Has anyone ever had their mind changed ...


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
by anything posted on this board? About anything at all? I bet its rare.
I learned that corporate "personhood" wasn't in the original Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company case, but was mysteriously slipped in by a legal clerk.

Didn't change my mind on the ridiculousness of deeming legal fictions to be "persons" (I'm against it), but did add to my knowledge on the subject.
by anything posted on this board? About anything at all? I bet its rare.

i've posted on a few different boards. but i've definitely had my mind changed on certain issues. the one that comes to mind is i was convinced to change my position on the AWB because it was shown to me that the law was vague, inconsistent and ineffectual.

but... i am sorry they didn't retain parts of it. (like the part that limited the type of clips someone could purchase).
Im constantly learning and thereby changing my mind when I realize something explains things better than I did previously.

I dont know how you dont to some degree. Even at a subconscious level.
by anything posted on this board? About anything at all? I bet its rare.

Yeah, I decided that some people are even more stupid than I initially believed them to be. Bass? Flaylo? TM?
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Yea, I've reviewed and modified a couple of my views based on good points from others.... and I've also changed my mind about who I like and dislike as posters.
I have. I used to be opposed to gay marriage, but I realized that all my arguments against it were nothing more than convoluted rationalization for my own bigotry.

I've also had my opinions changed regarding specific events based on additional information posted here, that I might not otherwise have happend upon myself.
by anything posted on this board? About anything at all? I bet its rare.

Great question. Most of the things I have learned were statements by posters, that changed my mind about the messenger. :eusa_whistle:
by anything posted on this board? About anything at all? I bet its rare.

i've posted on a few different boards. but i've definitely had my mind changed on certain issues. the one that comes to mind is i was convinced to change my position on the AWB because it was shown to me that the law was vague, inconsistent and ineffectual.

but... i am sorry they didn't retain parts of it. (like the part that limited the type of clips someone could purchase).

I like how people make up their mind on gun control but don't know the difference in a "clip" and a "magazine". I've never seem a 30rnd "clip" although I have a bunch of 10rnd clips for my "SKS" .
I like how people make up their mind on gun control but don't know the difference in a "clip" and a "magazine"
Do I need to know the difference between rose dope and glass to have an opinion of the legality and social impacts of crystal methamphetamine?

Do I need to know the details of the various detonation systems in use today to know I don't want my neighbor having nuclear weapons?

Does someone really need to know what size and how much grain to use in a given load to have an opinion on whether you need to fire 20 rounds without reloading or have fully automatic firing capabilities to defend yourself and your home?

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