt voted in by people like you. yeah we'll spend our way to prosperity, that's always worked before. your thoery is fluff, tim geithner might like it, and he is the only person on the planet that can save america and prevent unemployment from going above 8 % right before we closed guantanamo, where do you get the ego? peddle your dimocrat bullshit to one of your, cause i don't believe a word, because now i'm winning the future, for this is the day when the oceans start to receed....

Corporations do not want free commerce and competition. They want monopoly, industry dominance, and fat profits.
Well that does it. I'm convinced. All corporations are evil, all rich people are evil and as such should be thrown out of the Divided States of America. End of story. Get the pigs out. Let the government take care of us.
GM was ready to shutdown. Why didnt we let that happen? They are a corporation I thought.

the saving of the car industry shut down the only chrysler dealership in detroit, owned by republicans. falvy's in new london ct. was a multi generational family business, a very successful dealership, closed by the president of the united states. new londons harbor area was eminent domained, driving families and businesses out so pfizer could have high end condo's for their execs. now pfizer has pulled out to. now it's blighted, looks like the government has done a great job finishing off new london. i suppose the government saved ford too.
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two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?

You seem to suffer from a very small & limited blind mind.
GM was ready to shutdown. Why didnt we let that happen? They are a corporation I thought.

the saving of the car industry shut down the only chrysler dealership in detroit, owned by republicans. falvy's in new london ct. was a multi generational family business, a very successful dealership, closed by the president of the united states. new londons harbor area was eminent domained, driving families and businesses out so pfizer could have high end condo's for their execs. now pfizer has pulled out to. now it's blighted, looks like the government has done a great job finishing off new london. i suppose the government saved ford too.

dammned rich white people wearing white playing croquet,, the damn nerve.
GM was ready to shutdown. Why didnt we let that happen? They are a corporation I thought.

I think an honest answer is that is was a pay-back from the Obama campaign. It had nothing to do with the faux-failure story line.
GM was ready to shutdown. Why didnt we let that happen? They are a corporation I thought.

the saving of the car industry shut down the only chrysler dealership in detroit, owned by republicans. falvy's in new london ct. was a multi generational family business, a very successful dealership, closed by the president of the united states. new londons harbor area was eminent domained, driving families and businesses out so pfizer could have high end condo's for their execs. now pfizer has pulled out to. now it's blighted, looks like the government has done a great job finishing off new london. i suppose the government saved ford too.

dammned rich white people wearing white playing croquet,, the damn nerve.

A different generation of appropriate wear. It is actually nostalgically enticing and speaks of grandeur days of the Titanic.
two things corporations do. one is they represent free commerce, the other is they pay the country's bills so the fat lazy dimocrats can waste our money. be careful what you wish for. there is no law that says they can move or close down. if the plan to "reform" corporations makes the government smaller, i'm all for it. have you read atlas shrugged ?

The problem I see is that there are too many favors. From favored tax status of this industry or that specific company to the ability to risk the lives of others in economic endeavors only to hide behind paper in the event of a boo-boo.

I've got nothing against the concept of corporations - history shows three effective methods of organizing very large groups of people engaged in a common venture, religion, government and corporations. If religion and government were our only choices for organization, the technology of today would SUCK and we would be slaves to a much smaller, much wealthier group of elites.

The role of government should be to grow the infrastructure, not coddle corporations whose executives give generously.

The best tax idea I've heard of, 7 + 7 on 3, calls for -0- tax on the income of corporations, but they pay a sales tax on everything they buy.

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