A Message To My Fellow Hispanics


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
First mine and then a short video.
WE are standing at a time when OUR contribution to the United States CAN be greater then ever. Before us lays some VERY VERY hard work but as a people hard work has never been a problem.

There are those my fellow Hispanics that would tell you the dual citizenship of Cruz WAS a bad thing. I disagree. Ted Cruz CHOSE to be AMERICAN, So he HAS voted PRO America already. I can't say that about the current can you?

For the record I am half Hispanic. My mother married my father in 1956 long before it was accepted. But MY grand mother saw something in my father, a MAN head and shoulders above the rest.

He NEVER drank, drugged chased or cheated. And the TWO of them set that bar of " To death do us part". That's an ethic folks, that's a standard. WE my fellow Hispanics DO truly have before us the ability to do one of the MOST positive things we could for OUR nation.

WE can give this country a leader, NOT just a Hispanic leader but a PROUD American Hispanic leader. He will DEFEND the foundation to our right to our faith. He will defend the cornerstone of OUR liberty. He will DEFEND the safety and security of OUR people.

Those people being Americans of ALL colors ALL races ALL stripes.
My fellow Hispanic's there is a time when the fabric the foundation of a nation stands with YOU. And there is a time when YOU need to stand with it.
We got work, let's get busy.

Oh the video..

God and Country
Dark Fury

I am glad to see someone stand up for the Hispanic community. Political Correctness has, for a very long time, dealt with Hispanics the same as that "other minority".

More and more Hispanic leaders are seeking public office and I think it's a good sign. Each ethnic group should have their represtatives in office.

As for Ted Cruz. He is a perfect example of liberal racism. They make a big deal out of Obama being the first "black" president when, in fact, he is only HALF BLACK.

And they totally ignore that Cruz is Hispanic - the first national figure of that ethnic group.

Will he win? Maybe. I see him more being selected to be Vice Presidential candidate as the GOP seeks a middle-of-the-roader.
Unbelievable! I never knew a Hispanic could be a hard working family man! You have opened my eyes to a whole new reality! All this time, I thought they were just like any other brown people!

Ted Cruz for President.
The Republicans were off to a great start this year with wanting to deport 5 million of them and all....

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