A Solution To Clean Up Our Politicians

For decades, people were reporting the police for gross abuses and murder. They were ignored. And then came the advent of the home video camera, followed by the cell phone. Now we can see with our own eyes that there are cops out there blowing people away willy-nilly.

Many police departments now require their cops to wear body cams.


We all know our politicians are thoroughly corrupt. Partisan hacks think their side's shit doesn't stink, but every sane logical thinker knows there is corruption up and down the entire political food chain on both sides.

A movement should be started forcing our politicians to wear body cams. And all of their phone conversations should be recorded.

In addition, the power to put exemptions, credits, and deductions in the tax code should be removed from the hands of our politicians. That is where the largest corruption, by far, is taking place. Special interest lobbyists bribe our politicians with millions of dollars a year to give them a fucking total of $1.4 TRILLION of exemptions, credits, and deductions EACH YEAR in the tax code.

If you try to imply, either implicitly or explicitly, that Democrats are worse than Republicans, or vice versa, I will dump the load of shit on you which you deserve.

I've long held that Congresscritters should be sequestered for the entirety of their terms. Put 'em all in a dorm, supervised, with free room and board in lieu of a salary, and restrict communications and travel to constituents only. Let 'em find out what that term "public service" that they flail about mendaciously, REALLY means.

You wouldn't have lifers in there any more, and if you did, they'd deserve to be.
34 cops killed this year so far.

Now what?

So how many jobs will be lost without the deductions"

Typical lunacy.

Quit whining about cops. They know it's a rough job when they apply for it.
View attachment 282661

Truly libtarded. You're trying to compare accidents to cops being killed intentionally. Cops don't accidentally shoot themselves.
678 people have been killed by police so far this year.
A Solution To Clean Up Our Politicians?

Get rid of the democrat party....that would go a long way in cleaning up politics....
Start with this one...View attachment 282663

Early Americans had the right techniques regarding the recall of a corrupt politician.
Some people just can't stop themselves from being partisan hacks...


What's with the seal at the bottom of your siggy?
LOL, politicians aren't the problem....

The problem is the mindless sheeple that keep putting the same politicians from the same two crime families into power.
For decades, people were reporting the police for gross abuses and murder. They were ignored. And then came the advent of the home video camera, followed by the cell phone. Now we can see with our own eyes that there are cops out there blowing people away willy-nilly.

Many police departments now require their cops to wear body cams.


We all know our politicians are thoroughly corrupt. Partisan hacks think their side's shit doesn't stink, but every sane logical thinker knows there is corruption up and down the entire political food chain on both sides.

A movement should be started forcing our politicians to wear body cams. And all of their phone conversations should be recorded.

In addition, the power to put exemptions, credits, and deductions in the tax code should be removed from the hands of our politicians. That is where the largest corruption, by far, is taking place. Special interest lobbyists bribe our politicians with millions of dollars a year to give them a fucking total of $1.4 TRILLION of exemptions, credits, and deductions EACH YEAR in the tax code.

If you try to imply, either implicitly or explicitly, that Democrats are worse than Republicans, or vice versa, I will dump the load of shit on you which you deserve.

Wow, I was not aware Mick Fleetwood was an executioner.

That kind of explains the downward path of the music..........
NPCs spamming the forum.

Not refuting a thing. Just posting meaningless bullshit... literally...

34 cops killed this year so far.

Now what?

So how many jobs will be lost without the deductions"

Typical lunacy.

Quit whining about cops. They know it's a rough job when they apply for it.
View attachment 282661

Truly libtarded. You're trying to compare accidents to cops being killed intentionally. Cops don't accidentally shoot themselves.

Not really on subject, but no, they don't accidentally shoot themselves. They accidentally shoot people sitting in their own living room minding their own business,
For decades, people were reporting the police for gross abuses and murder. They were ignored. And then came the advent of the home video camera, followed by the cell phone. Now we can see with our own eyes that there are cops out there blowing people away willy-nilly.

Many police departments now require their cops to wear body cams.


We all know our politicians are thoroughly corrupt. Partisan hacks think their side's shit doesn't stink, but every sane logical thinker knows there is corruption up and down the entire political food chain on both sides.

A movement should be started forcing our politicians to wear body cams. And all of their phone conversations should be recorded.

In addition, the power to put exemptions, credits, and deductions in the tax code should be removed from the hands of our politicians. That is where the largest corruption, by far, is taking place. Special interest lobbyists bribe our politicians with millions of dollars a year to give them a fucking total of $1.4 TRILLION of exemptions, credits, and deductions EACH YEAR in the tax code.

If you try to imply, either implicitly or explicitly, that Democrats are worse than Republicans, or vice versa, I will dump the load of shit on you which you deserve.

I've a better idea. Once elected, an AI capsule is implanted in your body that can instantly detect lying, bribery and corruption and explodes immediately taking out your aorta or carotid artery. Instant death. Only honest people would apply for office. Problem solved.
34 cops killed this year so far.

Now what?

So how many jobs will be lost without the deductions"

Typical lunacy.
Without the deductions/exemptions/credits, we can lower tax rates on EVERYONE. Significantly.

Tax expenditures are government interference in the free market. It is government choosing winners and losers.

No right minded conservative would ever support that kind of corruption.

More than half the citizenry has a 0% effective tax rate.
Most pay less than 15%...how much lower than 0% do you want to go for your lowlife buddies?
Without tax expenditures, more people would have skin in the game.

Lowlife buddies? Let me quote Jefferson:
Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison.
How do you figure that less tax expenditures equates to more with “skin in the game”?
You say you’re against .GOV manipulating capitalism by way of tax code but then you suggest they manipulate societal “equality” by way of tax code...Am I hearing you correctly?
You’re getting lost in your own spin bud...the only truly FAIR tax code or provision with the least amount of government intervention is one which imposes a flat rate on the entire citizenry. No spin, no bullshit.
For decades, people were reporting the police for gross abuses and murder. They were ignored. And then came the advent of the home video camera, followed by the cell phone. Now we can see with our own eyes that there are cops out there blowing people away willy-nilly.

Many police departments now require their cops to wear body cams.


We all know our politicians are thoroughly corrupt. Partisan hacks think their side's shit doesn't stink, but every sane logical thinker knows there is corruption up and down the entire political food chain on both sides.

A movement should be started forcing our politicians to wear body cams. And all of their phone conversations should be recorded.

In addition, the power to put exemptions, credits, and deductions in the tax code should be removed from the hands of our politicians. That is where the largest corruption, by far, is taking place. Special interest lobbyists bribe our politicians with millions of dollars a year to give them a fucking total of $1.4 TRILLION of exemptions, credits, and deductions EACH YEAR in the tax code.

If you try to imply, either implicitly or explicitly, that Democrats are worse than Republicans, or vice versa, I will dump the load of shit on you which you deserve.

I've a better idea. Once elected, an AI capsule is implanted in your body that can instantly detect lying, bribery and corruption and explodes immediately taking out your aorta or carotid artery. Instant death. Only honest people would apply for office. Problem solved.

Good idea, except for the "once elected" part.;)
34 cops killed this year so far.

Now what?

So how many jobs will be lost without the deductions"

Typical lunacy.

Quit whining about cops. They know it's a rough job when they apply for it.
View attachment 282661

Truly libtarded. You're trying to compare accidents to cops being killed intentionally. Cops don't accidentally shoot themselves.
678 people have been killed by police so far this year.

People need to quit shooting at cops and they won't get killed.

I don't know what it is with you cop hating libtardos. Is there some bad cops, yes. Will you call one when you're in trouble, yes you will.
LOL, politicians aren't the problem....

The problem is the mindless sheeple that keep putting the same politicians from the same two crime families into power.
"Those other congresscritters spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"

Congress has had single digit approval ratings, and yet the House has a 98 percent re-election rate and the Senate has 80 percent.

Go figure.
34 cops killed this year so far.

Now what?

So how many jobs will be lost without the deductions"

Typical lunacy.

Quit whining about cops. They know it's a rough job when they apply for it.
View attachment 282661

Truly libtarded. You're trying to compare accidents to cops being killed intentionally. Cops don't accidentally shoot themselves.
678 people have been killed by police so far this year.

People need to quit shooting at cops and they won't get killed.

I don't know what it is with you cop hating libtardos. Is there some bad cops, yes. Will you call one when you're in trouble, yes you will.
I have always supported the police. One saved my life when I was a young kid.

But its a fact, and there is video evidence, that some cops are killing unarmed people who are no physical threat to them whatsoever.
For decades, people were reporting the police for gross abuses and murder. They were ignored. And then came the advent of the home video camera, followed by the cell phone. Now we can see with our own eyes that there are cops out there blowing people away willy-nilly.

Many police departments now require their cops to wear body cams.


We all know our politicians are thoroughly corrupt. Partisan hacks think their side's shit doesn't stink, but every sane logical thinker knows there is corruption up and down the entire political food chain on both sides.

A movement should be started forcing our politicians to wear body cams. And all of their phone conversations should be recorded.

In addition, the power to put exemptions, credits, and deductions in the tax code should be removed from the hands of our politicians. That is where the largest corruption, by far, is taking place. Special interest lobbyists bribe our politicians with millions of dollars a year to give them a fucking total of $1.4 TRILLION of exemptions, credits, and deductions EACH YEAR in the tax code.

If you try to imply, either implicitly or explicitly, that Democrats are worse than Republicans, or vice versa, I will dump the load of shit on you which you deserve.
Shooting and Hanging People who commit Treason is the best way to clean up politics. Of course initially this would decimate the entire Democrat Party except for a handful of JFK Democrats that haven't fled the sinking DNC ship, but new blood will come in, and seeing people like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, Obama, Schiff, Waters, Nadler, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schummer, McCabe, Strozk and others in The Obama Administration face a firing squad, should scare them straight.

My Preference would be nationally televised hangings at half time at the Superbowl this year.
Term limits :19:
I used to be opposed to term limits, but the corruption in the House and Senate has become so rife that I am at the point where I have just about changed my mind about that.

The system is heavily rigged to re-elect incumbents. The playing field is nowhere near level.

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