A Simple Way to Stem the Hispanic Border Surge

Do you believe the crash of the Mexican pot trade is related to the immigrant flood?

  • Yes, they did depend on that a lot for their economy

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • No, they are just coincidentally happening near the same time.

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • It could be related but there are probably other causes too.

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES) Children traveling without their families, including an “overwhelming” number younger than 12, are flooding across the southwestern border in the latest test of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.

Homeland Security Officials predict that 60,000 minors will cross the border this year and that the number will double next year, accounting for an astonishing percentage of people trying to jump the border — braving the tremendous perils of crossing Mexico and trying to evade border authorities, hoping to eventually connect with family in the U.S. http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/60000-illegal-children-swarm-u-s-mexico-border/

My hunch tells me that these kids are being allowed to surge into the US for a variety of reasons. Perhaps in a series of other calculated provocations using the US's sympathy for children.... Or to overwhelm our economy by a thousand paper cuts...

..In any event, they had the blessings of Mexico to pull this stunt. And it is a stunt. It appears coordinated. I think it's because of something we did that is stupid. The blind ambitions of the far left have come back to haunt us methinks.

I wonder if the US offered to Mexico if they stepped up to the plate to help, the US would guarantee to make pot illegal again? After all, the Mexican economy was highly dependent upon the pot black market in the US up until recent legalization cut the prices of that trade to 1/4 or less of previous street value; while simultatneously increasing the competition 10 or 100-fold in producers right in the US?

Right almost at the same moment pot was legalized in the Western US, the massive increase in violence in drug cartels in Mexico happened. I submit that isn't a coincidence. As they became squeezed out of their market, violence between them there increased. Then the entire economy of Mexico and Central America was hit hard.

The last thing we need with "interesting squeezes" going on against the US worldwide is for our southern rowdy neighbor to start pulling crap. I think it's only fair for US officials to offer to Mexico some sort of promise that they can recover part of their economy that can no longer afford to feed those kids they're sending north. Mexico is famous for coming up with very creative ways of getting the US's attention.

It's just a hunch. I could be wrong. But wouldn't it be a weird fallout of the legalized pot trade in the US if Central America became destablized? For that is what appears to have happened. Like the sudden surge in teen boys coming down with HIV just as the big media push for gay marriage and gay cultural spread got under way...the very same years. Even an elementary school economist could trace the breadcrumbs backwards and notice the parallels in the timing of "seemingly unrelated events".

Obama spent a lot of time in Chicago. I'm surprised he is unaware of how the black markets work? The guy is a little daft IMHO.
Right, you're going to blow up children and women as a means of "solving the US's problems". I think you'd be achieving the opposite. How about the hispanic catholic huge families can no longer afford to feed their kids now that the US hippies took a huge chunk of their economy away?
obama intends to find the families of all these children and bring them here for reunification.
Right, you're going to blow up children and women as a means of "solving the US's problems". I think you'd be achieving the opposite. How about the hispanic catholic huge families can no longer afford to feed their kids now that the US hippies took a huge chunk of their economy away?

Come on Mona...warn them...tell them the mines are there...their choice.
Wait...did a right winger above advocate land mines to blow up children crossing the border?

The people who most want pot to remain illegal in the U.S. are the cartels. Anything that weakens the cartels is good for Mexico and the best way to stop illegal immigration is for Mexico to become a strong economy.

Sorry, Mexico has long been an economy completely enmeshed in the illegal drug money that flowed in from the US. It is an undeniable and extremely significant part of their economy. Or "was" I should say..

I spent a lot of time near Mexico and knew of many people who went in and out of it. Their police and government corruption is so notorious and so widespread it would make the mafia in this country blush. If I had to place a bet on the situation, the Mexican government is directly involved with seeing the safe passage of those thousands of children right up to and across our borders. They're pissed off, right up to the very top eschelon of white collars there. They know how their bread is buttered. And we took the butter away.

Sorry if the talk here is too graphic and real for you to accept...lol.. It never ceases to amaze me how many toes the US's policies step on without a single consideration of the ripple-effect in what happens outside our borders.
Land mines are good but pose a danger to wildlife. Helicopter gun ships. Individuals with flame throwers. There are many ways. Anyone deported should be branded on the face. If they come back they will be instantly recognized and shot on sight by anyone.

Then we don't have an illegal alien problem any more.
Land mines are good but pose a danger to wildlife. Helicopter gun ships. Individuals with flame throwers. There are many ways. Anyone deported should be branded on the face. If they come back they will be instantly recognized and shot on sight by anyone.

Then we don't have an illegal alien problem any more.

Yes, I can see the reuters' headline now: "US bombs, guns down and burns thousands of women and children crossing their border". Should be great for grooming empathy from our allies abroad and for the overall US standing in the world.

Why didn't I think of that? :cuckoo:
It's our border. We can do whatever-the-hell we want with it.

Except it seems we don't care much if it's not that well secured.
This should have been job number one after the attack on 9-11
We should have spent huge bucks to tighten the border....

Maybe set up some shitty road with bad road signs like what trapped our Marine
that is still being held there....

By the way does Obama give two shits about a Marine that has served honorably
and with distinction being held in deplorable conditions.
The people who most want pot to remain illegal in the U.S. are the cartels. Anything that weakens the cartels is good for Mexico and the best way to stop illegal immigration is for Mexico to become a strong economy.

Sorry, Mexico has long been an economy completely enmeshed in the illegal drug money that flowed in from the US. It is an undeniable and extremely significant part of their economy. Or "was" I should say..

I spent a lot of time near Mexico and knew of many people who went in and out of it. Their police and government corruption is so notorious and so widespread it would make the mafia in this country blush. If I had to place a bet on the situation, the Mexican government is directly involved with seeing the safe passage of those thousands of children right up to and across our borders. They're pissed off, right up to the very top eschelon of white collars there. They know how their bread is buttered. And we took the butter away.

Sorry if the talk here is too graphic and real for you to accept...lol.. It never ceases to amaze me how many toes the US's policies step on without a single consideration of the ripple-effect in what happens outside our borders.

Ok sure. Colorado legalizing pot has thrown the Mexican economy into out of control turmoil and they have no choice but to send their children over the borders en masse to take your job.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Good lord :cuckoo:
Colorado, California, Oregon and Washington have all legalized pot, essentialy. That's a huge chunk of the west. It cut into their economy. I promise you.

It's our border. We can do whatever-the-hell we want with it.

Except it seems we don't care much if it's not that well secured.
This should have been job number one after the attack on 9-11
We should have spent huge bucks to tighten the border....

Maybe set up some shitty road with bad road signs like what trapped our Marine
that is still being held there....

By the way does Obama give two shits about a Marine that has served honorably
and with distinction being held in deplorable conditions.

We used to roam all around the border country on dirt bikes and 4x4s in my younger days. The countryside there is hostile, next to impossible to secure, strewn with zillions of shrubs, boulders, dugouts, underground and above. Even on horseback, border patrol would be hard-pressed to even keep a fraction of the flow down. The illegals know how to hide when aircraft patrol. There are more places to hide there than a needle in a haystack. Lofty ideals don't match the terrain on the ground. As usual.

A far cheaper way would be to enlist the help of Mexico who...how shall I put this...knows how to get shit done. If properly motivated of course. That's how it works down there. Diplomatic solutions are the #1 way of keeping the flood down.
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The people who most want pot to remain illegal in the U.S. are the cartels. Anything that weakens the cartels is good for Mexico and the best way to stop illegal immigration is for Mexico to become a strong economy.

Sorry, Mexico has long been an economy completely enmeshed in the illegal drug money that flowed in from the US. It is an undeniable and extremely significant part of their economy. Or "was" I should say..

I spent a lot of time near Mexico and knew of many people who went in and out of it. Their police and government corruption is so notorious and so widespread it would make the mafia in this country blush. If I had to place a bet on the situation, the Mexican government is directly involved with seeing the safe passage of those thousands of children right up to and across our borders. They're pissed off, right up to the very top eschelon of white collars there. They know how their bread is buttered. And we took the butter away.

Sorry if the talk here is too graphic and real for you to accept...lol.. It never ceases to amaze me how many toes the US's policies step on without a single consideration of the ripple-effect in what happens outside our borders.

Ok sure. Colorado legalizing pot has thrown the Mexican economy into out of control turmoil and they have no choice but to send their children over the borders en masse to take your job.

Do you ever listen to yourself? Good lord :cuckoo:

No., She doesn't. She is nuttier than a sack of cashews.
Colorado, California, Oregon and Washington have all legalized pot, essentialy. That's a huge chunk of the west. It cut into their economy. I promise you.

It's our border. We can do whatever-the-hell we want with it.

Except it seems we don't care much if it's not that well secured.
This should have been job number one after the attack on 9-11
We should have spent huge bucks to tighten the border....

Maybe set up some shitty road with bad road signs like what trapped our Marine
that is still being held there....

By the way does Obama give two shits about a Marine that has served honorably
and with distinction being held in deplorable conditions.

We used to roam all around the border country on dirt bikes and 4x4s in my younger days. The countryside there is hostile, next to impossible to secure, strewn with zillions of shrubs, boulders, dugouts, underground and above. Even on horseback, border patrol would be hard-pressed to even keep a fraction of the flow down. The illegals know how to hide when aircraft patrol. There are more places to hide there than a needle in a haystack. Lofty ideals don't match the terrain on the ground. As usual.

Time to wall off Mexico. Shoot anyone trying to cross. Patrol the border with helicopters equipped with FLIR systems...they see EVERYTHING.
WASHINGTON TIMES) Children traveling without their families, including an “overwhelming” number younger than 12, are flooding across the southwestern border in the latest test of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.

Homeland Security Officials predict that 60,000 minors will cross the border this year and that the number will double next year, accounting for an astonishing percentage of people trying to jump the border — braving the tremendous perils of crossing Mexico and trying to evade border authorities, hoping to eventually connect with family in the U.S. 60,000 illegal children swarm U.S.-Mexico border

My hunch tells me that these kids are being allowed to surge into the US for a variety of reasons. Perhaps in a series of other calculated provocations using the US's sympathy for children.... Or to overwhelm our economy by a thousand paper cuts...

..In any event, they had the blessings of Mexico to pull this stunt. And it is a stunt. It appears coordinated. I think it's because of something we did that is stupid. The blind ambitions of the far left have come back to haunt us methinks.

I wonder if the US offered to Mexico if they stepped up to the plate to help, the US would guarantee to make pot illegal again? After all, the Mexican economy was highly dependent upon the pot black market in the US up until recent legalization cut the prices of that trade to 1/4 or less of previous street value; while simultatneously increasing the competition 10 or 100-fold in producers right in the US?

Right almost at the same moment pot was legalized in the Western US, the massive increase in violence in drug cartels in Mexico happened. I submit that isn't a coincidence. As they became squeezed out of their market, violence between them there increased. Then the entire economy of Mexico and Central America was hit hard.

The last thing we need with "interesting squeezes" going on against the US worldwide is for our southern rowdy neighbor to start pulling crap. I think it's only fair for US officials to offer to Mexico some sort of promise that they can recover part of their economy that can no longer afford to feed those kids they're sending north. Mexico is famous for coming up with very creative ways of getting the US's attention.

It's just a hunch. I could be wrong. But wouldn't it be a weird fallout of the legalized pot trade in the US if Central America became destablized? For that is what appears to have happened. Like the sudden surge in teen boys coming down with HIV just as the big media push for gay marriage and gay cultural spread got under way...the very same years. Even an elementary school economist could trace the breadcrumbs backwards and notice the parallels in the timing of "seemingly unrelated events".

Obama spent a lot of time in Chicago. I'm surprised he is unaware of how the black markets work? The guy is a little daft IMHO.

First off, our law is NOT predicated on another national body and should never be so. We do not need to go around infringing on the rights of states and citizens so that we can help the Mexican economy based on breaking that law. Utter nonsense.

Further, that would do NOTHING to stem the flow of immigrants across the border. It MIGHT be supplementing the problems but the immigration issues is NOT predicated on illegal drug monies but rather on opportunity. we have it here. Mexico does not.

There is only one way to stem the flow - flat out deny services to illegals. Period. Whenever an illegal alien is caught committing a crime (ANY crime) it should warrant immediate deportation. And not across the border either - they should be dropped off at the SOUTHERN border of Mexico. Legal immigration needs to be made easier. Those that come here and work without committing other crimes are irrelevant. I don't care about them as long as we are not diverting valuable resources into assistance programs for those that are not supposed to be here anyway.

Legalizing drugs actually goes a long way into alleviating the serious problems associated with illegal immigrants - namely the crime and violence that the cartels bring with them across the border. That will cease to exist once the market is wrested away from the cartels and placed into American entrepreneurs.

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