A Handy Source of Fiscal Data, or "How Their Naked Ears Were Tortured By The Horseman's Ruthless Cipherin"


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2022
As many of you may have noticed, this here Horseman has zero tolerance for Graduates of the Maria Bartiromo School of Duh!

Accordingly, one of her attentives has been taking a ferocious macing at the side of my steed (why he clings to my stirrup, I cannot fathom).

Specifically, we are examining the conceit that "Democrats spend like drunken sailors" and are therefore not only complicit in, but largely responsible, for our current level of Debt Held by The Public.

To do so, we will compares CAGRs (Compound Annual Growth Rates) of spending and revenue collection for each POTUS going back to 1979.

The numbers are as follows (in billions)

At t=0, Sept 30, 1981

Spending - 678.2 Revenue - 599.3

Reagan (end of term)

Spending - 1143
Revenue - 991

Annual Growth Rates


Spending - 1409
Revenue -1154



Spending - 1862
Revenue - 1991


Bush II
Spending - 3517
Revenue - 2105



Spending - 3981
Revenues - 3316



Spending - 4.7*
Revenues - 3.5*


* to avoid the bitter tears and recriminations, I have used Grifty's last WH Budget request, and extrapolated the deficit based on trend. Subtracting this from Outlays should be equal to Revenues.

Will this require further elaboration?


Loaded Quill (just so you can see how this shit is done.....and stapled shut.)


Next we will examine outcomes.

Look forward to your active victimization.

First two responses to your OP is yourself.....

What are your three favorite recent examples of dems being budget hawks?
See above.

After all your yakyak, you didn't contribute a whit.

You can't even determine which of 2 numbers is larger...

Are you beginning to understand how stupid all your clever slogans are?
See above.

After all your yakyak, you didn't contribute a whit.

You can't even determine which of 2 numbers is larger...

Are you beginning to understand how stupid all your clever slogans are?

Ok, let's talk numbers.

Bush II
Spending - 3517

Why did you use this as Bush's ending number?

You haven't done shit to date, except bleed.

You didn't contribute a single data point, did none of the math, and won't even acknowledge which of two numbers is larger.

You've been debarked....you're a fraud.

Here's the source.
Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Now answer the question while you have a leg to lean on.


Bush II
Spending - 3517

Now why did you use this as Bush's ending number?

Bush II
Spending - 3517

Now why did you use this as Bush's ending number?
Look at the citation provided.

Look at the corresponding year.

Accept that you are a moron.

Desperately queef something about Scrub not signing the FY2009 budget.

Be humiliated by the facts, again.

Can we just get started?
Look at the citation provided.

Look at the corresponding year.

Accept that you are a moron.

Desperately queef something about Scrub not signing the FY2009 budget.

Be humiliated by the facts, again.

Can we just get started?

I saw the citation. I also remember the history.

Did Bush sign all the 2009 spending?

And why would you count Obama slush fund...err...stimulus spending against Bush?

Is it because you're a moron?

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