A health tip for Covid prevention.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
Was just thinking it might be a good idea when you go into a grocery store and begin to browse through the produce section, just grab a couple of those clear plastic vegetable bags and use the as gloves as your touching things throughout the store.
from what I understand, the virus might be greatly spread by touching a surface then touching your face. i only had this thought because its something I always do anyways when handling packages in the meat section.
be well.
Was just thinking it might be a good idea when you go into a grocery store and begin to browse through the produce section, just grab a couple of those clear plastic vegetable bags and use the as gloves as your touching things throughout the store.
from what I understand, the virus might be greatly spread by touching a surface then touching your face. i only had this thought because its something I always do anyways when handling packages in the meat section.
be well.
Good idea, thanks for the post.
Actually, the latest research indicates that the risk of infection from a surface is relatively low. The coronavirus primarily spreads via air transmission. That's why wearing a mask is so important! And that's not even so much to protect yourself (although it probably does help some), it's more to protect others in case you have Covid-19 but don't know it.
Bu spark one first

Actually, the latest research indicates that the risk of infection from a surface is relatively low. The coronavirus primarily spreads via air transmission. That's why wearing a mask is so important! And that's not even so much to protect yourself (although it probably does help some), it's more to protect others in case you have Covid-19 but don't know it.

Yes they say now getting infected from a surface is relatively low, but the science seems to be changing its mind a lot. Slipping one of those plastic bags over your hand when your checking out the apples or avocados is a pretty simple and painless thing to do. Also i would think that perhaps that the survivability of the virus could be better in the vegetable section where they keep the lettuce and other vegetables that people pick up a lot, wet with the sprinklers and maybe even in the refrigerated meat section as well.
Get some fresh air and sunshine.
Research does indicate that sunshine can kill the virus...
Regarding sunshine: Actually I thinking more about the effect of sunlight on your skin, which produces vitamin D, among other health benefits when exposed to the sun.

Vitamin D is crucial to the health of your innate immune system. Your innate immune system has macrophages that directly attack a pathogen which are your body's front-line defense against a pathogen after it infects you... such as the coronavirus before your adaptive immune system can really kick-in 5-7 days later producing antibodies to whoop some coronavirus-ass.

And I fear that a lot of people may be taking the "shelter in place" orders too literally and as a result are not getting enough sunshine, leading to a vitamin D deficiency.

And on top of that, people are eating differently because they are eschewing perishable foods that are good sources of vitamin D in favor of less nutritious foods that have a longer shelf-life in their pantry.

And, unless it's a prescription version, vitamin D supplements are unregulated so you don't know what you're getting. There may be a trace amount or none at all.

That's why one of my health tips is to get some sunshine. And no, it doesn't have to be sunny out, even on a cloudy day the UV rays get through.
I think it goes without saying, that vegetables, fruits, meat, and seafood should be carefully washed at home. Also, don't forget that masks can not be shared and it's better not to wear one mask twice. It just doesn't protect anymore. In other words, there is no difference between you, wearing the same mask for the second time, and a person with no mask at all. It may sound too obvious, but according to my medical practice, people forget about such primitive rules.
The situation is completely different for people with chronic diseases and addictions. I wrote an article on AddictionResource.com about addiction treatment during COVID-19. Maybe, it will help somebody. If you have any questions about addictions, feel free to ask.
Megadose vitamin C...I take 2000 mg per day 2x per day. I'm 87 and jog 3 miles per day. Vitamin c is amazing.

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