
Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?

What is your intent with this thread?

To mourn the dead? Or to score a partisan point against your enemy?

HOw is what you are doing any different than what you are complaining about?
If you don't believe the President was horrified over the event that occurred in my city than you're likely a lost, blind partisan.
Trump doesn't strike me as the emotional or empathetic type.
I am partisan but am certainly not blind and am pretty sure I'm not lost.....yet at least.
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?


So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?
If you don't believe the President was horrified over the event that occurred in my city than you're likely a lost, blind partisan.
Trump doesn't strike me as the emotional or empathetic type.
I am partisan but am certainly not blind and am pretty sure I'm not lost.....yet at least.

I disagree on the former.
What is your intent with this thread?

To mourn the dead? Or to score a partisan point against your enemy?

HOw is what you are doing any different than what you are complaining about?
I'm pointing out what a piece of shit the "President" is...and noting that his followers are no different
Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?


Yes.... a man who hates President Trump, and who, as a nazi, as you claim he is, a believer in left wing socialism, murdered people....this is an act that the left wing does all the time, all around the world.... the national socialists murdered 12 million, the Russian socialists murdered 25 million, the Chinese Socialists murdered 70 million or more......left wingers like this guy are violent haters who eventually turn to murder...

And he is on your side, not ours...
So tell us, if Rump is as Hitler to what lengths will you go to stop him?

Don't mischaracterize my words. I did NOT make that claim...but "stop him" we must

Walked into a House of Worship and killed 11 members of that synagogue and shot four law enforcement officers...and our "President" was upset NOT that this horrific event occurred...but that it upset his political momentum!

Are ya kidding?

Go Trump! MAGA!
If you don't believe the President was horrified over the event that occurred in my city than you're likely a lost, blind partisan.
Trump doesn't strike me as the emotional or empathetic type.
I am partisan but am certainly not blind and am pretty sure I'm not lost.....yet at least.

Actually, from everyone who has met him personally this isn't true. Even from that Rabbi at the synagogue they all say in person he is a very nice, warm person...he has two sides...one for the combat of the public arena, and then his real self.......which he shows in person.....
1. not a nazi--stop the stupid shit
2. ridiculous hypothesis/idea/OP --just ridiculous
as with my new thread I posted, you people usually have NO evidence !!!!!!!!!!!
here, read this OP ---this one makes sense
we don't care--in fact we laugh
If you don't believe the President was horrified over the event that occurred in my city than you're likely a lost, blind partisan.
Trump doesn't strike me as the emotional or empathetic type.
I am partisan but am certainly not blind and am pretty sure I'm not lost.....yet at least.

Actually, from everyone who has met him personally this isn't true. Even from that Rabbi at the synagogue they all say in person he is a very nice, warm person...he has two sides...one for the combat of the public arena, and then his real self.......which he shows in person.....
Reinhard Heydrich was by all accounts a nice guy and a good family man. He was also the architect of the Holocaust

Personality means nothing when talking about POLICIES and actions in the public sphere.
What is your intent with this thread?

To mourn the dead? Or to score a partisan point against your enemy?

HOw is what you are doing any different than what you are complaining about?
I'm pointing out what a piece of shit the "President" is...and noting that his followers are no different

Got it. You are using the deaths of these people for political purpose.

Like Trump saw coming.

Your pretense of concern is a lie.
Now you're just another lying piece of shit honey. You used the word NAZI for a reason. You people are gutless cowards.

Fuck You "honey".

I used the word Nazi because the killer was a Nazi
If you don't believe the President was horrified over the event that occurred in my city than you're likely a lost, blind partisan.
Trump doesn't strike me as the emotional or empathetic type.
I am partisan but am certainly not blind and am pretty sure I'm not lost.....yet at least.

Actually, from everyone who has met him personally this isn't true. Even from that Rabbi at the synagogue they all say in person he is a very nice, warm person...he has two sides...one for the combat of the public arena, and then his real self.......which he shows in person.....
Reinhard Heydrich was by all accounts a nice guy and a good family man. He was also the architect of the Holocaust

Personality means nothing when talking about POLICIES and actions in the public sphere.

Please get a grip.
If you don't believe the President was horrified over the event that occurred in my city than you're likely a lost, blind partisan.
Trump doesn't strike me as the emotional or empathetic type.
I am partisan but am certainly not blind and am pretty sure I'm not lost.....yet at least.

Actually, from everyone who has met him personally this isn't true. Even from that Rabbi at the synagogue they all say in person he is a very nice, warm person...he has two sides...one for the combat of the public arena, and then his real self.......which he shows in person.....
Reinhard Heydrich was by all accounts a nice guy and a good family man. He was also the architect of the Holocaust

Personality means nothing when talking about POLICIES and actions in the public sphere.

True......but nothing Trump has done in the public sphere is evil or wrong....cutting taxes, protecting the border, getting our allies to do their part...

Where does the evil come in, you doofus?

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