A Life Worth Reviewing


Sep 23, 2010

Every American who flies a flag should lower it to half-staff:


“Phyllis Schlafly spent an astounding 70 years in public service of her fellow Americans,” said the Eagle Forum in a statement. “Her focus from her earliest days until her final ones was protecting the family, which she understood as the building block of life. She recognized America as the greatest political embodiment of those values. From military superiority and defense to immigration and trade; from unborn life to the nuclear family and parenthood, Phyllis Schlafly was a courageous and articulate voice for common sense and traditional values.”​

Longtime Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly Dies at 92
September 5, 2016 6:10 PM

Longtime Conservative Icon Phyllis Schlafly Dies at 92

Leftists have reminded the world just how much they hated Phyllis Schlafly. As news of the conservative author and activist’s death spread, Twitter was deluged with tweets celebrating her death.​

Compassionate Leftists Celebrate Phyllis Schlafly’s Death
by Allum Bokhari
5 Sep 2016

Compassionate Leftists Celebrate Phyllis Schlafly's Death - Breitbart

What goes around comes around. I will get in my licks when scum like Hillary Clinton croaks.
Ann Coulter’s fantastic review should encourage every youngster to compare Phyllis Schlafly to the Democrat party’s leading female douche bags like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and so on. Note that Clinton and Pelosi are more realistic bookends for Mein Kampf:

Feminist Midge Costanza said Schlafly and Anita Bryant would make “a fine set of bookends” for Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”​

Disregard political positions and just compare the kind of woman each one represents. Comparing Hillary Clinton’s personality to Phyllis Schlafly’s should convince you that Clinton is a crook, a congenital liar, and a bloodthirsty butcher regardless of her political differences with Schlafly.

Phyllis Stewart Schlafly, 1924-2016
Ann Coulter
Monday Sep 5, 2016 8:20 PM

Phyllis Stewart Schlafly, 1924-2016 | Human Events
A fitting farewell to a fabulous lady (lots of photos):

'We are here to honor the legacy of a truly great American patriot': Trump and Melania attend conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly's funeral
By Dailymail.com Reporter and Associated Press
Published: 20:50 EST, 10 September 2016 | Updated: 21:52 EST, 10 September 2016

Donald and Melania Trump attend Phyllis Schlafly's funeral

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