A stamp on a football field


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011


  • $ANWRstampprint.jpg
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This should show the hysterical anti-drilling gaggle how ridiculous their apoplectic concerns are so blown out of proportion!

The hypocrisy of this anti-drilling group is so glaring when you watch anti-drilling crowds at the end of their protests.. getting into their cars!

Where do these idiots think the gas that powers their cars come from?
In my HS days (79-81) I'd sometimes walk to school and the route took me by this one Oil pump in Signal Hill, California that was right on the edge of a parking lot.

I never saw, heard or read about any oil spill from it.
It's ridiculous but we have made some, albeit dreadfully slow, progress. It wasn't all that long ago that whenever the ANWR subject came up on the tube the lamestreamers would show video of beautiful forests, mountain vistas, and pristine rivers and lakes rather than the virtual moonscape of the proposed drilling area.

Well, come a bit more than a year from now we'll likely be able to finally make some progress when the dims are kicked to the sidelines in the Senate and an even more House seats come the right way.
In my HS days (79-81) I'd sometimes walk to school and the route took me by this one Oil pump in Signal Hill, California that was right on the edge of a parking lot.

I never saw, heard or read about any oil spill from it.

And think about the pipeline Obama halted.
That 700,000 barrels a day will probably be shipped in 1 million barrel tankers now to China!
Based on the 2,147 mile length at any one time there will be less then 326 barrels or 13,000 gallons per mile. Or 3 gals per foot!

AND at $100/barrel.. I'm not sure ANYONE wants to see millions of dollars spewed on the ground!

But once again...hysteria trumps logic, common sense!
Harper told reporters, "This does underscore the necessity of Canada making sure that we are able to access Asian markets for our energy products."
Canada Will Sell Oil To China If US Keeps Delaying The Pipeline - Business Insider

And who would blame Canada? At $100/barrel in one year this is over $25 billion!

Prime Minister Harper is very aware as is the Premier of Alberta that this situation has been brought about by Obama's administration playing politics.

Trans Canada has been more than willing to negotiate with Nebraska for example over various routes that would be more palatable and environmentally sound.

But hey, to keep Darryl Hannah and other enviro whackos happy right from the get go Obama forfiets sp? an approximated 20,000 construction jobs. More of course would be generated with secondary industries benefitting from the increased work force along the pipeline.

He only wants to be re - elected.
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This should show the hysterical anti-drilling gaggle how ridiculous their apoplectic concerns are so blown out of proportion!

The hypocrisy of this anti-drilling group is so glaring when you watch anti-drilling crowds at the end of their protests.. getting into their cars!

Where do these idiots think the gas that powers their cars come from?

The same place you think it comes from moron.
Can anyone name me one aquifer that was polluted by an oil pipeline?

I bet not.

Over 110 million gallons in 20 years!

Two Decades of Spills - Graphic - NYTimes.com

BIG frigging Deal! One TANKER at 1 million barrels equals almost half the total spilled in 20 years!
So that's what would happen if China buys 700,000 barrels a day!

Which aquifer was polluted?

I agree! Point is even the Ogalla Aquifer at 953 trillion gallons would dilute 110 million gallons at 8 million parts water for ever 1 part OIL!

and that's over 20 years... even if in one year 5 million gallons would be 173 millions parts of WATER to 1 part OIL!

So if someone said "OH my bad big oil pipeline spilled 5 million gallons of oil into 953 trillion gallons of water.. would you drink that water???"
YES I would because based on that dilution.. there would be 9/10,000,000ths of an oz of oil in that 16 oz glass of water!!! I do that NOW!!!
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Over 110 million gallons in 20 years!

Two Decades of Spills - Graphic - NYTimes.com

BIG frigging Deal! One TANKER at 1 million barrels equals almost half the total spilled in 20 years!
So that's what would happen if China buys 700,000 barrels a day!

Which aquifer was polluted?

I agree! Point is even the Ogalla Aquifer at 953 trillion gallons would dilute 110 million gallons at 8 million parts water for ever 1 part OIL!

and that's over 20 years... even if in one year 5 million gallons would be 173 millions parts of WATER to 1 part OIL!

So if someone said "OH my bad big oil pipeline spilled 5 million gallons of oil into 953 trillion gallons of water.. would you drink that water???"
YES I would because based on that dilution.. there would be 9/10,000,000ths of an oz of oil in that 16 oz glass of water!!! I do that NOW!!!

Benzene toxicity is measured in parts per BILLION and it may constitute up to 1% of crude oil.
ANWR Bill Boosts Jobs, Domestic Energy Production

RIGZONE - ANWR Bill Boosts Jobs, Domestic Energy Production

Citing an increase in domestic energy production and job creation, the House Natural Resources Committee proposed legislation Friday that would open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and natural gas production.

Committee Chairman Doc Hastings, of Washington, and Alaska Rep. Don Young announced plans to introduce the Alaskan Energy for American Jobs Act, which is part of the energy and infrastructure jobs bill announced by Ohio Rep. John Boehner in early November.
Which aquifer was polluted?

I agree! Point is even the Ogalla Aquifer at 953 trillion gallons would dilute 110 million gallons at 8 million parts water for ever 1 part OIL!

and that's over 20 years... even if in one year 5 million gallons would be 173 millions parts of WATER to 1 part OIL!

So if someone said "OH my bad big oil pipeline spilled 5 million gallons of oil into 953 trillion gallons of water.. would you drink that water???"
YES I would because based on that dilution.. there would be 9/10,000,000ths of an oz of oil in that 16 oz glass of water!!! I do that NOW!!!

Benzene toxicity is measured in parts per BILLION and it may constitute up to 1% of crude oil.

OHh... am I afraid...
Exposure to approximately 20,000 ppm for 5 to 10 minutes may result in death.
What happens if benzene is accidentally swallowed (enters the digestive system)?

Benzene is readily absorbed following ingestion producing CNS depression with symptoms as described under inhalation.
There are no human reports of blood or immune system effects resulting from ingestion, although these effects have been observed in animal experiments.
OSH Answers: 2-Health Effects of Benzene

And again... Ogallala has 953 trillion gallons.
The pipeline pumps 570 gallons in one hour in one mile.

Assume there are 208,544,916 gallons of water in one square mile.

Assume it takes 4 hours from time leak discovered to closure that
means 2,280 gallons of oil spilled.

2,280 gallons of oil is equal to 1/10,000th of the 208 million gallons!

16 oz glass of water of which 1/10,000th will be OIL and you said
1% of this 1/10,000th part OIL is Benzene ?

And there is NO problem with Benzene being swallowed?


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