A Solvable Golf TV Coverage Problem - Unsolved


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Those who watch golf on TV know that the most important single moments of coverage in any golf tournament are the moments when putts either go into the cup or fail to go in. Other shots are interesting but they are just a setup for the shots that go into the hole - or don't. The eighteen most important shots in any round of golf are the ones that go into the hole.

So here's the thing: More and more often in TV coverage we see a camera shot of the golfer setting up to hit the putt - maybe a crucial, tournament-deciding putt -and we see the hole. The golfer strikes the putt, and a few seconds later, one of the other golfers or a caddie starts walking around on the green, and OBSTRUCTS THE CAMERA'S VIEW OF THE HOLE! So we, the viewers have nothing but the commentator's often-inane ramblings rather than seeing EXACTLY WHAT WE TUNED IN TO SEE - the putts going in the hole - or not.

Why can't the networks, or the cameramen, or SOMEONE tell these ass-holes to either pay attention to where the cameras are located and not obstruct them, or just to stand still until the ball stops rolling. Seriously, they will all get their turn to do whatever it is that they must do.

We, the television viewers are the source of most of the prize money in these tournaments, and yet the networks and producers, and whoever else is responsible fail to solve this easily-solvable problem. In fact I think it's getting worse every year. THe guys on the green are in their own little world, and couldn't care less about anyone else in the universe. That's fine, but someone needs to remind them about who is paying them to play this game: the television viewers.

Rant over.

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