A restaurant is charging white customers more to highlight racial wealth inequality

no problem. plenty of other places to eat and i'll go there. tired of packing my bags for liberal guilt trips.

A frequent consumer of Nigerian food, are you? Not likely.
never said anything about nigerian anything at all. just said if a place was charging white people more i'd eat elsewhere.

doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

It's a Nigerian restaurant. I doubt you'd ever even know it existed at all.
doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

Says the dope attacking.

if you held the "attack bar" for us on the same level, you'd not get past 2-3 words before having to call it an attack. show me where my attack offended you in this post and let's go from there.
The bakery wasn't pushing a social agenda ya dope...the customer was.

The baker denied service, dope.
Participation at the restaurant was voluntary.
Not the same by any standard.

The baker denied to participate in the customers social agenda that they managed to turn into a law.
At the same time, it is perfectly legal...and even praised...that another business could deny that very baker business because he was a white male and not a minority owned business.
Fair is fair, except it is rarely seen that way.

No one denied anyone of service for being white, dope.

No, but they deny the opportunity to provide service to. Just as bad.
Everyday all across America white-male business owners have other businesses that won't even consider using their products/service based solely on the fact that they are not a minority-owned or women owned business.
That is 100% as much a discrimination as a business refusing to serve a customer based on the same reasons.

People have the right to patronize whomever they wish.

Use your same standard to address those in this thread who have said they would not patronize the subject restaurant.
right after you use the same standard to define attacks. :)

check mate.
A chef in New Orleans is conducting a social experiment at the Roux Carre market which encourages customers of different races to acknowledge the city's racial wealth disparity.

Diners hoping to grab a bite at Saartj, a lunch counter that sells authentic Nigerian food, first get a lesson from Chef Tunde Wey about race and money in New Orleans, The Independent reported.

Wey begins by sharing stats with his customers and gives them the price of their lunch. People of color are charged $12 for their meal, while white customers are given the choice to either pay $12 or $30, which reflects the wealth disparity.

Profits from the $30 meals will be redistributed to people of color who want it, regardless of their income.

New Orleans chef Tunde Wey charged white customers $30, minorities $12 in social experiment

You know what the most pathetic thing about this? Blacks won't be offended by this. They will actually see this as righteous, where NORMAL HUMANS would be greatly offended by such patronizing.

How many fucking WE HAVE ARRIVED moments has that fucking stink race had anyway? They sure as shit did not arrive when MLK marched on Washington, not when of those fucking people became president, not when they got their own colleges, NAACP, when a negro man was set free after killing a white woman and a white boy, not with Blackpeoplemeet.com, or when they finally have a super hero of their own.

Nope. Have not arrived yet. No way. They are still treated with disrespect from democrats or liberals and those things are so pathetic that they don't know being patronized is suppposed to be offensive.

What a fucking disaster of a race.
Maybe you're right. Maybe it is racism

But there aren’t a bunch of white people fighting for the right to eat at that particular restaurant, its absence hardly indicates a general state of disadvantage suffered by u white folks.

That such an example of racism was the best u could come up with, if anything proves how black racism (as a system) does not exist
Are you fucking bringing up the fucking 50s you piece of shit? Where the fuck are you not allowed to eat? I guess YOU FUCKING PEOPLE have not arrived.

Go get patronized more moron. What a pathetic disaster. This motherfucker brings up the Jim Crow south.


You don't read so good. :confused:

And you don't write so well.

That was the point, dope.
No, I'm not fine with that at all. That has nothing at all to do with the subject of this thread. No one was discriminated against in any way.

People can patronize whomever they wish for whatever reason. I tend to support local businesses rather than big box stores. Black folks can choose to support black owned businesses if they wish . That in no way equates to discrimination against white owned businesses.

Hilarious. I got you...Blacks can discriminate, whites can't.

Situation #1... White business owner choosing to not buy from blacks salesperson = discrimination.
Situation #2...Black business owner choosing to not buy from white salesperson = exercising his free right to patronize anyone he likes.


I never said that at all, dope. That came from your damaged brain.

Do you discriminate against Ford because you bought a Chevy?

Hilarious again....now you are backtracking.
I specifically said it is EQUALLY discriminatory when a business refuses to do business with another business based solely on the race of the other business owner.
Failed attempt at your little scarecrow argument.

My position has remained the same, dope.

White people should just not bother going there.

I specifically said it is EQUALLY discriminatory when a business refuses to do business with another business based solely on the race of the other business owner.

Where is this notion in any way part of the thread topic?

Got it....you won't address my point, you now just want to say it doesn't relate to thread topic.

I've addressed your point at least three times, dope. It doesn't relate to the thread in any way.
It was voluntary, dope. So no. Not like a bakery pushing a political agenda.
yeah, go with that!

Explain why you believe it's the same?

No patron at the restaurant was forced to participate while the bakery outright refused service.
I have turned away customers before. It should be every businesses right.
According to the RW, everything they believe in is a religious/moral issue and everything the left believes in is a political issue.

That's BS. Total BS. The baker's issue was a political one.
wrong, the RW have religious beliefs that drive our morals and the left create a political issue out of all of those moral beliefs.
LOL Had to twist yourself into a pretzel to come up with that one didn't ya?
yeah, go with that!

Explain why you believe it's the same?

No patron at the restaurant was forced to participate while the bakery outright refused service.
I have turned away customers before. It should be every businesses right.
According to the RW, everything they believe in is a religious/moral issue and everything the left believes in is a political issue.

That's BS. Total BS. The baker's issue was a political one.
wrong, the RW have religious beliefs that drive our morals and the left create a political issue out of all of those moral beliefs.
LOL Had to twist yourself into a pretzel to come up with that one didn't ya?
rolled off my fingers while I multitasked.
no problem. plenty of other places to eat and i'll go there. tired of packing my bags for liberal guilt trips.

A frequent consumer of Nigerian food, are you? Not likely.
never said anything about nigerian anything at all. just said if a place was charging white people more i'd eat elsewhere.

doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

It's a Nigerian restaurant. I doubt you'd ever even know it existed at all.
doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

Says the dope attacking.

if you held the "attack bar" for us on the same level, you'd not get past 2-3 words before having to call it an attack. show me where my attack offended you in this post and let's go from there.

Your first post attacked the restaurant owner.
Hilarious. I got you...Blacks can discriminate, whites can't.

Situation #1... White business owner choosing to not buy from blacks salesperson = discrimination.
Situation #2...Black business owner choosing to not buy from white salesperson = exercising his free right to patronize anyone he likes.


I never said that at all, dope. That came from your damaged brain.

Do you discriminate against Ford because you bought a Chevy?

Hilarious again....now you are backtracking.
I specifically said it is EQUALLY discriminatory when a business refuses to do business with another business based solely on the race of the other business owner.
Failed attempt at your little scarecrow argument.

My position has remained the same, dope.

White people should just not bother going there.

I specifically said it is EQUALLY discriminatory when a business refuses to do business with another business based solely on the race of the other business owner.

Where is this notion in any way part of the thread topic?

Got it....you won't address my point, you now just want to say it doesn't relate to thread topic.

I've addressed your point at least three times, dope. It doesn't relate to the thread in any way.

Yes you did address it, you quite clearly stated that you have no problem with, in fact support minority business owners right to choose only to do business with other minority business owners...but would be against a WHITE business owner refusing business from a black owner/salesperson.
That is racist by any definition.
You clarified that clearly.
no problem. plenty of other places to eat and i'll go there. tired of packing my bags for liberal guilt trips.

A frequent consumer of Nigerian food, are you? Not likely.
never said anything about nigerian anything at all. just said if a place was charging white people more i'd eat elsewhere.

doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

It's a Nigerian restaurant. I doubt you'd ever even know it existed at all.
doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

Says the dope attacking.

if you held the "attack bar" for us on the same level, you'd not get past 2-3 words before having to call it an attack. show me where my attack offended you in this post and let's go from there.

Your first post attacked the restaurant owner.
cause i don't want to go on another liberal guilt trip?

1 - that's a stretch, mr armstrong.
2 - that wasn't an attack in as much as being a smartass.
3 - had nothing to do with you now did it? are you compelled to defend all nigerian places of business?

and people wonder why it's so hard to talk to "the other side".
I never said that at all, dope. That came from your damaged brain.

Do you discriminate against Ford because you bought a Chevy?

Hilarious again....now you are backtracking.
I specifically said it is EQUALLY discriminatory when a business refuses to do business with another business based solely on the race of the other business owner.
Failed attempt at your little scarecrow argument.

My position has remained the same, dope.

White people should just not bother going there.

I specifically said it is EQUALLY discriminatory when a business refuses to do business with another business based solely on the race of the other business owner.

Where is this notion in any way part of the thread topic?

Got it....you won't address my point, you now just want to say it doesn't relate to thread topic.

I've addressed your point at least three times, dope. It doesn't relate to the thread in any way.

Yes you did address it, you quite clearly stated that you have no problem with, in fact support minority business owners right to choose only to do business with other minority business owners...but would be against a WHITE business owner refusing business from a black owner/salesperson.
That is racist by any definition.
You clarified that clearly.

I never mentioned the race of any business owner, you demented dope.
A frequent consumer of Nigerian food, are you? Not likely.
never said anything about nigerian anything at all. just said if a place was charging white people more i'd eat elsewhere.

doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

It's a Nigerian restaurant. I doubt you'd ever even know it existed at all.
doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

Says the dope attacking.

if you held the "attack bar" for us on the same level, you'd not get past 2-3 words before having to call it an attack. show me where my attack offended you in this post and let's go from there.

Your first post attacked the restaurant owner.
cause i don't want to go on another liberal guilt trip?

1 - that's a stretch, mr armstrong.
2 - that wasn't an attack in as much as being a smartass.
3 - had nothing to do with you now did it? are you compelled to defend all nigerian places of business?

and people wonder why it's so hard to talk to "the other side".

The "other side" resides in some bizzaro reality where hidden meanings are found in everything making a rational discussion impossible.

You seem compelled to attack a Nigerian place of business despite the fact that you probably never knew they existed let alone ever visited one.
A chef in New Orleans is conducting a social experiment at the Roux Carre market which encourages customers of different races to acknowledge the city's racial wealth disparity.

Diners hoping to grab a bite at Saartj, a lunch counter that sells authentic Nigerian food, first get a lesson from Chef Tunde Wey about race and money in New Orleans, The Independent reported.

Wey begins by sharing stats with his customers and gives them the price of their lunch. People of color are charged $12 for their meal, while white customers are given the choice to either pay $12 or $30, which reflects the wealth disparity.

Profits from the $30 meals will be redistributed to people of color who want it, regardless of their income.

New Orleans chef Tunde Wey charged white customers $30, minorities $12 in social experiment

You know what the most pathetic thing about this? Blacks won't be offended by this. They will actually see this as righteous, where NORMAL HUMANS would be greatly offended by such patronizing.

How many fucking WE HAVE ARRIVED moments has that fucking stink race had anyway? They sure as shit did not arrive when MLK marched on Washington, not when of those fucking people became president, not when they got their own colleges, NAACP, when a negro man was set free after killing a white woman and a white boy, not with Blackpeoplemeet.com, or when they finally have a super hero of their own.

Nope. Have not arrived yet. No way. They are still treated with disrespect from democrats or liberals and those things are so pathetic that they don't know being patronized is suppposed to be offensive.

What a fucking disaster of a race.

There's nothing wrong with the Chef expressing his views and giving white people the opportunity to relieve some of their white guilt.
If I happened to be there, and sat through his diatribe ... My response would be easy.

"I came for the food and we agree it is worth $12 ... But I get paid $50 an hour at the least ... And at best you owe me a meal and $20.
Thanks for lunch and I'll be kind enough to call us even."

no problem. plenty of other places to eat and i'll go there. tired of packing my bags for liberal guilt trips.

A frequent consumer of Nigerian food, are you? Not likely.
never said anything about nigerian anything at all. just said if a place was charging white people more i'd eat elsewhere.

doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

It's a Nigerian restaurant. I doubt you'd ever even know it existed at all.
doesn't take much to put you in attack mode, does it?

Says the dope attacking.

if you held the "attack bar" for us on the same level, you'd not get past 2-3 words before having to call it an attack. show me where my attack offended you in this post and let's go from there.

Your first post attacked the restaurant owner.
Because he is a racist dipshit....
Because he is a racist dipshit....

Yes, but for the special needs portion of the left, he's the right KIND of racist.

These low functioning dolts do not operate according to any sort of principle other than bleating like sheep upon the altar of political correctness.
Are you fucking bringing up the fucking 50s you piece of shit? Where the fuck are you not allowed to eat? I guess YOU FUCKING PEOPLE have not arrived.

Go get patronized more moron. What a pathetic disaster. This motherfucker brings up the Jim Crow south.

You are not gonna eat at that restaurant. So what's your beef ? There is no such thing as systematic black racism.

You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizing with white supremacist and Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs saying and doing this and the chief of a police union

These are guys with real power and real muscle and real influence who can easily wreck black ppls lives.

That's racism. But the worse thing you can come up with is whites being charged extra at some place to eat. Get the fk out my face.

This is why I laugh when guys like you and ptbw forever, Correll or Mudda or Slyhunter try and prove black racism.
Are you fucking bringing up the fucking 50s you piece of shit? Where the fuck are you not allowed to eat? I guess YOU FUCKING PEOPLE have not arrived.

Go get patronized more moron. What a pathetic disaster. This motherfucker brings up the Jim Crow south.

You are not gonna eat at that restaurant. So what's your beef ? There is no such thing as systematic black racism.

You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizing with white supremacist and Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs saying and doing this and the chief of a police union

These are guys with real power and real muscle and real influence who can easily wreck black ppls lives.

That's racism. But the worse thing you can come up with is whites being charged extra at some place to eat. Get the fk out my face.

This is why I laugh when guys like you and ptbw forever, Correll or Mudda or Slyhunter try and prove black racism.
Morons like you are the proof of black racism.

You are nothing but a hate filled twat who doesn't amount to anything in life and rather than doing something to improve yourself, you just fall back on the blame the white devil game so many of you losers play.

Black people who are successful don't need this excuse, so don't run around blaming whites like you do.
Morons like you are the proof of black racism.

You are nothing but a hate filled twat who doesn't amount to anything in life and rather than doing something to improve yourself, you just fall back on the blame the white devil game so many of you losers play.

Black people who are successful don't need this excuse, so don't run around blaming whites like you do.
No black person can be called racists. We don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate/dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way, HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.
Morons like you are the proof of black racism.

You are nothing but a hate filled twat who doesn't amount to anything in life and rather than doing something to improve yourself, you just fall back on the blame the white devil game so many of you losers play.

Black people who are successful don't need this excuse, so don't run around blaming whites like you do.
No black person can be called racists. We don't have the ability to deny anyone.

But when black people begin lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate/dismantle businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way, HATING WHITE PEOPLE en mass via de jure and de facto racism for HUNDREDS of years, then and only then can calling black people racists make sense.


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