A.I. will replace half of all jobs in the next decade, says widely followed technologist

I don't see how. Reasoning is a human characteristic only. The fail of the machine logic is just that is it is not capable of behaving like a human brain. It may mimic, but it will never be.
The fear of technology taking over has a name, Luddite. The weaver's thought looming machines were going to kill the work force.
Looming machines were never capable of thought, locomotion and never had opposable thumbs.

Androids will and they will be smarter, faster and the cheapest SLAVES ever made.
I don't see how. Reasoning is a human characteristic only. The fail of the machine logic is just that is it is not capable of behaving like a human brain. It may mimic, but it will never be.

I would say that Free Will can never be attained by a machine, but machines can be programmed to think and learn even today.

When a computer beat the reigning World Chess Champion the game was over for humanity being the smartest and brightest.

Technology will eventually displace us across the board unless we do some things to mitigate those circumstances, things that no one is discussing because of hubris and mental laziness.

But what we are looking at is entirely under our control potentially.

We just have to choose to take control of what is coming out and make sure it benefits all of us and doesnt put us at each others throat.

Eventually, we can have a Technological Utopia.
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I agree with this. Every massive change brings about both chaos and opportunity. I'm sure that, a hundred or so years ago, there were some skilled whip makers very unhappy to see a bunch of cars chugging down the road, and candle makers ticked off to see power lines being put up.

The bottom line remains, our long term viability in the job market is our own responsibility, unless the government does something dumb like enact a yacht tax that destroys an industry overnight for no good reason.
No, this is a different case as the things we produce will eventually be able to make themselves, install repair and replace themselves.

Blankets, iron lanterns, automobiles and buggy whips never did that.
Even so, new opportunities we're not even considering now will present themselves.
This is why capitalism is going to fail us...

I think AI and robots are good as I believe humanity can use robots to do things instead of human labor...
-Plant food
-Pick food
-Wash windows
-Make phones, t.v's, etc.

This will allow humans a chance to develop a system that will allow all people to not have to kill one self working and we as an society could focus on the pleasurable things in life like thinking up new things for our machines to make for us and bettering ourselves.

Mindwars thinks this is bad because she can't see the good that can come from it...She believes everything has to be hard for each person and humanity can';t change.
Disregarding your slam on Mindwars who is a bright lady, despite being wrong once in a while, This coming change in technological capability is going to make the human labor force obsolete in most occupations and that will cause a huge change in our society and economy.

We MUST prepare for this and figure out how to mitigate it.

What specifically will happen no one knows. Technology, the economy and human society are far too complex, Matthew, to be able to precisely prognosticate what will happen three years from now, let alone 30.

But we do know enough to paint the picture of the future in very broad strokes and the simple fact is that just about everything we do for ourselves with physical labor will be doable by androids and that is not necessarily a bad thing.

It all depends on how humane we are to each other as some of us lose out in the transition and others win, for a time.

We have to look ahead and think about what is happening and how to adjust for ALL OF US.
I'm a robot psychologist ...


A.I. is paying for my Mercedes.
Even so, new opportunities we're not even considering now will present themselves.
But with each technological cycle that time is more and more brief.

Black powder tech went from something that only a handful of people could do in the whole continent of Europe, to something every village blacksmith could make and produce by 1776. When first introduced, that scarcity made monarchs omnipotent, but by 1800 brought them to the ash heap of history with the French Revolution.

The ability to collect information on people and store and retrieve it was once the monopoly of large governments and now any person can do it on their lap top.

Computers with enormous calculating power are now to be had by everyone along with instantaneous communication world wide.

The lag between tech invention and it being 100% capitalized and at peak efficiency in its ability to be developed, installed and maintained is now measured in days, not centuries.

The new tech jobs will be but a moment in time in the future, and when the Technological Singularity occurs, it wont even make it to the text screen.
Even so, new opportunities we're not even considering now will present themselves.
But with each technological cycle that time is more and more brief.

Black powder tech went from something that only a handful of people could do in the whole continent of Europe, to something every village blacksmith could make and produce by 1776. When first introduced, that scarcity made monarchs omnipotent, but by 1800 brought them to the ash heap of history with the French Revolution.

The ability to collect information on people and store and retrieve it was once the monopoly of large governments and now any person can do it on their lap top.

Computers with enormous calculating power are now to be had by everyone along with instantaneous communication world wide.

The lag between tech invention and it being 100% capitalized and at peak efficiency in its ability to be developed, installed and maintained is now measured in days, not centuries.

The new tech jobs will be but a moment in time in the future, and when the Technological Singularity occurs, it wont even make it to the text screen.
Yes, the pace of change is accelerating. You're still thinking in the mold of the traditional "job" market. The future may not offer many such "jobs", but instead belong to those who can develop a skill and market it themselves. The point is, we don't know what it will look like, and to be pessimistic is to miss out on opportunity.
he lag between tech invention and it being 100% capitalized and at peak efficiency in its ability to be developed, installed and maintained is now measured in days, not centuries.

Time to upgrade my computer?

I don't see how. Reasoning is a human characteristic only. The fail of the machine logic is just that is it is not capable of behaving like a human brain. It may mimic, but it will never be.

I would say that Free Will can never be attained by a machine, but machines can be programmed to think and learn even today.

When a computer beat the reigning World Chess Champion the game was over for humanity being the smartest and brightest.

Technology will eventually displace us across the board unless we do some things to mitigate those circumstances, things that no one is discussing because of hubris and mental laziness.

But what we are looking at is entirely under our control potentially.

We just have to choose to take control of what is coming out and make sure it benefits all of us and doesnt put us at each others throat.

Eventually, we can have a Technological Utopia.

THIS WOMAN is an expert I posted it in another post, but I know she is very good and man are we headed for trouble in the future, the future like every year lol it's not just about windows 10

Katherine Albrecht: Windows 10 Is Full Blown Electronic Tyranny
Yes, the pace of change is accelerating. You're still thinking in the mold of the traditional "job" market. The future may not offer many such "jobs", but instead belong to those who can develop a skill and market it themselves. The point is, we don't know what it will look like, and to be pessimistic is to miss out on opportunity.
I am taking that into account.

What I think you might be keeping sight of is that MOST PEOPLE are not that smart. Only maybe th top 2% in IQ will be able to make that adjustment and carve out little patronage jobs for their friends.

But for society to be stable we need to tackle broader issues of how the rest of society is going to be able to support themselves paying th mortgage, paying the bills and putting food on the table.

Otherwise we have a revolution coming.

Some plausible solutions?

Make humans high tech hybrids, if they want to.
Humans 'will become God-like cyborgs within 200 years'

Enhance 3D printing and nanomanufacturing capabilities of the general population so that they can supply their own needs.
Personal Nanofactories (PNs)
Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: Ceramics don't have to be brittle: Caltech materials scientists are creating materials by design

A Universal Basic Income will be a huge step forward in stabilizing future society.
Bill Gross: What to Do After the Robots Take Our Jobs

A Guaranteed Income for Every American
Robots replacing human workers may leave millions out of job

The fear of technology taking over has a name, Luddite. The weaver's thought looming machines were going to kill the work force.
Looming machines were never capable of thought, locomotion and never had opposable thumbs.

Androids will and they will be smarter, faster and the cheapest SLAVES ever made.
Perhaps, but they will always be limited to the IF THEN ELSE loop and all the embedded nested loops associated with machine logic/choice loops, until if and when true artificial intelligence is created. We may regret that day.
Machines will never replace human reasoning and experience.
Yes they can and they eventually will.
. Only a fool or evil human being would create his or her replacement. Not to worry though, because before these fantasies come true in the sense of man thinking of himself as being comparable to God the creator of the universe, who created everything within it, then this trial will finally end. Our creative ability comes from the creator, and if we begin to use our ability to do evil with it, then we shall suffer the coming consequences of such actions. If we use our creative abilities to do good, then we will be blessed beyond our imaginations. We have been blessed here in America, and we should always seek to find favor in God, and not to find wrath due our rebelliousness in these things. The balance of nature is before our very eyes, and we know what upsets that balance, yet we understand not what upsets the balance within our own group, otherwise if we do evil deeds to it ??
Well depending on how you want to look at the bible, one could say that computers are the devils invention. God said that as punishment for eating from the tree of knowledge man was cursed to till the land for his food - now we use computer run machinery to do it... An Amish principle? (I don't actually know.)
Well depending on how you want to look at the bible, one could say that computers are the devils invention. God said that as punishment for eating from the tree of knowledge man was cursed to till the land for his food - now we use computer run machinery to do it... An Amish principle? (I don't actually know.)
. It's all about balance, and the actions that are taken in which considers not the consequences of those specific actions in which are taken or embarked upon, and that
upset the apple cart/balance and/or the order of things in which are held in a balance.
beagle9 Well I could argue the "Devils side" and say that through machines we can feed many more people, at the expense of a few farmers. I could also argue that small farms or farms run by independent farmers, or even government farms are not doing their part for the world - that all farms and farm land should be owned by a global distribution center tasked with dolling everything out to the people across the world, thus eliminating starvation.

What does one consider as balance? Or the "greater good"? How far is one willing to go down the path to the honest truth of the issue at hand? Greed.

Give me control of all food supply and not only will I stop starvation, I will force peace upon this entire planet. Would that make me the Devil, or God's, minion?
beagle9 Well I could argue the "Devils side" and say that through machines we can feed many more people, at the expense of a few farmers. I could also argue that small farms or farms run by independent farmers, or even government farms are not doing their part for the world - that all farms and farm land should be owned by a global distribution center tasked with dolling everything out to the people across the world, thus eliminating starvation.

What does one consider as balance? Or the "greater good"? How far is one willing to go down the path to the honest truth of the issue at hand? Greed.

Give me control of all food supply and not only will I stop starvation, I will force peace upon this entire planet. Would that make me the Devil, or God's, minion?
. This would be the perspective that is held by the globalist, and the idea of intervention where intervention is not welcome in the world. You must stablize your own nation with an influential view that is then cast among other nations in which see the light of your ways as being good. We must be good to ourselves in order to be honest and good to others or for them to accept us as good.
beagle9 (Again taking the "Devils side") Indeed, but isn't that rather against the spirit of Gods wishes? Did God say only for this nation or that one or did he say /all/ mankind. By that argument then we need a global dictator, an Angel to rule the feckless humans He so foolishly gave free will... If in the end, all that matters upon this blue marble is the acquisition of worthy souls to ascend into heaven, then such compliance can be forced.

Meh, okay, not my kind of roleplay... I'm far to independent and free-spirited to play anyone's minion, talking like that makes me want to punch myself in the mouth hahaha Still, the saying, I suppose if one looks at modern plights a lot of them do revolve around technology, from car accidents, to the replacement of actual social interaction, to the glass mask of internet anonymity, robot technology, and even VR which allows one to completely regress from outside interaction entirely.

I personally love technology, I always have, but yes, your statement about balance applies as well. I've learned so much from the internet, met so many interesting people, and yet, I find it cannot teach me the things that I really needed in the more retracted bubble of my personal life. Just as an example my [ex]husband has oft complained that I never cook anything - tis true I can burn water, and he knows it, but in the end the logic of the complaint doesn't really matter, it's the need/want right. If there were a robot to do that, I would buy it in a heart beat, I would have years and years ago. He would declare that as selling out or cheating, I would call it adapting and using my head. Such a simple thing, a simple disagreement, can so easily turn into a major issue because humans are innately flawed by their flippant emotions that disbar them from accepting logical choices. This is kind of the mentality of the globalists, and they are right in many ways, but oh so wrong in others. ~shrug~

I am unsure what kind of balance there is between human workers and AI/robot workers. Some would tax them to give money to the government which would then be dolled out - I don't agree with that idea one bit. On the other hand, I know that having no humans in the work force, yet expecting everyone to pay their own way is also impossible. I do not know the solution. I do know that robots will never take over jobs that require "out of the box" thinking and ideas. They would not have invented the wheel and they will never invent a viable space engine. They will never resolve a conflict between two nations, nor will they ever be able to logically resolve the issue of extinction for other species. There will /always/ be jobs that humans must do.

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