A-List’s Trump Snub Hits Him Where It Hurts


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
And his rubes are totally oblivious

Now, a man who clearly craves the adulation of the famous; the Queens rich kid who desperately desired the respect of the Manhattan and Palm Beach elite, is being denied it, publicly and in humiliating fashion. The mad scramble by his team to secure famous players for his inaugural festivities coupled with his ad-hoc photo ops with a fading Jim Brown, a bizarre, unmedicated Kanye West and huckster-cum-murderer Don King makes Trump’s existential yearning clear. He can try to deflect with pathetic tweets about really wanting to be surrounded by “the people” on his big day, but the truth is transparent: the germaphobic pouter who lives in an all-gold penthouse built from cheap materials by undocumented Polish migrants wouldn’t wipe his nose on his core supporters. Just look at his billionaire cabinet for a clue.

A-List’s Trump Snub Hits Him Where It Hurts
LMAO Good God. You think Trump gives a shit??

I sure don't. He's got bigger things on his plate. Like running the country.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Get over it. Or not. LOL
It's no secret that the blue bloods of South Florida and the Northeast have never had much love for Trump. His wealth buys him a certain degree of inclusion, but that's his money buying him the privilege of appearing to belong, not his belonging on the merits of hic character. That should come as no surprise. It's been that way ever since he was sent to reform school. He's always economically upper class, but he's never had class.

From the article:
Trump, who has spent a lifetime cultivating celebrity status — and not cultivating traditionalists; far from it, in fact — owes his election in large part to the sense of familiarity that being a reality TV star afforded him. That status allowed many of his voters to put aside his misogyny and vulgarity, and to ignore information about his business failings, chicanery and Putinism, because they think that having watched him on “The Apprentice” and at his rallies, they know who he really is.​
In a way, they do know him. He's a crass hooligan like many of the people who take delight in the sort of entertainment he delivers. He's a rich version of what they see when they look in the mirror.

He can try to deflect with pathetic tweets about really wanting to be surrounded by “the people” on his big day, but the truth is transparent: the germaphobic pouter who lives in an all-gold penthouse built from cheap materials by undocumented Polish migrants wouldn’t wipe his nose on his core supporters. Just look at his billionaire cabinet for a clue.​
So true, and do the Trumpsters even have a clue that it's so? Not even.

The inauguration is coming up and there'll be the usual balls. Let's see which one Trump spends the most time at and with whom he associates while there. Only one of those parties is open to the general public (for $60, provided you are invited to buy them; simply sending money won't get you a ticket, but you can ask to be considered for one).

From the article:
"The Christian right has even been known to attack cartoon characters, from Tinky Winky the Teletubby to Spongebob Squarepants."​
I laughed so hard when I first witnessed that. It still cracks me up that supposedly lucid people took on a cartoon character. LOL
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So Barry and the Clinton's hobnobbing with the elites on the Vineyard is the sign that they have "class"? Gee, to me that always meant that they were bought off!

The difference between Trump and those three is that Trump doesn't need rich people to help him live the elite lifestyle...he does that on his own. The Clinton's and Obama had to sell their offices to the wealthy to become wealthy themselves but you're too oblivious to figure that out...aren't you?
Like any of us give a fuck that Hollywood liberals are going to "boycott" Trump.
For gods sake have mercy on hilly. You really want to risk turning an inaugural venue into a hazmat site when she melts down
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Lucky for us, progressives get all OCD about stoopid stuff nobody cares about while the whole world is flying on by!!:2up:. Happened for 18 months while Trump went around cleaning clocks...........still going on. While the whole world is flying on by!!!:coffee::funnyface::funnyface:

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