A Simple Way to Stem the Hispanic Border Surge

Do you believe the crash of the Mexican pot trade is related to the immigrant flood?

  • Yes, they did depend on that a lot for their economy

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • No, they are just coincidentally happening near the same time.

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • It could be related but there are probably other causes too.

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
From firsthand experiences my opinion is Mexico is a shitbox of corruption from top to bottom. Nothing happens at any level - local, state, federal - until money changes hands, and often multiple shakedowns are required as seemingly everyone's trying to get a piece of your pie.

I wouldn't go to there again if I won a free trip. I'd likely offer it to one of my good liberal friends instead.
Obama already has set in place the cure.

Obviously there would not be a flood of immigrants if Mexico didn't suck worse then the US.

So if the difference between Mexico and the US sucking was reduced less would seek to come to the US. The only thing Obama can do is make the US suck more which he is doing quite well.

So his brilliant plan of making the US suck as much if not more then Mexico should show results some time after the US defaults, which should be soon.
Annex Mexico
An excellent idea in theory.

Completely unworkable in a practical sense. It would be easier to convert the Pope to Islam than to tame Mexico.

C'mon folks, doesn't it seem a little coordinated that tens of thousands of kids are getting fed, cared for and shuttled up the entire length of Mexico to our borders from Central America?

Mexico is trying to get our attention and I stand by the OP as to why, at least in great part.
A real leader would have called every ambassador from every central/south american country to an immediate meeting with himself and the state department and tell them that it needs to stop and every one of their "children" will be returned to them and any assets they have in this country will be seized to do it.

Tell mexico that if they don't stop the flow of illegals through their country we will enact sanctions against them and will seize any assets THEY have as we start deporting mexican illegals, too.

Here are mexican immigration rules, by the way;

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the

..but it's obvious that obama wants this to occur. It's more of the cloward-pivens strategy to overwhelm the government so that it collapses.
A more simple way to curb the flow.....land mines.

Say what you want about the Soviets, they knew how to keep their borders secure. And they had a hell of a lot more border to worry about than the comparatively short Mexican-American border.

Watch towers every 300 yards, manned by men ordered to shoot before asking questions. Land mines. Swift and final disposition of all violators caught.

Obama and his Democratic ilk admire communists and the Soviets in so many levels. Why can't they show their appreciation of the excel Soviet example by emulating it?

When you have a busted water pipe in your basement and the water flows, bail all you like, nothing will get any drier until you fix the busted water pipe.
Our US born kids dont have enough as it is, they are suffering from gang problems and lack of education due to social issues. The Government cant afford to give health care through the VA system and now they want to process all these kids from Latin America?

Im sure the Politicians in Washington in their great wisdom know what they are doing. When would they ever do anything to create hardship for the American people after all. I think they should lead by example and fill the whitehouse whith all those kids. each senator and House Rep should be required to adopt two children each! And then on bring your child to work day they can fill all those empty seats on the house floor
A more simple way to curb the flow.....land mines.

And landowners on the US side are going to allow this for how much many billions? The US foots the bill when Americans are killed by them, business trucks explode, documented Mexicans are killed? I did not think there was a plan farther from rational thought than the "build a wall" idea. You thought of one however.
A more simple way to curb the flow.....land mines.

And landowners on the US side are going to allow this for how much many billions? The US foots the bill when Americans are killed by them, business trucks explode, documented Mexicans are killed? I did not think there was a plan farther from rational thought than the "build a wall" idea. You thought of one however.

You're against immigration laws and secure borders?

WASHINGTON TIMES) Children traveling without their families, including an “overwhelming” number younger than 12, are flooding across the southwestern border in the latest test of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.

Homeland Security Officials predict that 60,000 minors will cross the border this year and that the number will double next year, accounting for an astonishing percentage of people trying to jump the border — braving the tremendous perils of crossing Mexico and trying to evade border authorities, hoping to eventually connect with family in the U.S. 60,000 illegal children swarm U.S.-Mexico border

My hunch tells me that these kids are being allowed to surge into the US for a variety of reasons. Perhaps in a series of other calculated provocations using the US's sympathy for children.... Or to overwhelm our economy by a thousand paper cuts...

..In any event, they had the blessings of Mexico to pull this stunt. And it is a stunt. It appears coordinated. I think it's because of something we did that is stupid. The blind ambitions of the far left have come back to haunt us methinks.

I wonder if the US offered to Mexico if they stepped up to the plate to help, the US would guarantee to make pot illegal again? After all, the Mexican economy was highly dependent upon the pot black market in the US up until recent legalization cut the prices of that trade to 1/4 or less of previous street value; while simultatneously increasing the competition 10 or 100-fold in producers right in the US?

Right almost at the same moment pot was legalized in the Western US, the massive increase in violence in drug cartels in Mexico happened. I submit that isn't a coincidence. As they became squeezed out of their market, violence between them there increased. Then the entire economy of Mexico and Central America was hit hard.

The last thing we need with "interesting squeezes" going on against the US worldwide is for our southern rowdy neighbor to start pulling crap. I think it's only fair for US officials to offer to Mexico some sort of promise that they can recover part of their economy that can no longer afford to feed those kids they're sending north. Mexico is famous for coming up with very creative ways of getting the US's attention.

It's just a hunch. I could be wrong. But wouldn't it be a weird fallout of the legalized pot trade in the US if Central America became destablized? For that is what appears to have happened. Like the sudden surge in teen boys coming down with HIV just as the big media push for gay marriage and gay cultural spread got under way...the very same years. Even an elementary school economist could trace the breadcrumbs backwards and notice the parallels in the timing of "seemingly unrelated events".

Obama spent a lot of time in Chicago. I'm surprised he is unaware of how the black markets work? The guy is a little daft IMHO.

The extreme left, (which does not exist in appreciable numbers in the US) does not hire undocumented workers. Businesses do.
WASHINGTON TIMES) Children traveling without their families, including an “overwhelming” number younger than 12, are flooding across the southwestern border in the latest test of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.

Homeland Security Officials predict that 60,000 minors will cross the border this year and that the number will double next year, accounting for an astonishing percentage of people trying to jump the border — braving the tremendous perils of crossing Mexico and trying to evade border authorities, hoping to eventually connect with family in the U.S. 60,000 illegal children swarm U.S.-Mexico border

My hunch tells me that these kids are being allowed to surge into the US for a variety of reasons. Perhaps in a series of other calculated provocations using the US's sympathy for children.... Or to overwhelm our economy by a thousand paper cuts...

..In any event, they had the blessings of Mexico to pull this stunt. And it is a stunt. It appears coordinated. I think it's because of something we did that is stupid. The blind ambitions of the far left have come back to haunt us methinks.

I wonder if the US offered to Mexico if they stepped up to the plate to help, the US would guarantee to make pot illegal again? After all, the Mexican economy was highly dependent upon the pot black market in the US up until recent legalization cut the prices of that trade to 1/4 or less of previous street value; while simultatneously increasing the competition 10 or 100-fold in producers right in the US?

Right almost at the same moment pot was legalized in the Western US, the massive increase in violence in drug cartels in Mexico happened. I submit that isn't a coincidence. As they became squeezed out of their market, violence between them there increased. Then the entire economy of Mexico and Central America was hit hard.

The last thing we need with "interesting squeezes" going on against the US worldwide is for our southern rowdy neighbor to start pulling crap. I think it's only fair for US officials to offer to Mexico some sort of promise that they can recover part of their economy that can no longer afford to feed those kids they're sending north. Mexico is famous for coming up with very creative ways of getting the US's attention.

It's just a hunch. I could be wrong. But wouldn't it be a weird fallout of the legalized pot trade in the US if Central America became destablized? For that is what appears to have happened. Like the sudden surge in teen boys coming down with HIV just as the big media push for gay marriage and gay cultural spread got under way...the very same years. Even an elementary school economist could trace the breadcrumbs backwards and notice the parallels in the timing of "seemingly unrelated events".

Obama spent a lot of time in Chicago. I'm surprised he is unaware of how the black markets work? The guy is a little daft IMHO.

The extreme left, (which does not exist in appreciable numbers in the US) does not hire undocumented workers. Businesses do.

All the more reason everyone should want the borders closed immediately.
A more simple way to curb the flow.....land mines.

And landowners on the US side are going to allow this for how much many billions? The US foots the bill when Americans are killed by them, business trucks explode, documented Mexicans are killed? I did not think there was a plan farther from rational thought than the "build a wall" idea. You thought of one however.

I dont think hes serious. Landmines are not a serious solution. but the mexican government should be put under extreme pressure to take care of their own people and stop sending them here. Bush Failed to do this Clinton did and so has Obama. I dont know what bulshit the Mexican government and Ours are pulling but its ridiculous. No one there is serious about the welfare of its citizens on either side
Cut off any financial Aid to Mexico and stop allowing money to be sent there until Mexico takes care of their side of the border. They will probably plant landmines themself.

America needs to be brought down a few notches for our various sins and opening the borders would be a very effective strategy towards that goal. Remember, our Constitution was written by rich white slave owners, America is racist, we need to fundamentally change the country, so we need to get to work on speeding up the decay.

The extreme left, (which does not exist in appreciable numbers in the US) does not hire undocumented workers. Businesses do.

Apparently you haven't been to Central California and seen the bedroom community of workers who support the elite classes of San Francicso. It's called "San Jose". Traveler's tip: if you plan on visiting San Jose', brush up on your spanish if you want people that live there to understand you. Don't even step foot in the Central Valley there if your spanish isn't excellent.
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Paedophile priests are the answer driving those great big camper vans up and down the border.Each van would be colour coded to represent the religion of the priests inside.Interfaith competitions could run.
A more simple way to curb the flow.....land mines.

And landowners on the US side are going to allow this for how much many billions? The US foots the bill when Americans are killed by them, business trucks explode, documented Mexicans are killed? I did not think there was a plan farther from rational thought than the "build a wall" idea. You thought of one however.

Landowners/ranchers whose property is next to the border, I am sure, would be happy to allow whatever the federal government wants to do for a guarantee to keep their property safe and secure.

America needs to be brought down a few notches for our various sins and opening the borders would be a very effective strategy towards that goal. Remember, our Constitution was written by rich white slave owners, America is racist, we need to fundamentally change the country, so we need to get to work on speeding up the decay.


Wrong , Mexico needs to be responsible for its citizens.
Its another discussion but we need to be responsible for our citizens first.We have plenty poor and underpriveliged here natural born. or are you being sarcastic
Paedophile priests are the answer driving those great big camper vans up and down the border.Each van would be colour coded to represent the religion of the priests inside.Interfaith competitions could run.

Along that line of thinking you may have stumbled onto an excellent solution. Offer to foster home those kids in gay homes. The problem would evaporate overnight.

You've heard of the LGBT cult messiah Harvey Milk I presume?
The gov has been telling us for years that Americans are not having enough baby's to support social security in the coming years. Could this all be coming about to get enough workers in the future to pay into social security so it will be fine for a few more years? Of course in 50 years we will see the same problem and it will be worse than now but the gov. has never been good at solving problems just putting them off until it's someone elses problem.

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