"A Lot of People Want Liver" - Planned Parenthood's purpose exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

"Where you are negotiating prices for fetal lungs and livers while discussing how to avoid the perception that you are negotiating prices for fetal lungs and livers, you are engaged in a conspiracy to violate federal laws — something that Washington Post reporters once gave a damn about. Richard Nixon wanted to burgle in a way that was not perceived as: “This president is a crook.” But he was a crook.
"And it is manifestly the case that the people who run Planned Parenthood are crooks, too."

Planned Parenthood Is a Business National Review Online
I was watching the news and they had a bioethics person speaking, his concern was the rotating of the baby, to him that reveals they are planning harvesting and he said it sounded awfully close to "we are willing to do an illegal procedure in order to obtain the desired tissue or body parts"
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.

"Where you are negotiating prices for fetal lungs and livers while discussing how to avoid the perception that you are negotiating prices for fetal lungs and livers, you are engaged in a conspiracy to violate federal laws — something that Washington Post reporters once gave a damn about. Richard Nixon wanted to burgle in a way that was not perceived as: “This president is a crook.” But he was a crook.
"And it is manifestly the case that the people who run Planned Parenthood are crooks, too."

Planned Parenthood Is a Business National Review Online

Just when I think you can't get any lower you actually say that abortion is the same, no more important than breaking into a hotel room.

You are one sick twitch.

How many more of the same thread are you going to post?

What will compare it to next time? Spaying dogs?
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.

Of course you find it phony outrage, you bought into PP's BS excuse. I assure you there is nothing phony about my outrage over this. No sir
This would make Joseph Mengele proud.....


Has Planned Abortionhood tried injecting blue dye into the eyes of the black babies they murdered?
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.

Of course you find it phony outrage, you bought into PP's BS excuse. I assure you there is nothing phony about my outrage over this. No sir
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.
Holy shit. You literally just said that you support child organ trafficking. You literally just fucking said that. -.-
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.
Holy shit. You literally just said that you support child organ trafficking. You literally just fucking said that. -.-
Why are you shocked? This is who these people are. They're monsters.
you support child organ trafficking. You literally just fucking said that

An aborted fetus is not a child oh Fauxraged one. The tissue is used for scientific research. Nothing illegal about charging a handling fee for the material either.
What is a young human called? Why do they need the organs being harvested from the "potential life"?

Side note: I've already mentioned what you're doing here in one of my first threads. Conservatives think liberals are ethically misguided. Liberals think conservatives are ethically liberal and just lying about. It all comes down to conservatives having more variables to their morality. It's easier for the one with five to understand the one working with three than the reverse.
you support child organ trafficking. You literally just fucking said that

An aborted fetus is not a child oh Fauxraged one. The tissue is used for scientific research. Nothing illegal about charging a handling fee for the material either.
What is a young human called? Why do they need the organs being harvested from the "potential life"?

Side note: I've already mentioned what you're doing here in one of my first threads. Conservatives think liberals are ethically misguided. Liberals think conservatives are ethically liberal and just lying about. It all comes down to conservatives having more variables to their morality. It's easier for the one with five to understand the one working with three than the reverse.

What are you a Bene Gesserit? "Young Human" Ask a researcher why they need human tissue for testing.

It's a scam to gin up outrage in hopes to do to PP what was done to Acorn. But like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", they've gone to the well one time too often.
What are you a Bene Gesserit? "Young Human" Ask a researcher why they need human tissue for testing.
Okay, so we've established that a fetal human is, in fact, a human. That's the hard part out of the way. We've established that what's occurring is the harvesting of humans from their mother's wombs, and that you support this. Let's momentarily ignore the left's track record when it comes to human rights violations in the name of medical progress. Would you support the doctors harvesting her organs once she's born? If not, then what's the difference besides age/her stage in the human life cycle? Or how about aborting puppies for tissue to research canine medical problems? If so, then how about using born puppies? If not, then why are you not okay with doing to a dog what you'd do with a human? Please answer each and refrain from changing the subject.

It's a scam to gin up outrage in hopes to do to PP what was done to Acorn. But like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", they've gone to the well one time too often.
What I said. We think liberal ethics are flawed. Liberals think we secretly hold liberal ethics. Moral foundations theory offers a good explanation for why this is.
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What are you a Bene Gesserit? "Young Human" Ask a researcher why they need human tissue for testing.
Okay, so we've established that a fetal human is, in fact, a human. That's the hard part out of the way. We've established that what's occurring is the harvesting of humans from their mother's wombs, and that you support this. Let's momentarily ignore the left's track record when it comes to human rights violations in the name of medical progress. Would you support the doctors harvesting her organs once she's born? If not, then what's the difference besides age/her stage in the human life cycle? Or how about aborting puppies for tissue to research canine medical problems? If so, then how about using born puppies? If not, then why are you not okay with doing to a dog what you'd do with a human?

It's a scam to gin up outrage in hopes to do to PP what was done to Acorn. But like the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", they've gone to the well one time too often.
And why are they okay with increasing risk to the mother to facilitate *donating* fetal tissue?
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.
Wrong you friggin libtarded commie pig.
Bringing out Nixon. Wow! The Big guns. LOL!

Yeah we get it,pooch, you support baby murder and the snatching of their body parts

I support the rights of the patients to donate their aborted fetuses and the clinics right to receive standard fees for handling the transfer of the tissue.

It is not murdering babies.

I think most of the outrage is phony of course. It's all just a push to try punish planned parenthood like what happened to Acorn or Shirely Sharrod which was an emotional responses to doctored video too.
Wrong you friggin libtarded commie pig.
ACORN was another story the media opted not to cover, lol.

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