A Secret Growth Industry


Sep 23, 2010
The Occupy Wall Street crowd is being manipulated by professional demonstration organizers. Professional crap-disturbing is a relatively new line of work born in the Vietnam War era. Much to the surprise of American Communists and the Kremlin fools were tricked into supporting communism by being told they were demonstrating against an unjust war.

Everything learned from anti-Vietnam War demonstrations was adopted by the environmental movement. Tell the fools they are saving the planet so they will give away their freedoms. Telling fools one thing in order to achieve a hidden political objective is basically what professional demonstration organizers are paid to do.

Overhead for professional demonstration organizers consists of printing and distributing literature; some travel expenses to job sites to keep the troops motivated; maintaining sucker lists, and telephoning suckers on those lists. The largest expenditure is paying for television commercials to be run as news stories. All costs are passed along to clients. From the way imbeciles are multiplying, I’d say organizing political demonstrations is a lucrative growth industry.

Professional demonstration organizers belong to a well-paid group more subterranean than the Bilderberg Group meeting in Virginia this week. You can be sure a handful of OWS halfwits will be at the Westfields Marriott Convention Center saving the world from the Bilderbergers.

Sign-carriers who would show up to demonstrate against a cure for cancer have to be the dumbest political activists the world has ever seen. There’s nothing wrong with demonstrating against greedy control-freaks and their institutions, but I do wish the sign-carriers would get it right. They can picket every one of their favorite villains from now until doomsday and they will accomplish doodly-squat.

Do those idiots really think they would get the media coverage they are getting if their demonstrations had any effect on the power and influence they demonstrate against? Can’t they see that OWS demonstrations turned the public against the demonstrators which is exactly the result professional demonstration organizers planned.

Instead of marching off to do battle against the dark forces at the drop of a hat the sign-carriers should focus on a never-ending demonstration against the United Nations. The first benefit is that their activities would be limited to UN headquarters in NYC, and a few UN agency buildings in Switzerland. The second, the more important, benefit is the public’s support.

Target the United Nations and I guarantee the sign-carriers will get no help from profession organizers, nor will they get any media coverage; nevertheless, the UN is the place all of the other institutions protect. Without the United Nations they ain’t going anywhere.

David Rockefeller speaks for wealthy individuals who control the institutions the Left loves to hate:

Rockefeller, a Bilderberg member, wrote: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Will Bilderberg meeting be 'occupied'?
International elite meet secretly this week in Northern Virginia
Published: 11 hours ago

Will Bilderberg meeting be ‘occupied’?

Rockefeller does not sound so constructive when you combine this statement with the above quote:

The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.

New York Times Publishes Hit Piece Against US Constitution As FBI Demonizes Everyday Americans As Possible Terrorists :

The United Nations is the one flaw in their plan for global governance. Shut it down and you shutdown the Bilderbergers, the CFR, economic summits, international bankers, and everything else sign-carriers rail against.

There is one problem with sign-carriers that might be unsolvable. They believe the United Nations is a necessary institution working for the good of mankind. They do not see that the United Nations is a means to an end, a tool for the very people and institutions they oppose. So long as so many believe the United Nations myth the people who are determined to enslave everyone will continue to advance their agenda without opposition.

I’ll close with a brief excerpt from an interesting article:

Unification at an international level is the dream of dictators, a communist conception of governance. They offer globalism as an object of our desire, to deceive us, to make us want what will destroy the sovereignty of America, and the system that has brought liberty to millions.

The War For America
Douglas V. Gibbs Saturday, May 26, 2012

The War For America
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It will interesting if the PDOs (professional demonstration organizers) rally the idiots for this conference:

. . . Global Governance vs. National Sovereignty conference.

It will be held June 10-11 at the Intercontinental Century City Hotel in Los Angeles. Registration details are online.

If PDOs do come out will they demonstrate for or against the United Nations? My best guess is they won’t show up.

PDOs aside, throughout my adult life I’ve watched the United Nations erode American freedoms. In all of those decades I do not recall anything like the Global Governance vs. National Sovereignty conference. Obviously, the attendees speaking for sovereignty will not have anywhere near the combined clout of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, elected officials, and bureaucrats who have been working for global government administered by the United Nations, but it is a start.

Brutal century

“In this there is an important lesson for the modern world: In a brutal time, we are lost when we don’t respond immediately to obvious threats as soon as they appear. The global governance movement is one of those threats. We ignore it at our peril.”

The world lives in brutal times because the form totalitarian government took with Soviet communism was not challenged; in fact, it was, and still is, applauded.

The League of Nations was a reaction to war at the end of WWI in 1919. The cure was worse than the disease. Global government gives totalitarians a way to enhance their power and privileges without fear of modern warfare wiping them out or so they think. The atomic bomb spurred them on; hence, their undying support of the United Nations. Their biggest mistake is not seeing that swift and sure retaliation is the best protection for everyone —— not global government or the United Nations.

NOTE: Should an Islamic government like Iran supply Muslim fundamentalists with nuclear or biological weapons the United Nations does more than stand in the way of effective retaliation; i.e., total annihilation, the UN guarantees the safety of aggressive nations engaging in unconventional warfare.

Finally, experience taught me that formal criticism of the United Nations is con job that ends up strengthening that foul organization. Example: The occasional demonstration at UN headquarters always called for a stronger United Nations. Ditto, calls for reforming the UN. The Global Governance vs. National Sovereignty conference appears to be legitimate:

The speakers will be a who’s who list:

Ambassador John Bolton: Lawyer and diplomat who has served in several presidential administrations. Currently he’s a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal.

Pledge allegiance to U.S., or U.N.?
Conference focuses on push for global governance

Pledge allegiance to U.S., or U.N.?

I have some faith in John Bolton. I don’t think he would be one of the speakers at a scam.

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