A simple question for the Obama supporters

Insurance is not a right numbnuts.

That has to be the ignorant post of the week. Government lies to me and interferes with my freedom and you say insurance is not a right. You're ignorant.

I asked you to supply a right that you have lost since Obama has taken office and you said insurance and you call me ignorant.:lol:

I no longer have the right to due process, I am not secure in my papers and effects because I am required by law to purchase health insurance and agree to give the government access to my medical records, my finances, and my personal habits.

We don't know yet how far the big government types are going to take this and it's not a big deal for me now, but that is a right I lost. I could live "off the grid" if I wanted and I arranged my affairs before this year. Now, I am forced to buy health insurance and that requires financial disclosure, access to my medical records, and all sorts of things.
The Liberal wants evidence, well you try to get evidence on Benghazi and they take the 5th .... emails lost and really their attitude is WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE

Well the difference is Obama ran on having the most transparent administration in history. If that is so
then why do they get all pissed if you look at them ? They is supposed to be transparent
That has to be the ignorant post of the week. Government lies to me and interferes with my freedom and you say insurance is not a right. You're ignorant.

I asked you to supply a right that you have lost since Obama has taken office and you said insurance and you call me ignorant.:lol:

I no longer have the right to due process, I am not secure in my papers and effects because I am required by law to purchase health insurance and agree to give the government access to my medical records, my finances, and my personal habits.

We don't know yet how far the big government types are going to take this and it's not a big deal for me now, but that is a right I lost. I could live "off the grid" if I wanted and I arranged my affairs before this year. Now, I am forced to buy health insurance and that requires financial disclosure, access to my medical records, and all sorts of things.

Yup exactly right. Government overreach takes away your individual and state rights slowly but surely. IRS running health care? Just as you say

They just hope the next generations coming up wont know the difference and why they want so many from the third world, because they wont know the difference either.
This is a thread that exists out of jealousy and envy because of Barraco Barner being the kind of President who reminds us that there are actually some pretty good people out there for the job who use logic and reason to make their decisions instead of just acting on what their gut says to do.

Threads like these are a nice diversionary tactic for desperate right-wingers who keep bleeding support because of their stale, old message. It's the reason why they craft ways to try to make it so that less minorities can vote.

I don't think one right-winger ever started an outraged thread anywhere concerning the over 4000 dead American soldiers from Iraq and why they weren't equipped with the proper equipment they needed to succeed at the beginning of that war.

But we all know right-wingers who will start outraged threads over e-mails.

All the Chicken Little talk about Benghazi and the IRS ended up being just a whole lot of right-wing hyperbole not based on any kind of actual facts. All that Cons have left on Benghazi are the goddamned talking points, which all of us know were repeated verbatim from what David Patreus (a Dubya pick, no less) told them to say.

And on the IRS we now know that they were actually looking more at progressive groups than at conservative or Tea Party ones. Doesn't keep some delusional right-wingers from clinging still to bad information as their truth.

I wish Obama hadn't surged in Afghanistan. I wish he'd have tied a bill closing Gitmo to the eventual caving in of Republicans when they merrily shut down the government. I wish he'd have passed more direct stimulus for job creation instead of listening to stupid right-wingers who insisted on tax cuts (over a third of his stimulus were tax cuts that created zero jobs because they are tax cuts and not direct economic investment).

So I have my druthers on a few big and REAL issues having to do with the President, unlike this continued Bullshitfest from right-wingers who continue to float on fairy tales they invent and then just repeat ad nauseum in the hopes that dupes will believe them.
Is there any lie or law broken that would make you say something if Obama or his administration did it?

We have the pathetic attempt to claim a crashed computer wiped out 2 years of Emails and not one of you has said a thing about it other then those defending this Administration.

Ohh and not just all emails BUT just those to outside agencies.

Are you working for Darrell Issa? Who gives a shit. Obamacare, Benghazi, and the IRS are all you deranged wingnuts can talk about. You've worn it out. WE DON"T GIVE A SHIT.

See? The Democrat base really is a Collective and lacks the ability to think for itself

Democrats 1974: Don't trust the government!

Democrats 2014: Where's my kneepads?
Is there any lie or law broken that would make you say something if Obama or his administration did it?

We have the pathetic attempt to claim a crashed computer wiped out 2 years of Emails and not one of you has said a thing about it other then those defending this Administration.

Ohh and not just all emails BUT just those to outside agencies.

First, these e-mails were on Lerner's personal computer. THey weren't wiped out. They are still on servers and other people's computers.

Second, the computer crashed in 2011. Oh noes, we lost that e-mail that someone sent Lerner with a cute kitten on it.

Third, to answer your question, no, I don't see a "crime" here that is worthy of being upset over

The horrible crime is that some Teabagging groups applied for an exemption they weren't entitled to and were miffed when someone did their job and questioned it.
Obama uses the government to suppress our rights. That is tyranny.

Please list what rights you have lost since Obama became President. O, and by the way if he truly is a tyrant like you say do you really think you would be able to post your thoughts and ideas on a message board without fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night?

I lost my insurance and my doctor. Tea Party groups harassed by the IRS. Start there.

That sounds like a complaint you should have with your insurance carrier.

Also, Dutch asked about "rights". Are you saying you have a "right" to health care and a doctor now?

And, no, Tea Party groups weren't "harrassed". They applied for an exemption that wasn't applicable to what they were trying to do.
Obama assassinated an American teenager without charges or trial.

How many of you Republican ***** give a fuck about that? None of you? Because the 16-yo from Denver had a strange name, right?

If his name was Chris Stephens then you'd all give a fuck about the Constitution, right? But Abdulrahman al-Awlaki's name was hard to spell and pronounce so no one cares. He was just another foreigner terrorist to you good moral GOP Christians.
Is there any lie or law broken that would make you say something if Obama or his administration did it?

We have the pathetic attempt to claim a crashed computer wiped out 2 years of Emails and not one of you has said a thing about it other then those defending this Administration.

Ohh and not just all emails BUT just those to outside agencies.

Are you working for Darrell Issa? Who gives a shit. Obamacare, Benghazi, and the IRS are all you deranged wingnuts can talk about. You've worn it out. WE DON"T GIVE A SHIT.

That's the problem. You don't give a crap when the leaders of our nation engage in corruption and potentially criminal activity. Unless of course the other guy is in power.

Actually, guy, I thought Iran-Contra and Plame-gate were bullshit charges as well at the time (when I used to be in the GOP) and I still think they are kind of bullshit.

I think when you go out and call every political disagreement a scandal or try to pin every bit of malfeasance in a local IRS or VA office on the White House, you just look a little silly and no one takes you seriously anymore.
Obama assassinated an American teenager without charges or trial.

How many of you Republican ***** give a fuck about that? None of you? Because the 16-yo from Denver had a strange name, right?

If his name was Chris Stephens then you'd all give a fuck about the Constitution, right? But Abdulrahman al-Awlaki's name was hard to spell and pronounce so no one cares. He was just another foreigner terrorist to you good moral GOP Christians.

Well, yeah, he had a strange name.

And he was in a terrorist training camp in a hostile country plotting to kill Americans.

There was that little detail.
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed in Yemen but did not set foot on any terrorist training ground, unless you want to say that all of Yemen is a terrorist training ground. But I could say the same thing about Texas or Montana.

His father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was preaching hatred and violence toward America. His son, Abdulrahman, was killed because he might decide to become a terrorist later in life. This is okay with everyone because executing people for supposed future crimes is the American Way.
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Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed in Yemen but did not set foot on any terrorist training ground, unless you want to say that all of Yemen is a terrorist training ground. But I could say the same thing about Texas or Montana.

His father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was preaching hatred and violence toward America. His son, Abdulrahman, was killed because he might decide to become a terrorist later in life. This is okay with everyone because executing people for supposed future crimes is the American Way.

are you TRYING to make a fool of yourself? or does it just come naturally

how is executing people for supposed future crimes the "American way" you moronic idiot?
an it was your Messiah Obama that decided he could execute American citizens without so much as a trial in absentia
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was killed in Yemen but did not set foot on any terrorist training ground, unless you want to say that all of Yemen is a terrorist training ground. But I could say the same thing about Texas or Montana.

His father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was preaching hatred and violence toward America. His son, Abdulrahman, was killed because he might decide to become a terrorist later in life. This is okay with everyone because executing people for supposed future crimes is the American Way.
are you TRYING to make a fool of yourself? or does it just come naturally

how is executing people for supposed future crimes the "American way" you moronic idiot?
an it was your Messiah Obama that decided he could execute American citizens without so much as a trial in absentia
What part of anything that I said makes you think that Obama is "my" Messiah? What words exactly are you referring to as proof of my support for Obama? That he should die in prison for war crimes like Bush? Is that proof of my support for Obama?

Can you read? Can you understand "SARCASM"? Executing teenagers without charges or a trial is NOT the American Way, just as lying to the world to invade other countries is NOT the American Way. Get it? Obama sucks as much as Bush. Get it?

Do you get it? Just because I say that BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL does not mean that I support Obama, because OBAMA IS A WAR CRIMINAL, too. Do you understand? Comprende usted? Comprenez-vous? Verstehen Sie?

No, you probably don't.
Please list what rights you have lost since Obama became President. O, and by the way if he truly is a tyrant like you say do you really think you would be able to post your thoughts and ideas on a message board without fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night?

I lost my insurance and my doctor. Tea Party groups harassed by the IRS. Start there.

That sounds like a complaint you should have with your insurance carrier.

Also, Dutch asked about "rights". Are you saying you have a "right" to health care and a doctor now?

And, no, Tea Party groups weren't "harrassed". They applied for an exemption that wasn't applicable to what they were trying to do.

JoeB loyal Party member, Loves Stalin
Is there any lie or law broken that would make you say something if Obama or his administration did it?

We have the pathetic attempt to claim a crashed computer wiped out 2 years of Emails and not one of you has said a thing about it other then those defending this Administration.

Ohh and not just all emails BUT just those to outside agencies.

Shit happens. You should know that better than anyone.


Goodnight all...

you truly deserve a big :fu:
Obama uses the government to suppress our rights. That is tyranny.

Please list what rights you have lost since Obama became President. O, and by the way if he truly is a tyrant like you say do you really think you would be able to post your thoughts and ideas on a message board without fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night?

it won't be a knock.., it will be an all out assault on innocent freedom loving Conservatives..., in fact it is lready happening. :up:
Is there any lie or law broken that would make you say something if Obama or his administration did it?

We have the pathetic attempt to claim a crashed computer wiped out 2 years of Emails and not one of you has said a thing about it other then those defending this Administration.

Ohh and not just all emails BUT just those to outside agencies.

First, these e-mails were on Lerner's personal computer. THey weren't wiped out. They are still on servers and other people's computers.

Second, the computer crashed in 2011. Oh noes, we lost that e-mail that someone sent Lerner with a cute kitten on it.

Third, to answer your question, no, I don't see a "crime" here that is worthy of being upset over

The horrible crime is that some Teabagging groups applied for an exemption they weren't entitled to and were miffed when someone did their job and questioned it.

the above is is a great propaganda piece, have you considered a position in the Hussein regime as an assistant to the press secretary ?
Please list what rights you have lost since Obama became President. O, and by the way if he truly is a tyrant like you say do you really think you would be able to post your thoughts and ideas on a message board without fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night?

I lost my insurance and my doctor. Tea Party groups harassed by the IRS. Start there.

Insurance is not a right numbnuts.

Funny that people having a right to affordable insurance was one of the major selling points the Progressive Liberals used to pass the ACA ... Make up your mind dipshit.


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