A Scary Number Of Americans Don’t Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights


Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees First Amendment protections for Muslims, atheists and all religious groups.

Let’s get the facts straight.

Nearly a quarter of Americans ― 22 percent ― either don’t know or don’t believe that U.S. Muslims are granted the same constitutional protections as other citizens. Roughly 20 percent don’t know or don’t think that atheists are protected under the First Amendment.

These are among the findings of a new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, released ahead of the Sept. 17 Constitution Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787.

The survey asked respondents whether they thought it was accurate to say that U.S. citizens who are Muslims have the same rights as all other citizens. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, while 18 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Four percent said they didn’t know.

On the same question about U.S. atheists, 79 percent said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, and 15 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Five percent said they didn’t know.

The annual Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey polled 1,013 U.S. adults about the government, the First Amendment and constitutional protections. This year marked the first time the survey included the questions about Muslims and atheists. The survey didn’t ask respondents about their knowledge of protections granted to Christians or other religious groups.

But it isn’t just the constitutional rights of Muslims and atheists that Americans are unclear on. Many Americans are highly misinformed about basic constitutional provisions, including what the First Amendment protects and even how the U.S. government is organized.

Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that noncitizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Just 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government ― down considerably from 38 percent in 2011, when APPC first included this question on the survey.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents were unable to name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Just under half of those surveyed named freedom of speech as a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But far fewer could name the other First Amendment rights. Fifteen percent of respondents named freedom of religion; 14 percent identified freedom of the press; 10 percent named the right of assembly; and just three percent said the right to petition the government.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More: A Scary Number Of Americans Don't Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights

I agree! However, even many who may think that Muslims or Atheists actually do have First Amendment rights - they would like to deny them those rights.
Washington Redskin,
Stay out of the fucking fire water
The Left Wingers do not accept the 14th Amendment Equal Protection.
The Democrat Bigots are against civil rights because they demand racial discrimination in employment and education.
The Democrat Bigots do not accept that Christians have 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion rights.
Left Wingers want to force Christians to be participants in same gender marriages by forcing them to bake them wedding cakes and to force them to take pictures of same gender weddings.
The Democrat Bigots do not accept that Christians have 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion rights.
Left Wingers want to force Christians to be participants in same gender marriages by forcing them to bake them wedding cakes and to force them to take pictures of same gender weddings.

I just got a copy of the super-duper secret gay agenda, just wait til you see what your paranoid ass is going to be forced to do next. Bottoms up!
100% of judges think Muslims and Atheists have First Amendment rights. A scary number of judges are Jews, and they think Atheists have more First Amendment rights than Christians.
The Democrat Bigots do not accept that Christians have 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion rights.
Left Wingers want to force Christians to be participants in same gender marriages by forcing them to bake them wedding cakes and to force them to take pictures of same gender weddings.

I just got a copy of the super-duper secret gay agenda, just wait til you see what your paranoid ass is going to be forced to do next. Bottoms up!

HappyJoy, hey thanks for another reminder that millions of Christian Voters are not welcomed in the Democratic Party, but most people are already well aware of this.
The Democrat Bigots do not accept that Christians have 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion rights.
Left Wingers want to force Christians to be participants in same gender marriages by forcing them to bake them wedding cakes and to force them to take pictures of same gender weddings.

I just got a copy of the super-duper secret gay agenda, just wait til you see what your paranoid ass is going to be forced to do next. Bottoms up!

HappyJoy, hey thanks for another reminder that millions of Christians voters are not welcomed in the Democratic Party

There are already millions of Christian voters in the Democratic party.

Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees First Amendment protections for Muslims, atheists and all religious groups.

Let’s get the facts straight.

Nearly a quarter of Americans ― 22 percent ― either don’t know or don’t believe that U.S. Muslims are granted the same constitutional protections as other citizens. Roughly 20 percent don’t know or don’t think that atheists are protected under the First Amendment.

These are among the findings of a new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, released ahead of the Sept. 17 Constitution Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787.

The survey asked respondents whether they thought it was accurate to say that U.S. citizens who are Muslims have the same rights as all other citizens. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, while 18 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Four percent said they didn’t know.

On the same question about U.S. atheists, 79 percent said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, and 15 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Five percent said they didn’t know.

The annual Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey polled 1,013 U.S. adults about the government, the First Amendment and constitutional protections. This year marked the first time the survey included the questions about Muslims and atheists. The survey didn’t ask respondents about their knowledge of protections granted to Christians or other religious groups.

But it isn’t just the constitutional rights of Muslims and atheists that Americans are unclear on. Many Americans are highly misinformed about basic constitutional provisions, including what the First Amendment protects and even how the U.S. government is organized.

Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that noncitizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Just 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government ― down considerably from 38 percent in 2011, when APPC first included this question on the survey.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents were unable to name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Just under half of those surveyed named freedom of speech as a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But far fewer could name the other First Amendment rights. Fifteen percent of respondents named freedom of religion; 14 percent identified freedom of the press; 10 percent named the right of assembly; and just three percent said the right to petition the government.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More: A Scary Number Of Americans Don't Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights

I agree! However, even many who may think that Muslims or Atheists actually do have First Amendment rights - they would like to deny them those rights.
Hi rosie, don't suppose you see any correlation between this and a liberal education do ya? not sure why you needed to post what or why you think Americans would deny Muslims their rights but lets see if you are consistent...would you deny any Americans their second amendment rights? would you defend a Muslims right to bear arms? have you ever defended anyones right to bear arms? were any of these questions asked in that slanted survey?

For my part, muslims are most certainly guaranteed freedom of religion under our constitution, as is everyone, in fact everyone is guaranteed every right in the constitution including bearing arms, can't just cherry pick the constitution and then expect anyone to believe you care about anyones rights, in fact it only proves you want it as a convenient weapon against Americans...with that said rosie, should congress pass any laws abridging the rights of Americans to bear arms, tell us what you think rosie...yes or no will do

Who the fuck is "rosie"?
"Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that non-citizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause."

I didn't know that either.

You should know, don't fuck with Yick Wo.
It is difficult to figure out if the atheists or the Muslims are the biggest assholes.

Probably the Muslims because they go around killing people. Atheists just try to curtail the First Amendment right of freedom of religion.

Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees First Amendment protections for Muslims, atheists and all religious groups.

Let’s get the facts straight.

Nearly a quarter of Americans ― 22 percent ― either don’t know or don’t believe that U.S. Muslims are granted the same constitutional protections as other citizens. Roughly 20 percent don’t know or don’t think that atheists are protected under the First Amendment.

These are among the findings of a new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, released ahead of the Sept. 17 Constitution Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787.

The survey asked respondents whether they thought it was accurate to say that U.S. citizens who are Muslims have the same rights as all other citizens. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, while 18 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Four percent said they didn’t know.

On the same question about U.S. atheists, 79 percent said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, and 15 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Five percent said they didn’t know.

The annual Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey polled 1,013 U.S. adults about the government, the First Amendment and constitutional protections. This year marked the first time the survey included the questions about Muslims and atheists. The survey didn’t ask respondents about their knowledge of protections granted to Christians or other religious groups.

But it isn’t just the constitutional rights of Muslims and atheists that Americans are unclear on. Many Americans are highly misinformed about basic constitutional provisions, including what the First Amendment protects and even how the U.S. government is organized.

Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that noncitizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Just 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government ― down considerably from 38 percent in 2011, when APPC first included this question on the survey.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents were unable to name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Just under half of those surveyed named freedom of speech as a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But far fewer could name the other First Amendment rights. Fifteen percent of respondents named freedom of religion; 14 percent identified freedom of the press; 10 percent named the right of assembly; and just three percent said the right to petition the government.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More: A Scary Number Of Americans Don't Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights

I agree! However, even many who may think that Muslims or Atheists actually do have First Amendment rights - they would like to deny them those rights.
You forgot blacks and native Americans....

Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees First Amendment protections for Muslims, atheists and all religious groups.

Let’s get the facts straight.

Nearly a quarter of Americans ― 22 percent ― either don’t know or don’t believe that U.S. Muslims are granted the same constitutional protections as other citizens. Roughly 20 percent don’t know or don’t think that atheists are protected under the First Amendment.

These are among the findings of a new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, released ahead of the Sept. 17 Constitution Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787.

The survey asked respondents whether they thought it was accurate to say that U.S. citizens who are Muslims have the same rights as all other citizens. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, while 18 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Four percent said they didn’t know.

On the same question about U.S. atheists, 79 percent said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, and 15 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Five percent said they didn’t know.

The annual Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey polled 1,013 U.S. adults about the government, the First Amendment and constitutional protections. This year marked the first time the survey included the questions about Muslims and atheists. The survey didn’t ask respondents about their knowledge of protections granted to Christians or other religious groups.

But it isn’t just the constitutional rights of Muslims and atheists that Americans are unclear on. Many Americans are highly misinformed about basic constitutional provisions, including what the First Amendment protects and even how the U.S. government is organized.

Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that noncitizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Just 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government ― down considerably from 38 percent in 2011, when APPC first included this question on the survey.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents were unable to name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Just under half of those surveyed named freedom of speech as a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But far fewer could name the other First Amendment rights. Fifteen percent of respondents named freedom of religion; 14 percent identified freedom of the press; 10 percent named the right of assembly; and just three percent said the right to petition the government.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More: A Scary Number Of Americans Don't Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights

I agree! However, even many who may think that Muslims or Atheists actually do have First Amendment rights - they would like to deny them those rights.
You forgot blacks and native Americans....

Duh, I didn't write the OP.

Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees First Amendment protections for Muslims, atheists and all religious groups.

Let’s get the facts straight.

Nearly a quarter of Americans ― 22 percent ― either don’t know or don’t believe that U.S. Muslims are granted the same constitutional protections as other citizens. Roughly 20 percent don’t know or don’t think that atheists are protected under the First Amendment.

These are among the findings of a new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, released ahead of the Sept. 17 Constitution Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787.

The survey asked respondents whether they thought it was accurate to say that U.S. citizens who are Muslims have the same rights as all other citizens. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, while 18 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Four percent said they didn’t know.

On the same question about U.S. atheists, 79 percent said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, and 15 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Five percent said they didn’t know.

The annual Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey polled 1,013 U.S. adults about the government, the First Amendment and constitutional protections. This year marked the first time the survey included the questions about Muslims and atheists. The survey didn’t ask respondents about their knowledge of protections granted to Christians or other religious groups.

But it isn’t just the constitutional rights of Muslims and atheists that Americans are unclear on. Many Americans are highly misinformed about basic constitutional provisions, including what the First Amendment protects and even how the U.S. government is organized.

Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that noncitizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Just 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government ― down considerably from 38 percent in 2011, when APPC first included this question on the survey.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents were unable to name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Just under half of those surveyed named freedom of speech as a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But far fewer could name the other First Amendment rights. Fifteen percent of respondents named freedom of religion; 14 percent identified freedom of the press; 10 percent named the right of assembly; and just three percent said the right to petition the government.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More: A Scary Number Of Americans Don't Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights

I agree! However, even many who may think that Muslims or Atheists actually do have First Amendment rights - they would like to deny them those rights.
Hi rosie, don't suppose you see any correlation between this and a liberal education do ya? not sure why you needed to post what or why you think Americans would deny Muslims their rights but lets see if you are consistent...would you deny any Americans their second amendment rights? would you defend a Muslims right to bear arms? have you ever defended anyones right to bear arms? were any of these questions asked in that slanted survey?

For my part, muslims are most certainly guaranteed freedom of religion under our constitution, as is everyone, in fact everyone is guaranteed every right in the constitution including bearing arms, can't just cherry pick the constitution and then expect anyone to believe you care about anyones rights, in fact it only proves you want it as a convenient weapon against Americans...with that said rosie, should congress pass any laws abridging the rights of Americans to bear arms, tell us what you think rosie...yes or no will do

Who the fuck is "rosie"?
wwII propagandist who was forever telling Americans how awful they are at the behest of her her handlers, she would read and swallow every last word they wrote as if it were divine prophecy and then try to pas it off as real news...we've been through this rosie
Perhaps when Muslim-dominated countries reciprocate by granting non-Muslims the same rights that Muslims have here, somebody here will actually give two $hits.
So we don't have to provide our own citizens with their Constitutional rights because OTHER countries don't provide Constitutional rights? Is that what you are asserting?
I'm not asserting anything. I'm merely serving-up the who-cares attitude of the opposite camp and the rationale behind it. Was there anything else?

Yes, the U.S. Constitution guarantees First Amendment protections for Muslims, atheists and all religious groups.

Let’s get the facts straight.

Nearly a quarter of Americans ― 22 percent ― either don’t know or don’t believe that U.S. Muslims are granted the same constitutional protections as other citizens. Roughly 20 percent don’t know or don’t think that atheists are protected under the First Amendment.

These are among the findings of a new study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, released ahead of the Sept. 17 Constitution Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the U.S. Constitution’s signing in 1787.

The survey asked respondents whether they thought it was accurate to say that U.S. citizens who are Muslims have the same rights as all other citizens. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, while 18 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Four percent said they didn’t know.

On the same question about U.S. atheists, 79 percent said it was very accurate or somewhat accurate, and 15 percent said it was very or somewhat inaccurate. Five percent said they didn’t know.

The annual Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey polled 1,013 U.S. adults about the government, the First Amendment and constitutional protections. This year marked the first time the survey included the questions about Muslims and atheists. The survey didn’t ask respondents about their knowledge of protections granted to Christians or other religious groups.

But it isn’t just the constitutional rights of Muslims and atheists that Americans are unclear on. Many Americans are highly misinformed about basic constitutional provisions, including what the First Amendment protects and even how the U.S. government is organized.

Fifty-three percent of Americans incorrectly think that undocumented immigrants aren’t afforded rights under the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Supreme Court ruled on that issue in the 1886 decision, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, declaring that noncitizens were included in the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Just 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government ― down considerably from 38 percent in 2011, when APPC first included this question on the survey.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents were unable to name any of the rights guaranteed under the First Amendment. Just under half of those surveyed named freedom of speech as a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

But far fewer could name the other First Amendment rights. Fifteen percent of respondents named freedom of religion; 14 percent identified freedom of the press; 10 percent named the right of assembly; and just three percent said the right to petition the government.

The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More: A Scary Number Of Americans Don't Think Muslims Or Atheists Have First Amendment Rights

I agree! However, even many who may think that Muslims or Atheists actually do have First Amendment rights - they would like to deny them those rights.

The way the question is worded, those responding could very well be Americans assuming that muslims or atheists are being discriminated against.

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