A poll for Liberals


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot
3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet
6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next
It's a miracle! This is the third thread I've seen where some ignorant partisan piece of shit hack decide to try to find out what liberals really believe!!!!
1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot
3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet
6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next

What did Fox tell you?
Someone needs to find out what you think because you sure can't tell us.
1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself? Yes
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot? No
3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care? No
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote? No
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet? Not really
6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s? Yes, if the companies didn't want the the gov't up their butts they shouldn't have taken tax payer money.
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president? No
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed? :eusa_eh: You're gonna have to be more specific.
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT? Yes
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next? Who the hell is Tom Cable?

1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself

2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot

3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care

4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote

5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet
No. We can make it pretty nasty, but we cannot destroy the planet.

6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s

7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president

8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed

9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT

10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next
Al Davis.
1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself
Only if we accept Sharia
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot



3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care

Yes. America owes it to the world for all the evil we've done
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote

Only illegal aliens should be allowed to vote. Whites should not be allowed citizenship
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet

Only white people

Chinese 'pollution' is a natural fertilizer and cleans the air

6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s

of a company's what?
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president

He's not your president. He's the world's president, chosen by our masters in the NWO to rule over the NAU. Glenn Beck can tell you all about it.
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed

The Constitutipon was written be slavekeepers, so it's not legal.
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT

Is he white?!
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next

Rush Limbaugh

I'm sure glad to know there aren't very many people who have been so badly corrupted and misled in their upbringing as you have been. I'm sad for you. Your numbers are loud but virtually non existent.
☭proletarian☭;1976356 said:
It's a miracle! This is the third thread I've seen where some ignorant partisan piece of shit hack decide to try to find out what liberals really believe!!!!


I resemble that remark!
1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself…YES
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot…NO
3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care….NO
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote…NO
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet…NO
6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s…NO
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president…NO
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed…NO
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT…HELL YES
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next…Proletarian
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1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself? Yes
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot? No
3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care? No
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote? No
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet? Not really
6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s? Yes, if the companies didn't want the the gov't up their butts they shouldn't have taken tax payer money.
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president? No
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed? :eusa_eh: You're gonna have to be more specific.
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT? Yes
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next? Who the hell is Tom Cable?


Well Article 15--you have disclosed yourself with one "exception" which is "the takeover of a private company." In that disclosure you have indicated to me that you are probably very young, & I am glad you're here-- but you have no business experience or working experience.

All of your other answers are a nail on hit.

Congrats--you just need to take eonomics 101--then you'll get it.

"When government can give you eveything you want, governmenet can also take everything you have" Thomas Jefferson
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Well Article 15--you have disclosed yourself with one "exception" which is "the takeover of a private company." In that disclosure you have indicated to me that you are probably very young, & I am glad you're here-- but you have no business experience or working experience.

All your other answers are a nail on hit.

Congrats--you just need to take eonomics 101--then you'll get it.

You must be trolling. You HAVE to be trolling. I know this is USMB but you're going for the gold in stupidity tonight.

You can't even spell economics 101 but you tell him to take it. What a fucking fool you are.
1. Do you believe America has the right to defend itself? Yes
2. Do you believe the 9-11 attack of the trade center was a Bush plot? No
3. Do you think illegal immigrants should have free health care? No
4. Do you favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote? No
5. Do you believe that the human race is destroying the planet? Not really
6. Do you accept the federal government takeover of private company’s? Yes, if the companies didn't want the the gov't up their butts they shouldn't have taken tax payer money.
7. Do you think labor unions should get special deals from OUR president? No
8. Do you think the constitution should be reconstructed? :eusa_eh: You're gonna have to be more specific.
9. Do you think Chris Matthews is an IDIOT? Yes
10. Who would you like to see Tom Cable beat up next? Who the hell is Tom Cable?


Well Article 15--you have disclosed yourself with one "exception" which is "the takeover of a private company." In that disclosure you have indicated to me that you are probably very young, & I am glad you're here-- but you have no business experience or working experience.

All of your other answers are a nail on hit.

Congrats--you just need to take eonomics 101--then you'll get it.

:lol: You are such an idiot!:lol::lol::lol:
You should watch Fox News you may learn something

What? The daily RNC talking points?

All or at least 90% of political news is talking points, the trick is to be able to read between the lines. Unfortunately Ideology gets in the way and fogs our vision. We all must lose the D and the R and start to vote OUR best interests not the DNC's or the RNC's.
Well Article 15--you have disclosed yourself with one "exception" which is "the takeover of a private company." In that disclosure you have indicated to me that you are probably very young, & I am glad you're here-- but you have no business experience or working experience.

All your other answers are a nail on hit.

Congrats--you just need to take eonomics 101--then you'll get it.

You must be trolling. You HAVE to be trolling. I know this is USMB but you're going for the gold in stupidity tonight.

You can't even spell economics 101 but you tell him to take it. What a fucking fool you are.

If my typo errors are your biggest concern--then it's really you that have a problem--:lol::lol:

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