A History of Handouts


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

How did I know this was a "whites on welfare" thread before I even read it?

I could already tell by the title and the poster, before I read a word of it.

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...
Regardless of who got handed what, taking from one which isn't yours to give to another is immoral.
I realize that means 0 to the political class- but, there it is.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

February is black history month.

Ahhh, but December is Kwanzaa month. I wanna write me a catchy little Kwanzaa song and make a bazillion dollars, like those Jewish folks who wrote all that secular Christmas music.

It's ok though, 'cause I'm gonna self-identify as "black" for the month of December. Well actually, high-yellow.

. :afro: :boohoo::cheers2::eusa_boohoo::lalala:

I came up with two lines so far..

White people! They'll kick you in the nuts.
White people! They'll punch you in the guts
White people! They'll...something...something...something...

It's a work in progress.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

February is black history month.

Ahhh, but December is Kwanzaa month. I wanna write me a catchy little Kwanzaa song and make a bazillion dollars, like those Jewish folks who wrote all that secular Christmas music.

It's ok though, 'cause I'm gonna self-identify as "black" for the month of December. Well actually, high-yellow.

. :afro: :boohoo::cheers2::eusa_boohoo::lalala:

I came up with two lines so far..

White people! They'll kick you in the nuts.
White people! They'll punch you in the guts
White people! They'll...something...something...something...

It's a work in progress.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

February is black history month.

Ahhh, but December is Kwanzaa month. I wanna write me a catchy little Kwanzaa song and make a bazillion dollars, like those Jewish folks who wrote all that secular Christmas music.

It's ok though, 'cause I'm gonna self-identify as "black" for the month of December. Well actually, high-yellow.

. :afro: :boohoo::cheers2::eusa_boohoo::lalala:

I came up with two lines so far..

White people! They'll kick you in the nuts.
White people! They'll punch you in the guts
White people! They'll...something...something...something...

It's a work in progress.

Dayum. Shirley she done beat me to it. :206:
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

Whataboutery isn't an argument.

And that's all whites here like you do. It's all part of your fragility.

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

Well fortunately weve moved past the old days. There arent any more slaves and everyone has equal rights.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

I thought you dumb ******* and stupid white trash commie Democrats cared very deeply about the poor and working poor and insist the government helps them....full of shit as usual ...shocker
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Because his policies were designed to serve their interests, (better jobs and wages) instead of being actively hostile them, like you and Hillary.

And only an asshole could think there was anything wrong with that.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

Ah yes, that investing from the government again. Sure hasn't worked for the 50 years it has been implemented, because their still is poverty in the inner cities. Oh, and by the way, without the military there wouldn't be a country because it would be taken over by China (that Obama was willing to do). But what is really working is President Trump's policies of bringing Jobs( a 3 letter word to Joe Biden) back to the US and allowing more people an opportunity to use their God given gifts to make something of themselves, not government handouts you so much want for yourself......
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

Well fortunately weve moved past the old days. There arent any more slaves and everyone has equal rights.

Things are done differently today and white racism remains a major problem. Those with white fragility refuse to admit this.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

8 Handouts Given To Whites

When LBJ decided to put all them nigga's into the Projects to get them out of the white only areas, you blacks loved him. When you blacks started having babies out of wedlock, LBJ then started giving you welfare to support those bastard children so they can grow up and vote also for the same people who caused you all this misery. But there are a few who broke the chains of liberal victimhood of government slavery and today they have millions and billions of dollars. People like you will never made it big, because all you do is bitch and moan how unfair your life is, instead of using gifts given to you by God and make something of yourself. Whiney ass bitch...

Sorry Jethro but this thread is about thistory of white government dependence. Seems like whites are still bound by those chains of government dependence slavery. That is why you voted for and continue to support donald punk. Don't preach to me white boy, because all you got is due to the government.

Why Do Poor White People Vote For Trump & The Republican Party?

Dude, if you are a dude, I hate the fucking government, I used to work for it, trying to save it money for the year. At the end of the year they would bring in 75 in color TVs and real nice furniture to upgrade their offices, while their furniture and TVs worked just fine. Go back and see what I have seen before. Cut all welfare and Medicaid, because if you dont work, you dont eat, sorry, but that was they way it was back in the day, and people got by. If you go to prison, no fucking 3 meals, unless your family brings it, or you are out in the fields make your own for the prisoners. 1 trillion dollars a year is wasted on the War on Poverty and we still have poverty. Time to end it, and put the money into the military where they actually work, and keep US safe.

First off I am a man. Second you had no business saying what you did. The facts are what they are. 3 trillion is not wasted on anything and the back in they day you're talking about never existed. I've seen what you've seen and more. We need to invest in our citizens and not the military. Whites such as you are unable to deal with the hard cold truth, but that's exactly what you are about to see.

On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

Over the course of the past several decades we have heard over and over how if we cut taxes we stimulate growth. But it seems that if we erase racism, racist policies and racist policy decisions that adversely affects COMMUNITIES, that we could erase many of the problems we see today. We are talking about serious increases in GDP, deficit reductions, increased tax revenue, more tax payers instead of more needing public assistance, increased corporate profits which means more jobs and yet there remains a great resistance to do this. Again, racism is more than racial slurs or racist comments. Racism in America has had a negative economic impact on the black community, other communities of color and in fact, the entire country.

Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level, we’d have a smaller deficit, or possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime would be reduced dramatically, unemployment very well would be less than 1 percent. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. After reading study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have stems from the racism that has denied people of color opportunity.

Ah yes, that investing from the government again. Sure hasn't worked for the 50 years it has been implemented, because their still is poverty in the inner cities. Oh, and by the way, without the military there wouldn't be a country because it would be taken over by China (that Obama was willing to do). But what is really working is President Trump's policies of bringing Jobs( a 3 letter word to Joe Biden) back to the US and allowing more people an opportunity to use their God given gifts to make something of themselves, not government handouts you so much want for yourself......

Government invested in whites in every way since 1776. Learn that before you post more stupid opinion. Because trump has created fewer jobs than Obama and we had 7 years of job growth before trump took office. Obama expanded wars and utilized drones to attack all over the planet. So he was not willing to give China shit.

“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.”

The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute

This is the reality you refuse to face.

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