A Kurdish view of Jews


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
This is a translation from an Arabic paper. I thought it might be an interesting read.
In liberal pan-Arab daily Elaph, Mahdi Majid Abdullah writes:

With the beginning of the era of Internet sites and social networking I was lucky to get to know a Jew who lives in Israel, and I had the good fortune that he was of Kurdish origin who lived part of his childhood and his youth in Kurdistan.

...When I came to the European country where I live, I settled in the city inhabited by a large number of Jews and I got to know a Jewish family and which strengthened my relationship with other Jewish writers and journalists.

I personally learned from the Jews that it is no exaggeration to say that If you want to live a happy life then be like the Jews. You will learn from them splendid behaviors, morally you will learn how to control yourself and your instincts, learn to respect yourself and respect others and not to harm yourself or upset others, to love yourself and love others, you will learn to focus on your studies and your business, learn how to focus on your goals..., when you are with Jews you will avoid trivial things and instead master the pursuit of what is good for you and what can benefit others.

Jewish families teach children from a young age on the proper goals and values and principles, which instill confidence and facilitate the way for him and fueled by tenderness and kindness and to make him know how to walk in the path of his life, so the Jew does not see failure in his life. Where Jews entered a city or a country they dominated them culturally and intellectually, politically and economically for the greater good at this place. There is no need to list many examples;just to know that the United States and Europe are successful was because of the Jews who have lived there, and in the eastern countries if we go back to the history books, we find the Arab and Islamic countries were living in affluence in all respects when the Jews inhabited them.

In European countries do not see the young Jew interested in meaningless things, while the young Muslim and Christian is interested in pursuing football supporting his club or national team, or gasping behind drinks and pursuing girls in the bars and nightclubs or on the streets. You find a Jew interested in the study or the economy or in the goal of particular benefit to himself and others. Of course, there are also creative and responsible Muslims and Christians, but compared with the Jews their proportions are negligible.

Dear reader, do you ever asked yourself why Jews are ahead and in control of the economy and politics and media world, but in the field of singing and dance and football you hardly see them?

Those who live in a European country certainly have noticed the lack of Jews mixing with people, and not gathering in bars and barely find somewhere special entertainment for Jews except some cultural centers and some of their own houses of worship, Those that say Jews are racist are wrong because the Jews' main purpose in life has a focus and organization and no time for the side conversations or cafes or chasing girls and young women and alcohol or recreational things that do little but to grant a false sense of temporary pleasure.

You do not see a Jew insult the validity of your religion and you do not hear from him a word of abuse towards any belief or religion or any nationality or any civilization; they have respect for themselves, respect for women and others. They do not ask you to give up your religion; in Israel you can find dozens if not hundreds of cultural centers and religious heritage centers that are government-backed and sponsored, with the knowledge that most of these centers do not coincide with thought, but no one objected to them and their religious freedom and cultural and expressions reserved for all patrons.
Just showing there is good will, especially nice this time of year.
No everyone feels the need to hate or promote hate.
During the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab countries, many Jews took refugee in Iraqi Kurdestan. The Kurds have generally been friends with the Jews.
During the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab countries, many Jews took refugee in Iraqi Kurdestan. The Kurds have generally been friends with the Jews.

Sala'adin was a kurd.-----it's the arab muslims that cause the problems

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