A map of the liberal thought process on abortion

Chuz Life

Gold Member
Jun 18, 2015
I've been wanting to try this for a long time.

The idea of this thread is really very simple. I am curious about what the left's thought process is from start to finish on abortion. Ultimately, since our Constitution is the supreme 'law of the land' it has to come down to a reading, understanding and or interpretation of the Constitution itself.

So, starting with all the facts and realities we have today, including The Constitution, Roe and all the Supreme Court cases, scientific facts, etc. . .

Please help me map out (and thereby understand) the liberal thought process of abortion.

If need by, I will start a similar map for the Conservative thought process in another thread - to serve as a guideline for this one.

Trolling and thread derail attempts will be reported. (for whatever good that does) Wouldn't it be great if we could have threads without all that?

I digress.

Staring with a 'blank page' as much as that is possible. . . The FIRST thought that comes to mind when you think about the abortion issue as a left leaning person is. . .


Then the next step, etc.
First, begin with a closed circle that they cannot escape nor facts penetrate, representing their general arguments.
government intrusion into reproductive privacy wasn't even considered at the inception of our country.

the power of big daddy government is what changed...

politicizing this private issue now serves as a nice big wedge to get bible thumping emos on the wrong side of history.
since the beginning of time, including mentions in the bible, women have understood exactly what they are choosing in the privacy of their own womb...

women don't need anyone to draw a gruesome picture, or a government mandated vaginal probe to rub their face in a moving 3D image just so YOU can feel better about yourself.

most Americans AND most Christians understand that such government overreach into reproductive privacy is unduly oppressive AND immoral...
Abortion is a made up issue designed to coalesce a right-wing political movement. It isn’t even mentioned in the Bible unless you consider the obvious implications of the ordeal of the bitter water in Numbers 5.

Everyone has a right to make their own decisions about abortion and we believe if someone is against it they shouldn't have one. No one has the right to impose their beliefs on this topic on others, especially when right-wing Biblical interpretations are fabricated for political purposes.

Most conservative "Christians" won't read won't read any further than this. They just can't handle hearing something that could bring down their entire psychological house of cards. That means it's up to us to educate ourselves and educate those around us who will listen.

two-thirds of human conceptions are spontaneously aborted by nature.

If fetal rights were enshrined in law, women's bodies, rights, and health would be subordinated to the protection of embryos. The legal consequences of such a law would be catastrophic. The best way to protect the fetus is to promote the health and well-being of women.

Laws have never stopped abortion, but only made it unsafe for women. Abortion is a universal practice that has been with us since the beginning of time, whether legal or illegal.

It's very interesting to note that in Jewish law and tradition an unborn fetus is not considered a person (Heb. nefesh, lit. “soul”) until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as a part of the mother’s body and not a separate being until it begins to egress from the womb during parturition (childbirth).

Things haven't always been the way they are now with American Christianity.

A 1968 a symposium sponsored by the Christian Medical Society and Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of evangelicalism, refused to characterize abortion as sinful, citing 'individual health, family welfare, and social responsibility' as justifications for ending a pregnancy.


Enter con-man Paul Weyrich, the late religious conservative political activist, co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, and Godfather of The “Christian” Right, who literally shopped various issues trying to galvanize a conservative “Christian” movement.

His hypothetical “moral majority” needed a catalyst—a standard around which to rally.

The Christian Left
I had sex because it was my right. I took no precautions because I don't care. I'm pregnant now and I don't want it. I'm gonna kill because I don't care.
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I had sex because it was my right. I took no precautions because I don't care. I'm pregnant know and I don't want it. I'm gonna kill because I don't care.

big daddy government loving sanctimonious emo twit says what?

Conservative "Christians" actually get extremely hostile about this issue. Abortion and LGBT equality are the only two flimsy reasons they have to cling their twisted right-wing ideology. Deep down they must know on some level that right-wing ideology and the teachings of Jesus Christ just don't go together. They don't line up. They don't fit. To alleviate their cognitive dissonance they have to demonize and scapegoat others. Liberals become "Baby Killers." LGBT folks are an "abomination," and a threat to the fabric of society and "good, clean Family Values."

It's really sad that modern Christianity has been led down this ugly road.

Again, conservative "Christians" won't read this article. It's up to us to educate ourselves and educate those around us who will listen.

The Christian Left
Nothing but trolling, flaming and spam.

I couldn't be more disappointed.

I sincerely think it would be interesting, productive and useful to have a map / flowchart on not only the abortion issue but on any number of other subjects as well.

Are there not any others interested in this as well?
I had sex because it was my right. I took no precautions because I don't care. I'm pregnant now and I don't want it. I'm gonna kill because I don't care.

The above is not trolling. It's what I see libs do. I answered your question.
Nothing but trolling, flaming and spam.

I couldn't be more disappointed.

I sincerely think it would be interesting, productive and useful to have a map / flowchart on not only the abortion issue but on any number of other subjects as well.

Are there not any others interested in this as well?
The title of the thread is trolling...So what else would follow?
I myself would never use abortion..and I am a liberal...I pay for what I create, cherish it and keep it...What others do is their story..
religious conservatives are not actually politically conservative.

SHARIA LAW was born from religious conservatism.

this evil, oppressive, and manipulative political agenda needs to be aborted in the USA :thup:

Roe v. Wade (1973) Jane Roe vs Wade County Texas

In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (A POLITICAL CONSERVATIVE who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws and cited past cases ruling that marriage, contraception, and child rearing are activities covered in this "zone of privacy." The Court then argued that the "zone of privacy" was "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." This decision involved myriad physical, psychological, and economic stresses a pregnant woman must face.

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS

In Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992), the Supreme Court affirmed the basic ruling of Roe v. Wade that the state is prohibited from banning most abortions.
Nothing but trolling, flaming and spam.

I couldn't be more disappointed.

I sincerely think it would be interesting, productive and useful to have a map / flowchart on not only the abortion issue but on any number of other subjects as well.

Are there not any others interested in this as well?

oh my, you were only interested in your fairy tale version of your political opponents' mind set??

Women around the world have used abortion to control their reproduction at every point in history, and in every known society — regardless of its legality.

In the United States, abortion was widely practiced before about 1880, by which time most states had banned it except to save the life of the woman. Anti-abortion legislation was part of a backlash against the growing movements for suffrage and birth control — an effort to control women and confine them to a traditional childbearing role.

History of Abortion in the U.S. - Our Bodies Ourselves
Conservative "Christians" have all manner of mantras they repeat over and over again. Several examples include, "There's no such thing as The Christian Left," "The Christian Left is an oxymoron," "You can't be a Christian and a Liberal," "You can't be a Christian and be pro-choice."

Once again all of the above are lies they have to tell themselves to avoid cognitive dissonance.

In fact, there's an organization called the Religious Coalition For Reproductive Choice which consists of more than 40 denominations and faith groups who educate and promote issues of reproductive choice.

Don't ever let any of your conservative "Christian" friends or family shout you down on this or any other issue again. Their ridiculous mantras are nothing more than pure silliness. Fewer and fewer people buy them. They are the reason so many people want nothing to do with organized religion, which is sad, because their rhetoric is a pack of extremist fabrications.


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