A Real Expert Blasts Obama Administration


Sounds like the guy is praying for another 9/11.

Which clip did you watch? The guy is an internationally well respected historian. Is it that you don't like what he had to say that makes you seek to find some way to dismiss his thoughts?
Niall Ferguson Blasts Barack Obama For Failed Egypt Foreign Policy...

This guy puts it all in perspective


Lefties: what did we tell you about 'on the job training'?

Still waitin' for that apology.

What a load of partisan blather.

This guy is so clueless that responding to his nonsense is pointless.

Obama is not in charge, lad.

Wake up.

Partisan? He's not even an American, yet alone a conservative. :lol: He's an academic.... from Harvard, and Oxford... and one of the most respected historians around. He speaks at global security conferences, and the UK Government (both before and after their recent elections.... so both their 'left' and 'right') take him seriously. He is, in short, a world renown expert.

I would challenge you to point out where he said anything that was not historically accurate, and how that history informs his opinion of the current situation in Egypt.
Egyptians toppled a 30 year old dictatorship -- which we helped prop up -- in 18 days without a shot fired. They are well on their way to democracy and freedom.

When, exactly, did we decide only Americans should be free?

Oh goodie.... Miss 'Ain't Got a Fucking Clue About the Fact but I'll Form an Opinion Anyway' is on the thread... Adding stupid fucking pics again.

Personally, I'll listen to a Professor of History, from Harvard and Oxford, and an international reputation over the blatherings of Mad-o-lyin.
Niall Ferguson Blasts Barack Obama For Failed Egypt Foreign Policy...

This guy puts it all in perspective


Lefties: what did we tell you about 'on the job training'?

Still waitin' for that apology.

What a load of partisan blather.

This guy is so clueless that responding to his nonsense is pointless.

Obama is not in charge, lad.

Wake up.

Techy, the partisan blather would be your post...
1. The Obama CIA had not a clue, but, as pointed out in the clip, Israel suggested the course of events a year ago.

2. The Obama administrastion had numerous conflicting statements as to what would happen, when it should happen, and what they wished to happen....
What a terrible image of the US competence for the world to see.

Not seen since 1979.

3. As far as blather, how did you like the response about how successful the 'revolution' was, and Ferguson came back with something like 'how could it be successful' with the army in charge'?
Nail on the head by Niall!
Niall Ferguson Blasts Barack Obama For Failed Egypt Foreign Policy...

This guy puts it all in perspective


Lefties: what did we tell you about 'on the job training'?

Still waitin' for that apology.

What a load of partisan blather.

This guy is so clueless that responding to his nonsense is pointless.

Obama is not in charge, lad.

Wake up.

Techy, the partisan blather would be your post...
1. The Obama CIA had not a clue, but, as pointed out in the clip, Israel suggested the course of events a year ago.

2. The Obama administrastion had numerous conflicting statements as to what would happen, when it should happen, and what they wished to happen....
What a terrible image of the US competence for the world to see.

Not seen since 1979.

3. As far as blather, how did you like the response about how successful the 'revolution' was, and Ferguson came back with something like 'how could it be successful' with the army in charge'?
Nail on the head by Niall!

I thought he made a lot of sense... particularly when he pointed out that the 'revolution' hasn't achieved what they wanted to achieve - yet.

He made the interviewers look painfully naive. That was funny.
Niall Ferguson Blasts Barack Obama For Failed Egypt Foreign Policy...

This guy puts it all in perspective


Lefties: what did we tell you about 'on the job training'?

Still waitin' for that apology.

What a load of partisan blather.

This guy is so clueless that responding to his nonsense is pointless.

Obama is not in charge, lad.

Wake up.

Techy, the partisan blather would be your post...
1. The Obama CIA had not a clue, but, as pointed out in the clip, Israel suggested the course of events a year ago.

2. The Obama administrastion had numerous conflicting statements as to what would happen, when it should happen, and what they wished to happen....
What a terrible image of the US competence for the world to see.

Not seen since 1979.

3. As far as blather, how did you like the response about how successful the 'revolution' was, and Ferguson came back with something like 'how could it be successful' with the army in charge'?
Nail on the head by Niall!

You can stand on your head and whistle Dixie, PC, but it does not change the fact that Obama did a brilliant job and the outcome is something any freedom-loving person should be celebrating.

Got any more fairy tales for us this morning?
Egyptians toppled a 30 year old dictatorship -- which we helped prop up -- in 18 days without a shot fired. They are well on their way to democracy and freedom.

When, exactly, did we decide only Americans should be free?


With the military in charge? The place is under Martial Law right now and the only indication that it's going to change is a nebulous statement that elections might happen sometime in around 6 months. That's hardly "democracy and freedom." It was a military coup and now the people are prisoners in their own land subject to absolute rule by a junta.
What a load of partisan blather.

This guy is so clueless that responding to his nonsense is pointless.

Obama is not in charge, lad.

Wake up.

Techy, the partisan blather would be your post...
1. The Obama CIA had not a clue, but, as pointed out in the clip, Israel suggested the course of events a year ago.

2. The Obama administrastion had numerous conflicting statements as to what would happen, when it should happen, and what they wished to happen....
What a terrible image of the US competence for the world to see.

Not seen since 1979.

3. As far as blather, how did you like the response about how successful the 'revolution' was, and Ferguson came back with something like 'how could it be successful' with the army in charge'?
Nail on the head by Niall!

You can stand on your head and whistle Dixie, PC, but it does not change the fact that Obama did a brilliant job and the outcome is something any freedom-loving person should be celebrating.

Got any more fairy tales for us this morning?

You're celebrating a military dictatorship imposing Martial Law? WOW!
Techy, the partisan blather would be your post...
1. The Obama CIA had not a clue, but, as pointed out in the clip, Israel suggested the course of events a year ago.

2. The Obama administrastion had numerous conflicting statements as to what would happen, when it should happen, and what they wished to happen....
What a terrible image of the US competence for the world to see.

Not seen since 1979.

3. As far as blather, how did you like the response about how successful the 'revolution' was, and Ferguson came back with something like 'how could it be successful' with the army in charge'?
Nail on the head by Niall!

You can stand on your head and whistle Dixie, PC, but it does not change the fact that Obama did a brilliant job and the outcome is something any freedom-loving person should be celebrating.

Got any more fairy tales for us this morning?

You're celebrating a military dictatorship imposing Martial Law? WOW!

Of course not, asterism. I hope -- and I expect -- that Egypt will hold free elections soon. Frankly, I think it is best the opposition did not insist on installing a new leader immediately -- that's how Iran got the Ayatollah Khoumeni.
Techy, the partisan blather would be your post...
1. The Obama CIA had not a clue, but, as pointed out in the clip, Israel suggested the course of events a year ago.

2. The Obama administrastion had numerous conflicting statements as to what would happen, when it should happen, and what they wished to happen....
What a terrible image of the US competence for the world to see.

Not seen since 1979.

3. As far as blather, how did you like the response about how successful the 'revolution' was, and Ferguson came back with something like 'how could it be successful' with the army in charge'?
Nail on the head by Niall!

You can stand on your head and whistle Dixie, PC, but it does not change the fact that Obama did a brilliant job and the outcome is something any freedom-loving person should be celebrating.

Got any more fairy tales for us this morning?

You're celebrating a military dictatorship imposing Martial Law? WOW!

The problem, for the intellectually challenged, is that they can't cope with anything that does not fit with their HuffPuff Opinions.

Fairy tales.... that's about the level of intellect from Mad. She believes the fairy tales - as long as they come in simplistic language from a source she recognizes. But, get a real, honest to goodness expert that says something outside her narrow-minded view and she cannot deal with it.

Ferguson is the least likely to opine what he does not have evidence to support. Unlike Maddie who makes shit up and then argues it to death.
I think the usage of the military rule is overstated. The Egyptian Army knows who their "Daddy" is and that would be the US Pentagon with the billions of dollars of weapons given to them. Egypt's military leadership is in great fear of Iran, they need the military toys the US gives them. So therefore, they will pay much attention to what the US desires. I came to this conclusion after listening to several ME experts and NOT from media pundits.
Secondly, the Obama Administration was all over the place and didn't have a real coherent message in regards to the Egyptian Revolution. They seemed to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus to cover their ass. I give them a C-.

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