A photo from the ISS


I eat morons
Jan 1, 2011
Der Spiegel published a few interesting pictures today which Nasa-Astronaut Mike Hopkins und Esa-Astronaut Luca Parmitano snapped from the ISS:

It`s a trail left behind when the Russians tested their (illegally) modified RS 12M 3 stage Topol ICBM, Nato codename "Sickle".
It`s not that "Sickle" flew a zig-zag course. That`s how erratic upper winds (and their direction) that determine local weather conditions are .

The ISS astronauts also tweeted a picture of a gigantic
cloud that "Sickle" spewed out:

It was generated when the 3.rd stage was used in a retrofire mode so that the warhead would impact at only 2000 km downrange...which made it an illegal test according to the INF treaty the Russians had signed which is supposed to phase out short range ballistic missiles such as the American "Pershings" the Soviets wanted gone from Western Europe.
Which just goes to show yet again that such international agreements & treaties aren`t worth the paper they are written on.
And we are all supposed to believe if we cut our CO2 emissions that the rest of the world will follow our example..???
If that strategy does not even work with treaties limiting nuclear weapons which are by far the greatest threat to humanity and our planet then one would have to be extremely naive to think that countries such as Russia or China would give a damn how we cripple our industry and technology for the sake of emitting less CO2. They can sit back and watch us cripple our industry just as effective as they could do with surgical strikes.
This AGW ideology has a lot in common with a trojan horse and is perhaps even more effective than any cyber attack that can be devised to cripple most of our industry and negate the advantages we have worked so hard to achieve.
I wonder what it will take till Liberals wake up and smell the coffee
Russia successfully test-fires Topol ballistic missile ? RT News
Russia successfully test-fires Topol ballistic missile

Obama and his "red lines" have become the world`s laughing stock. Bush may have not been the brightest but at least he kept up Reagan`s policies which had not only kept the Russians in check but which were also instrumental in the demise of the Soviet Union.
Had Obama been around when Hitler rose to power we`ld all be living under the heels of Nazi jack-boots today !
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Just how does Google get the idea it`s okay to alter content at will ?.
No matter how many times I went back and edited it they inserted a pop-up ad when you mouse over the sentence:
If that strategy does not even work
in my last post. ...
F**k, isn`t it enough already if these bastards inundate us with tracking cookies, now they start inserting ad links to their crap when you post a text in a forum
Well I guess it`s just another component of the new order and those of us who still "live in the past" when rights were respected just have to get used to it.
That same pesky link in this post now hijacks you to land here:
So it was done with the blessings of the USMSB admin...
Still I find that rather rude, no matter who okayed it, because I sure as hell don`t want to be advertizing for f-ing Google and that "mouse over" java scriptlet makes it appear as if I get paid $300 from Google to suck in whoever is surfing over my last post.
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I doubt there's a Google/USMB plot going on. I assume you're having some kind of trouble with the Google Chrome browser. So don't use Google Chrome. Try Firefox, with the various privacy-enhancing add-ons. I'm having no troubles at all with Firefox. The addons I use are:

Adblock Plus -- blocks most ads, including popups.
Ghostery -- blocks tracking cookies
BetterPrivacy -- blocks flash/LSO cookies
Flashblock -- Flash animations don't play unless you click on them.

And then there's the big nuke, NoScript, which kills all javascript. NoScript is a pain in the butt to have installed, because some javascript is necessary, and you keep having to give the good javascript permission to run. But I consider it to be a necessary pain in the butt. If javascript can't run without me telling it to, then the browser can't do anything bad to me.
I doubt there's a Google/USMB plot going on. I assume you're having some kind of trouble with the Google Chrome browser. So don't use Google Chrome. Try Firefox, with the various privacy-enhancing add-ons. I'm having no troubles at all with Firefox. The addons I use are:

Adblock Plus -- blocks most ads, including popups.
Ghostery -- blocks tracking cookies
BetterPrivacy -- blocks flash/LSO cookies
Flashblock -- Flash animations don't play unless you click on them.

And then there's the big nuke, NoScript, which kills all javascript. NoScript is a pain in the butt to have installed, because some javascript is necessary, and you keep having to give the good javascript permission to run. But I consider it to be a necessary pain in the butt. If javascript can't run without me telling it to, then the browser can't do anything bad to me.
I am using Firefox and have been using nothing but....with "NoScript", Adblock, etc etc. I went back and checked the source script and it is in fact a script that has been embedded with the okay from the USMSB Admin. It is triggered by certain key words.
In my post it was the word "work" that activated the java subroutine and linked it to the scriptlet that Google had offered to the USMSB which then gets to use it for a donation fund drive.
I`m using the exact same plug ins as you are and its nice to see that even you and I can agree on something.
The "better privacy" which hunts down LSO`s is an eye opener just how much garbage most other browsers accumulate.
Did you try out "Ghostery" yet? It shows you all the tracking cookies web sites try and dump on you.
The Reuters news page for example uses 18 trackers. Everything from "Google Analytics" to "Enlighten", "Net Rating", "Site Census" etc etc...
Right now on this web page..as I am writing this "Ghostery" intercepted 9 trackers that the USMSB is using....but have been blocked by this plug-in.
If you haven`t installed it yet try it out.
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PBear, arre you assuming the Russians and the Chinese do not believe in AGW?
I am not assuming that "Russians" and "Chinese" do not believe this or that.
In either country it matters little to the leadership what their citizens want.
For some strange reason the Chinese leadership lately has been far more responsive than the latest Putin "Apparatchik". But for the most part even in China most of the efforts to curb pollution amounts to not much more than window dressing given the scale of their problem.
I also object to this kind of broad brush characterization, like "The Russians" or "The Chinese". Even in countries like these 2 you have a wide diversity of opinion and believes. It is human nature to question and it would be a sad day when that is no longer possible.
You should have seen how difficult that was in the German "Democratic Republic"...aka the GDR or DDR which was the communist East Germany. Their State Security Police had a file and ongoing surveillance on every one of their citizens and the slightest dissent qualified you for "re-education"...a nicer term than imprisonment.
Same stuff that still goes on in North Korea.
Yet despite all the "Stasi" and Kangaroo show trials the DDR came to naught and so will any political system or ideology that does not tolerate dissent.
There is a lot of "stuff" going on in the US today that reminds me of the methods East Germany`s "Stasi"...the State Security Police was using.
It`s still a far cry from a totalitarian state and "re-education camps" but there are many who sound as if they wish there were
I liken "dissenters" that many prefer to label as "deniers" to a "fly by wire" system.
The flight crew might be qualified experts, but I do prefer to ride in an airliner where the computer system double checks their control inputs before executing them. Airplanes are a lot more predictable than the climate and I seriously doubt that there are human beings that could qualify as "climate experts" when so far not even linked super computer systems can make valid climate predictions.
If you were to make an analogy out of expert and climate model predictions and airliner ILS approaches, the "climate model" not only missed every runway but never even found the airport. To boot, with climate modelling we are not even close to a "real time" scenario, as "fly by wire" systems solve routinely. We can`t even simulate past events with any degree of accuracy....and as long as that is so you can`t expect that there is no dissent and solve these problems by silencing dissent.
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Your analogy is weak and climate science has performed considerably better than you'd like to indicate. You make a mistake that we see all too often around here: assuming that people who don't know everything must know nothing. I may be mistaken, but it all too often seems to me as if folks take that sort of position in an attempt to bring scientists down to their own level - ie, knowing nothing.

ps: I'm finding it difficult to get past your "nauseating liberal women" views. In my book, those are the opinions of an animal. No offense.
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