A question

I got vaccinated because it was the right health care choice for me. However, if you don't want to get vaccinated then that is fine. You are capable of making the right choices for yourself. None of us need the filthy ass government forcing it on us.
Of the people posting on here, please say wether you are vaccinated or not. Thank you for your cooperation.
I have had the two jabs and understand that it is not a cure and I can get infected with other strains of Covid which could lead to me spreading the virus and possibly killing me…

What are my chances of death after being vaccinated?

Very low but still possible, so we as a society should understand the vaccine is not a cure but something that will lessen the illness if you catch Covid and any of it strains.
I waited long enough to see if a large percentage of the first people vaccinated had major problems.

Reports were there were a few who did suffer serious side effects and in some cases the vaccine didn’t protect against COVID-19 but hospitalization wasn’t normally required.

So my personal risk analysis indicated getting the vaccine was the best alternative. At my age and with my health issues I had a big bullseye painted on my back for COVID-19 or one of its variations to shoot at.

I personally have little faith in my government because over the years it has lied so often. I also distrust our main stream media and have concluded that in our nation today all news is propaganda. Therefore it took me a while before I decided from my own research to go for the vaccine.
I got vaccinated because it was the right health care choice for me. However, if you don't want to get vaccinated then that is fine. You are capable of making the right choices for yourself. None of us need the filthy ass government forcing it on us.
I chose to vaccinated also.Thanks, Stan
Yes. Got the Pfizer back in April. Not a single side effect of any kind.

Maybe the side effects the Trumpists are experiencing are all psychosomatic. Think about it, if they're crazy enough to believe in St Trumpy and His bullshit, who knows what their capable of dreaming up in their little heads?
See you six feet under within five years.I really wish I was joking but im totally serious,you just signed your own death warrant I am sincerely sorry to inform you.

Yeah,.. whatever. I'll believe it when I see it.
I couldn't make it any simpler so yes or no there's nothing there's nothing to be paranoid about honest I just want to know how many people on here who I'm talking to weather mostly ignorant fools or intelligent people. Are trying to have a decent conversation

I just want to know how many people on here who I'm talking to weather mostly ignorant fools or intelligent people

Ignorant fools don't take nut the intelligent folks do? Way to make friends here Sparky.
I am 70 years old, I have arthritis in my fingers. I use a voice machine that prints out the words. It doesn't always work correctly and I don't always catch it. I need to learn to proofread what I say before I send it out, I will try to do better. Have a good day.
I've been really bitchy lately. So, I apologize.
I have RA too. Sucks, doesn't it? But you are handling it better than I am. Constant pain tends to make me grumpy.
You have been very classy. I sincerely apologize for being so nasty to you.
I've had cancer twice my doctor put me on an antiviral called Viread. I am 70 years old and I'm at great risk. My doctor takes very good care of me and she is a wonderful human being. She doesn't want me to work anymore because of covid; although I'm concerned, I am not afraid of it. Have a great day and again thank you, Stan
See, the funny thing that is NOT so funny is...I trust my doctors too. Two of them. General practitioner and my pain management doc. BOTH refuse to get the shot. BOTH said they didn't blame me one bit for not wanting to take an experimental drug, not cleared by the FDA, can't sue if it kills or maims you, and in general, is being pushed for nefarious reasons. My gen doc quit. I had to find a new one. Why did she quit? Because they were pressuring her to get jabbed and she flat out refused. They gave her a choice...get vaxxed or face dire consequences. Soon as they said that to her..she gave notice. THen she called her patients and told them she was leaving, and why. My new gen doc ALSO refuses the vax, and he is also in his 70's. I am soon to be 69. So, like you, I trust what my docs tell me. They said NO TO THE VAX. And even if they were for it, I would still refuse it.

I'll take my chances.
Yes. Got the Pfizer back in April. Not a single side effect of any kind.

Maybe the side effects the Trumpists are experiencing are all psychosomatic. Think about it, if they're crazy enough to believe in St Trumpy and His bullshit, who knows what their capable of dreaming up in their little heads?
The virus doesn't care what political party do you belong to, I am concerned about it. Glad to hear you got your shots. Thanks, Stan
See, the funny thing that is NOT so funny is...I trust my doctors too. Two of them. General practitioner and my pain management doc. BOTH refuse to get the shot. BOTH said they didn't blame me one bit for not wanting to take an experimental drug, not cleared by the FDA, can't sue if it kills or maims you, and in general, is being pushed for nefarious reasons. My gen doc quit. I had to find a new one. Why did she quit? Because they were pressuring her to get jabbed and she flat out refused. They gave her a choice...get vaxxed or face dire consequences. Soon as they said that to her..she gave notice. THen she called her patients and told them she was leaving, and why. My new gen doc ALSO refuses the vax, and he is also in his 70's. I am soon to be 69. So, like you, I trust what my docs tell me. They said NO TO THE VAX. And even if they were for it, I would still refuse it.

I'll take my chances.
Which is your right, we live in a free nation. Best wishes, Stan.
I've been really bitchy lately. So, I apologize.
I have RA too. Sucks, doesn't it? But you are handling it better than I am. Constant pain tends to make me grumpy.
You have been very classy. I sincerely apologize for being so nasty to you.
I plan on not visiting this site very often, I believe the site encourages discord and antimosity. I garden a lot, that sooths me. I hope you have a great day, take care of yourself and thanks again Stan.
I have had the two jabs and understand that it is not a cure and I can get infected with other strains of Covid which could lead to me spreading the virus and possibly killing me…

What are my chances of death after being vaccinated?

Very low but still possible, so we as a society should understand the vaccine is not a cure but something that will lessen the illness if you catch Covid and any of it strains.
I like the way you think. You figured it all out for yourself. Have a great day and a great life. Once again thank you very much, Stan.
I plan on not visiting this site very often, I believe the site encourages discord and antimosity. I garden a lot, that sooths me. I hope you have a great day, take care of yourself and thanks again Stan.
We are a rough and tumble group, yes. But don't write USMB off too fast. We bicker, fight, name call, are rude, obnoxious...but when one of us gets sick, or needs help in some way, most everyone comes forward to assist...even the ones that hate ya, lol.

I do clay. I paint. I draw. It keeps my hands flexible but it hurts too. Still...I'd rather do that than just stagnate. I LOVED my garden when I had one. I miss it, a lot. I have a small balcony now...that is the only area I have for potted plants. But I sure miss having a yard.

Anyway....give us a chance. We vent here to each other but we also laugh. Do visit the Coffee Shop forum here. It's in The Lounge. No politics, no venting, no grumping. Just chatting about our day, visiting, drinking internet coffee, lol. I think you would like it in there. Great people. Very kind. Just don't talk politics or the newest media reports. Talk about your garden. Take pics. Get to know those in there.
There are 3445 pages in that thread! So..here is a link to the last page so far, so you can get an idea of what is discussed and how wonderful the folks are in there:

Have a peaceful day. Too hot here to even go on the balcony. Already 95 and will get to 105.
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We are a rough and tumble group, yes. But don't write USMB off too fast. We bicker, fight, name call, are rude, obnoxious...but when one of us gets sick, or needs help in some way, most everyone comes forward to assist...even the ones that hate ya, lol.

I do clay. I paint. I draw. It keeps my hands flexible but it hurts too. Still...I'd rather do that than just stagnate. I LOVED my garden when I had one. I miss it, a lot. I have a small balcony now...that is the only area I have for potted plants. But I sure miss having a yard.

Anyway....give us a chance. We vent here to each other but we also laugh. Do visit the Coffee Shop forum here. It's in The Lounge. No politics, no venting, no grumping. Just chatting about our day, visiting, drinking internet coffee, lol. I think you would like it in there. Great people. Very kind. Just don't talk politics or the newest media reports. Talk about your garden. Take pics. Get to know those in there.
There are 3445 pages in that thread! So..here is a link to the last page so far, so you can get an idea of what is discussed and how wonderful the folks are in there:

Have a peaceful day. Too hot here to even go on the balcony. Already 95 and will get to 105.
Wow ! I was almost ready to call it quits. I have an uneasy feeling about the site I think it helps make people more bitter and angry. Life is too short for that. I'm going to start limiting my time on the site. We just got over our heat wave hopefully. Had a good rain last night and this morning. We really needed the rain. I take fish oil twice a day, I started it several years ago I noticed and I was getting off work my joints creaked and hurt as I walked up the stairs. It seems to lubricate my joints, I have less pain, and my joints don't creak anymore. Have a great day. Thanks again, Stan.
I have an uneasy feeling about the site I think it helps make people more bitter and angry. Life is too short for that. I'm going to start limiting my time on the site.
Well...ya gotta do what ya gotta do, I guess. If you are uncomfortable here, then maybe it would be best for you to find another place. But you are missing out on a lot of very fine people.

What's NOT to be bitter about? The world is in upheaval. We don't trust our government much. A virus created by enemies is killing many of us off. Our businesses have suffered. Things will get worse, so instead of shrugging it all off, we vent it out. USMB is family...the bullies and the bullied. Still a family.

Go. And be at peace.
I just want to know how many people on here who I'm talking to weather mostly ignorant fools or intelligent people

Ignorant fools don't take nut the intelligent folks do? Way to make friends here Sparky.
The bottom line is misinformation, ignorance, indifference, apathy and of course the virus are the enemy. I see this as possibly humanity's last call to action. This crisis is far from over.
The bottom line is misinformation, ignorance, indifference, apathy and of course the virus are the enemy. I see this as possibly humanity's last call to action. This crisis is far from over.

Hyperbole. You place your fear elsewhere. There are MUCH worse things going on than Covid.
Hyperbole. You place your fear elsewhere. There are MUCH worse things going on than Covid.
I am not afraid, I know who the enemies are. Knowledge gives you peace. Good luck with your way, you're going to need it.

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