A minorities rendition of the national anthem that invokes the true meaning of what America stands f

Wow. That's the best I've heard since Whitney Houston.

She's even got a little angry gravel in her voice. :113:
That's cool, but the U.S.A Founding Father's were White supremacists.

No, they weren't. They were products of their time.

The U.S.A Founding Father's immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790, specifically stated that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

I think that kind-of speaks for it's self, no?

Almost brings tears to my eyes. BEAUTIFUL

Probably a chain migrant. Part of the genocide against white people.

Asians are kind of better than other immigrants.

Okay, race traitor

AsianTrumpSupporter, PoliticalChic, or Don't Taz Me Bro, are all more pro- White, pro-Conservative, and logical, than a dumb West Euro snow-flake Liberal suicidal White like yourself.
That's cool, but the U.S.A Founding Father's were White supremacists.

No, they weren't. They were products of their time.

The U.S.A Founding Father's immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790, specifically stated that only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.

I think that kind-of speaks for it's self, no?

Indeed it does. It reflected the widespread thinking of the time. To attempt to apply 21st Century mores to 18th Century thought only makes you an idiot.

Almost brings tears to my eyes. BEAUTIFUL

Probably a chain migrant. Part of the genocide against white people.

Asians are kind of better than other immigrants.

Okay, race traitor

AsianTrumpSupporter, PoliticalChic, or Don't Taz Me Bro, are all more pro- White, pro-Conservative, and logical, than a dumb West Euro snow-flake Liberal suicidal White like yourself.

That's a crazy assumption. Just because they align right doesn't mean any of them subscribe to identify politics

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