A question for Dems about the TEA Party

Big fail, Zarius. You make blanket accusations without any cite, source or proof.

Care to try again without all the hyperbole?

I knew you would ask

New Poll Finds Tea Partiers Have More Racist Attitudes - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

I can do this all day. The evidence is overwhelming
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgBDeb28pe0]The Billionaires' Tea Party - Trailer - Available on DVD - YouTube[/ame]
I guess we can play this game all day if you choose, but it won't get us very far.

I found your poll a little bit interesting, though hardly any kind of proof that the TEA Party is racist. Conclusions about comparative intelligence between races are come to every day, and the science of measuring them has no agenda.

Attitudes about illegal immigration are not racist. It is a simple and visceral response of people who are sick and tired of watching their formerly well-paying jobs being taken for pennies on the dollar by people who have no legal right to be here, yet are.

Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans
I guess we can play this game all day if you choose, but it won't get us very far.

I found your poll a little bit interesting, though hardly any kind of proof that the TEA Party is racist. Conclusions about comparative intelligence between races are come to every day, and the science of measuring them has no agenda.

Attitudes about illegal immigration are not racist. It is a simple and visceral response of people who are sick and tired of watching their formerly well-paying jobs being taken for pennies on the dollar by people who have no legal right to be here, yet are.

Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans

Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.
I guess we can play this game all day if you choose, but it won't get us very far.

I found your poll a little bit interesting, though hardly any kind of proof that the TEA Party is racist. Conclusions about comparative intelligence between races are come to every day, and the science of measuring them has no agenda.

Attitudes about illegal immigration are not racist. It is a simple and visceral response of people who are sick and tired of watching their formerly well-paying jobs being taken for pennies on the dollar by people who have no legal right to be here, yet are.

Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans

Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

You can thank the GOP for that. They love illegals.
I guess we can play this game all day if you choose, but it won't get us very far.

I found your poll a little bit interesting, though hardly any kind of proof that the TEA Party is racist. Conclusions about comparative intelligence between races are come to every day, and the science of measuring them has no agenda.

Attitudes about illegal immigration are not racist. It is a simple and visceral response of people who are sick and tired of watching their formerly well-paying jobs being taken for pennies on the dollar by people who have no legal right to be here, yet are.

Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans

Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

Having lived much of my life in SC and having family in that backwoods craphole, I can confirm what Zarius is saying.

Fuck off, bitch.

Whoa! Is that allowed! Cause if it is.......Oh.......could it be true.......Im not used to this......can we? Do I dare?
I guess we can play this game all day if you choose, but it won't get us very far.

I found your poll a little bit interesting, though hardly any kind of proof that the TEA Party is racist. Conclusions about comparative intelligence between races are come to every day, and the science of measuring them has no agenda.

Attitudes about illegal immigration are not racist. It is a simple and visceral response of people who are sick and tired of watching their formerly well-paying jobs being taken for pennies on the dollar by people who have no legal right to be here, yet are.

Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans

Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

See, this part of why I cant side with tea party people. The workers are not the problem,the job CREATORS are the problem damn it! And you tea party people are in their pocket.
Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans

Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

You can thank the GOP for that. They love illegals.

Yes they do. The GOP loves cheap and really they want,slave labor. But you wont hear the tea party talk about that.
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

1. The TEA Party was formed immediately after the election of President Obama and was clearly due to outrage over a black liberal President.

2. The TEA party people did not care about the deficit under GWB, but suddenly became fanatics about it once Obama was elected.

3. By historical American standards the present tax rates are not high and will not be particularly high when the Bush tax end - yet the TEA party grossly exaggerates the the significance of these tax increases.

4. The TEA Party is grossly hypocritical by declaring that the want a balanced budget - to reduce the federal deficit - yet they refuse to let the Bush tax cuts expire. If they cared about the federal deficit, they would support tax increases as a part of any budget compromise.

5. The TEA party are really libertarians who've taken over the Republican party. They should let the Republicans have their party back and openly declare their true ideology.

6. The TEA Party is clearly doing everything they can to use finances to destroy the federal government and America with it. Their unconstitutional attempt not to raise the debt ceiling made that very clear.

7. The TEA Party has forced a budget stand off in Washington that threatens America's financial health.

In short, the TEA party seems to be a political front for the goals of the KKK.

I've been friends with members of the KKK - they're fun guys to party with - but I severely disagree with their views on racial issues and with their anti-federal sentiments. I also disagree with their extreme chauvinistic views towards women - though most of the women they associated with seemed to like being treated that way.

In the case of the TEA Party, where there's smoke there's a burning cross!
Let me tell you my friend ,right to work is why wages are in the pits. Here in SC employers pay shit wages with no benefits and their workers have no choice but to get on foodstamps and medicare. Those same job creaters are teapublicans.

SC rightwinger

"Break a tractor buy anothern,kill a ****** hire anothern". His children are still out there and in positions of power and yes they are teapublicans

Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

Having lived much of my life in SC and having family in that backwoods craphole, I can confirm what Zarius is saying.

very dear friends from SC. heard it all too. why anyone would try denying the facts is beyond understanding
What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

The tea party has no ideology. They are bush loving racist who love limbaugh and fox news supported by plutocrats. They actually want a king with them as nobles and us as serfs. And don't come with the tax BS. If that was true they would have protested and wore those stupid hats with racist signs long before two days after Obama is inaugurated
Janeane Garofalo? Is that you?

What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

Freedom is what they don't like. The idea that people might make their own decisions rather than taking orders from a federal bureaucrat is terrifying to them.
Freedom Works chair and tea-party organizer Dick Armey, once called Barney Frank "Barney Fag."

The response from the conservative blogosphere to reports that Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) was called the n-word, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) was spit on, and Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) was called a homophobic slur during yesterday's tea party protest at the Capitol has been mostly predictable. Many bloggers have attempted to paint Lewis, Cleaver, and Frank as liars playing identity politics in order to garner sympathy, with the added caveat that if the allegations are true, they are deplorable and in no way represent the movement as a whole. Tea Party Lunatics
TeaTards are perfectly willing to slash spending as long as it is spending that they don't benefit from

Offer up cuts in Social Security, Medicare or Veterans benefits and maybe I would be impressed
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What is it about the TEA Party ideology that you don't like?

Whatever your answers may be, please provide some kind of source for your assertions.

Part of the problem, of course, is there is no ‘Tea Party,’ by their own admission some 66 percent of TPM members usually or always vote republican:

Tea Party Supporters: Who They Are and What They Believe - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So clearly the TPM is in no way representative of all Americans, is in no way inclusive of all Americans, and reflects a clearly conservative bias.

And without any sort of official platform or National committee, it’s impossible to pin down the TPM with regard to any specific issue.

But of what we’ve heard from those who do identify as TPM, there’s much to oppose.

Such as one TPM representative advocating only property owners have the right to vote:

Tea Party Nation President Says It 'Makes A Lot Of Sense' To Restrict Voting Only To Property Owners | ThinkProgress

Repealing the 17th Amendment is also popular among the TPM, as well as idiocy such as a ‘balanced budget’ amendment, and similar calls for draconian spending cuts that would be harmful to the most vulnerable members of society.

That is, in essence, the most repugnant aspect of the TPM, it’s naïve, reactionary, reckless fiscal policies based on subjective dogma rather than documented facts. A policy harmful to Americans dependent on government programs through no fault of their own, including the elderly, retirees, children, and the disabled.

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