A new, ethical, church proposal

By the way, Marx was the father of Marxism, not communism.
A Brief Biography of Karl Marx, the Father of Communism

“Karl Marx (May 5, 1818–March 14, 1883), a Prussian political economist, journalist, and activist, and author of the seminal works, "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital," influenced generations of political leaders and socioeconomic thinkers. Also known as the Father of Communism...”


“...The Father of Communism, Karl Marx, a German philosopher and economist, proposed this new ideology in his Communist Manifesto, which he wrote with Friedrich Engels in 1848...”
one could do well to listen to just the words of Buddha and or Jesus. Not what others say about these words, merely the words.
One could do better by questioning how people know Jesus said anything- the bible, the alleged word of "God" is "interpreted" from language so old it's impossible to ascertain what something means- using an evolving knowledge means the interpretations can and likely have been different, and used in a context which is subjective to the interpreters desire to prove the impossible.
That's not to say the "words" said to have been said wouldn't prove beneficial to the world in general- but, those words are man's words said to have been somebody else's by man.
The previous post suggested I come up with my own whatever- I believe I in fact did and have for years.
Treat others with respect- that can begin by accepting that everyone was created in the exact same way you were and having the example set by authority figures vs the lies and deceit used by authority figures who profess to be worthy of something they aren't- special treatment.
That simple concept is said to "lead to socialism and communism"- how in the world that happened is beyond me-

Anyway- I just dropped in to start a thread in General Discussion which will reference this one- that ought to be a hoot.
By the way, Marx was the father of Marxism, not communism.
Ism is ism- who started what where is immaterial- it's mans words- which is THE point- man.
How treating another man the same way you want to be treated leads to grouping is beyond my simple comprehensive ability.
Communism, groups sharing goods and services equitably, is a very old thing. It is based on taking as a reality that all are equal.
Communism, groups sharing goods and services equitably, is a very old thing. It is based on taking as a reality that all are equal.
No it's NOT! In EVERY group some are ALWAYS more equal than others- can I kindly suggest you read ALL I've written prior to jumping in- I addressed that in a previous post. They are, in fact, quite similar to religious dogma- in ANY group. Especially, religious or political- socialism and communism is grouping. Period. They are socio-economic systems with one using force (communism) the other using communal effort- BOTH are centrally planned. Therefore there is a more equal- respecting the rights of the Individual in no way can lead to either-
The church of "I"- non-religious but highly ethical coming together of Individuals, and "I" is not spelled me. No leader, no human authority, no God, no tax, no tithing, no baptizing, no hymns of praise, though zealotry is helpful. It's not dependent on the group dogma or rhetoric for sustainability. In fact "I" will outlive either. The evidence is History.

"I" is the first letter in the word individual. Without Individual effort nothing is accomplished. The stories, songs, etc., are always about an Individual. The group is but a supporting cast.

The only requirement being the taking to heart that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- unalienable is not inalienable. No rules or rituals involved, just Individual effort. To take to heart requires Individual effort. Taking it to heart and acting it allows it to perpetuate itself. Perpetuation can gain orders of magnitude.

When I heard this song it became my anthem- the golden rule set to music

Do with these thoughts as you will-

What is the funding stream for this new church of "I"? I can't see why someone would donate 5 cents or 10 seconds to it, how will they keep the heat on?
Communism and socialism are socio-economic systems. Communism forces- socialism is a communal effort.
The communal effort, when exercised over time, soon begs the question- why one is doing more than the other and being rewarded the same. That is human nature. One Individual slacking makes others question, especially when the question is posed publicly, by one Individual. At first the group will ostracize, at some point it may kill and in the mean time it will coerce. A group, with the same thoughts, is easily deceived because they want to believe it'll work.
The occasional helping another is human nature and the reward is occasionally being helped. Everyone involved is rewarded with feeling good about their Individual effort.That's called being neighborly.
When it's a way of life it's burdensome, and the thinkers in the group, the Individuals, realize they've been duped they revolt- one way or another.
Communism is forced- coercion is the the threat of immediate death. No in between allowed.
The central planners of both groups are or were an Individual. One used lies and deceit to gain a following, one used force to force a following. Neither respects the rights of the Individual. Lies and force are immoral. Period. Because both end with encroaching/violating the right to Liberty-
In the mean time, please, draw a picture, with words, exactly how respecting the rights of others can lead to anything other than the exercising of Liberty- an inherent right.
What is the funding stream for this new church of "I"? I can't see why someone would donate 5 cents or 10 seconds to it, how will they keep the heat on?
Why does it need funding? Why does it need to be a place? Where did I ask for funding? Why did you bring it up?
Why are posters intentionally obstinate? Why don't posters read what's actually typed? Why would a poster post something they don't have a clue about because they believe (have faith) that they know all there is to know about any given subject without reading? Why do posters believe they're smart or cute and prove they aren't, in public no less.
The choice between the Self and God and the Self and reality is the strongest of man’s temptations.
Man is a spiritual being who aspires to a kind of happiness which material things alone cannot give.
And some can't resist proselytizing- many believe force is okay- very few respect the Individual's rights.
Not unexpectedly history shows that every atheistic state used force to subordinate religion.
Not unexpectedly history shows that every atheistic state used force to subordinate religion.
Not surprisingly arguing about whose god is best has caused as much death as plagues.
I will apologize to no one for practicing and believing in the Golden Rule, especially "religious nutters" (notice the plural?) who profess some sort of esoteric knowledge and dogamtize it as truth- that they have no respect for others proves a point I'm making- they- group- demand others see things their way or else-

I Cast No Stones, I build no walls

You, sir, are one ignorant, working at being stupid, fuck to ever infect a political message board.
I don’t know how others see this but it does seem to me like you cast a stone and built a wall there.

Apparently you and I have a different understanding of what the golden rule means.

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