A second chemical weapon attack in Syria?


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Allegations of a second chemical attack launched by Syrian Army forces surfaced on Thursday after various sources on the ground reported the incident, according to Arab media.

Helicopters belonging to President Bashar Assad's forces were seen dropping barrel bombs allegedly containing chlorine gas in the village of Al-Lataminah, located in northern part of the country near Hama.

Footage capturing the alleged attack showed yellow smoke rising above the city. Local media claimed that the assault left numerous civilian casualties and dozens wounded.

First video of Assad's new chemical weapons attack in Lataminah. Several civilians were killed and dozens wounded. pic.twitter.com/T4AckmIDPk

— Mustapha Itani (@_mustaphaitani) April 6, 2017

Report: New chemical attack in Syria leaves numerous casualties

The world seems complacent about Assad killing hundreds of thousands of civilians with barrel bombs, but is quite upset about him killing civilians with chemical weapons. For some reason I cannot fathom, deaths from chemical weapons are judged more horrible than deaths from barrel bombs and that makes chemical weapons uniquely effective in demoralizing populations.
The world is not complacent, but investigations must be conducted to see what happen, and what response to consider...When Oblama was mocked and laughed at by the GOP, and they refused to help develop a plan of action, the problem was blown off, to be dealt with at a later date..And I am sure that Assad thought since Trump was telling the world he doesn't care what happens in the world if it doesn't involve the US. Gave him the signal that he could conduct the war as he was before...
The world is not complacent, but investigations must be conducted to see what happen, and what response to consider...When Oblama was mocked and laughed at by the GOP, and they refused to help develop a plan of action, the problem was blown off, to be dealt with at a later date..And I am sure that Assad thought since Trump was telling the world he doesn't care what happens in the world if it doesn't involve the US. Gave him the signal that he could conduct the war as he was before...
First you call for an investigation and then you declare Assad guilty. Which is it?
It's WMDs all over again. You'd think people would have smartened up, but noooooo.

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