‘A Social Agenda That Crosses Color Lines’: Black Americans Speak Out in Support of t


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Tiffany Gabbay
Mar. 13, 2013

During his Wednesday evening broadcast, Glenn Beck hosted special guest Star Parker, a conservative activist and founder of C.U.R.E. — the Center for Urban Renewal and Education — which recently released a hard-hitting ad entitled “Never Again.” Also on the program was actor and conservative Joseph Phillips, and Kira Ayn Davis, an Internet radio host and blogger, to discuss their views on the Second Amendment and the role of blacks in this important ongoing debate.

Beck opened the segment by featuring a clip of vice president Joe Biden’s cringe-inducing “back in chains” comment made during the 2012 presidential campaign, which the panel agreed was patently offensive to people of all walks.

The panel discussed slavery and the history of how African Americans were disarmed during and prior to the Civil War. This was a means, according to Parker, of keeping them in control.

Phillips said he is tired of seeing films of blacks cowering in fear against the likes of the KKK or anyone else who sought to do them harm, rather than be empowered to stand up and defend themselves. The panel explained that when the KKK began, local sheriffs would break into black homes and confiscate their weapons. Weeks later, a KKK group would, according to Davis, then attack that home.

The Second Amendment “is an issue, as a black American, of our freedom,” Davis said.

Parker also took on the issue of background checks as it relates to and will effect the black community in America.

Read more:
?A Social Agenda That Crosses Color Lines?: Black Americans Speak Out in Support of the Second Amendment | Video | TheBlaze.com
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