A new idea for people who collect welfare.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Why don't we send them to Mexico, Houston, Flordia to clean up the hurricane and earthquake mess...

Then when that's done, we send them to Africa and third world countries and help those people there.

Heck since we have to pay for them anyways ...

Why don't we send them to Mexico, Houston, Flordia to clean up the hurricane and earthquake mess...

Then when that's done, we send them to Africa and third world countries and help those people there.

Heck since we have to pay for them anyways ...


For immigrants who want to earn citizenship, amnesty and work off any debts owed for violations,
For inmates who want to work off restitution for costs their crimes incurred to taxpayers, and earn their place back in society
For veterans who would love jobs building houses and elderly/health care centers for veterans left disabled and impoverished
For local citizens who want credits for work invested in rebuilding their communities

Yes, it makes more sense to credit the communities and workers for the resources and labor it takes to rebuild.
Jobs and a capital base can be built for each city, district, or neighborhood that tracks its own construction costs.

For examples of labor-backed currency, see www.ithacahours.com or www.paulglover.org

Trump also envisioned "building a wall" using restitution owed for violations and trafficking.

Here, we can take the total damages and cost of reconstruction, assess that as the VALUE of each district,
then issue "notes" or credits against that total value in order to Finance the labor to fulfill the plans.

If wrongdoers who owe debts for crime or corruption pay this back to each city, county or state,
then either the wrongdoers can work off their own debts, or they could SELL the shares in those debts
to immigrant, veteran, inmate or other local workers who want to work for OWNERSHIP of their own districts.

That sort of a program would be a good opportunity to provide the young unemployed an alternative means to escape from the inner city or Appalachia and learn some work skills, especially for those not cut out for the military.
Why don't we send them to Mexico, Houston, Flordia to clean up the hurricane and earthquake mess...

Then when that's done, we send them to Africa and third world countries and help those people there.

Heck since we have to pay for them anyways ...


Pssst . Those people in Texas and Florida collecting FEMA help. They are welfare recipients!
I think I would be happy if we used those people for jury duty. After all, they constantly bug working people to serve, and we do so while lowlifes sit at home, don't work, and contribute nothing.

We take a loss in pay, or have to use vacation days if we are living check to check. Let the non-working serve on jury duty. After all, they should do something to repay us working people for supporting them.
Yeah except then you'd have to pay for not just one person to move around quite a bit to do that work, you'd also be paying for their entire family to be moving around, and would cost more than just giving them welfare, thus defeating the purpose.

It would be cheaper to continue to give them welfare and then pay an immigrant $2 an hour to do the job.
I think I would be happy if we used those people for jury duty. After all, they constantly bug working people to serve, and we do so while lowlifes sit at home, don't work, and contribute nothing.

We take a loss in pay, or have to use vacation days if we are living check to check. Let the non-working serve on jury duty. After all, they should do something to repay us working people for supporting them.
Would you want the non-working people judging you if you were falsely accused of a crime?
Why don't we send them to Mexico, Houston, Flordia to clean up the hurricane and earthquake mess...

Then when that's done, we send them to Africa and third world countries and help those people there.

Heck since we have to pay for them anyways ...


What types of government assistance are you talking about, when you say "Welfare"?

Are you talking about food stamps? TANF? Social Security? Unemployment? Medicare? Medicaid? Be specific.
I think I would be happy if we used those people for jury duty. After all, they constantly bug working people to serve, and we do so while lowlifes sit at home, don't work, and contribute nothing.

We take a loss in pay, or have to use vacation days if we are living check to check. Let the non-working serve on jury duty. After all, they should do something to repay us working people for supporting them.
Would you want the non-working people judging you if you were falsely accused of a crime?

I'm sure some of them are already. But it's either them or a bunch of pissed off people who were forced to take time from work and lose money at the same time. Six of one and half dozen of the other.

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