A great victory for the internet!

So your stupidity goes back that far...can't say I'm surprised.

I assume you seek to silence criticism of Obama and the democrats? You drool over this as a way to put the genie back in the bottle and have the party control all information again?

A highly regulated internet where all submissions are approved by the FCC in advance of posting is your dream?
So your stupidity goes back that far...can't say I'm surprised.

I assume you seek to silence criticism of Obama and the democrats? You drool over this as a way to put the genie back in the bottle and have the party control all information again?

A highly regulated internet where all submissions are approved by the FCC in advance of posting is your dream?
If you are so dim witted as to believe that net neutrality has anything to do with that drool you spilled on your keyboard keys...please go asphyxiate yourself...
I thought Congress created Laws?

I hope the move quickly to overrule this. The most outrageous power grab of my lifetime.

IF this is not reversed, this board is done. No doubt the administration will provide a forum where we can post our love of Dear Leader, but the days of free and open debate are in the past.

There is no slippery slope. The decision guarantees that your far right nonsense will be posted equally with Lahota's far left nonsense.

How so Jake? Who was stopping Progressives from disseminating their daily talking points?
Wow. Your stupid must really hurt! Get yourself some of that Obamacare!

The Affordable Care Act is a market-based health care solution that was invented by the Heritage Foundation, and implemented by Mitt Romney.

You are one of the people Jonathan Gruber counted on duping in order to pass the Insurance Profit Protection Act.
What freedom have YOU lost?

Placing the FCC in charge of the content of the Internet offers the opportunity for the government to directly control what is said online.

I support freedom, you support dictatorship. Thus I fight this and you rejoice. You dream of an internet on par with North Korea.
I didn't realise that the government will be in control of the actual content of the internet!!!
I hope the Republicans are able to repeal that part of the legislation at least!
Sure son sure... I'm as ignorant as the common sense used by law makers on this issue that has you so butt hurt...lol.

What lawmakers?

You have no clue what is going on.
Let me dumb it down for you.
I am happy that the FCC has made this decision, I am happy the President made the people aware of this issue and his support for it
I am happy that Senators Conyers and Peters of MI support it.

So that my statement has been reworded...continue on with your petulant episode of butt hurt drama.
If you are so dim witted as to believe that net neutrality has anything to do with that drool you spilled on your keyboard keys...please go asphyxiate yourself...

Look, you border on mental retardation.

You have no clue other than George Soros tells you that you are for this,

This reverses Clinton's 1996 telecommunications act and places the Internet under the 1934 telecommunications act - including the authority of the the FCC to regulate CONTENT for the "public good."

Communications Act of 1934 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
And no one is going to stop you from saying those words.

You get to say them on the Internet because of net neutrality.

Incorrect. You get to say them on the internet because the FCC doesn't have the same control that it does over radio or TV...till now. You are too naive to reproduce if you think FCC regulation equates to freedom.
Says the one with damaged DNA. This is about access not about content.
I didn't realise that the government will be in control of the actual content of the internet!!!
I hope the Republicans are able to repeal that part of the legislation at least!

Sure you didn't.

The left supports overturning the Clinton telecommunications act precisely because you want the FCC to have control of the content of the net.
If you are so dim witted as to believe that net neutrality has anything to do with that drool you spilled on your keyboard keys...please go asphyxiate yourself...

Look, you border on mental retardation.

You have no clue other than George Soros tells you that you are for this,

This reverses Clinton's 1996 telecommunications act and places the Internet under the 1934 telecommunications act - including the authority of the the FCC to regulate CONTENT for the "public good."

Communications Act of 1934 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Are there many moments when your stupidity and paranoid delusions occur at the same moment????...never mind, this post of yours answered that.
There is no legitimate or useful reason for net neutrality that I can see it's simply government thinking it needs to fix something that doesn't need fixing.

The Obama Administration thinks "Freedom" is a defect they need to fix.
BTW, if this is truly democracy in action, whom on the board did I get to vote onto the board? This isn't democracy in action or the Republic, it is a fascist take over.
It's republicanism in the classical sense. We elect representatives who select people for jobs. A school district board is elected, when then appoints the Superintendent, etc.

The last thing we want is tyranny of majority, which is Jacksonian democracy,
Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now
What happened?
In May 2014, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler released a plan that would have allowed companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon to discriminate online and create pay-to-play fast lanes.

Millions of you spoke out — and fought back.

Thanks to the huge public and political outcry, Wheeler shelved his original proposal, and on Feb. 4, 2015, he announced that he will base new Net Neutrality rules on Title II of the Communications Act, giving Internet users the strongest protections possible.

The FCC will vote on Wheeler’s proposal at its Feb. 26 meeting. If all goes well, it will be a watershed victory for activists who have fought for a decade to protect the open Internet.

What is Net Neutrality?
Net Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle: It preserves our right to communicate freely online. This is the definition of an open Internet.

Net Neutrality means an Internet that enables and protects free speech. It means that Internet service providers should provide us with open networks — and should not block or discriminate against any applications or content that ride over those networks. Just as your phone company shouldn't decide who you can call and what you say on that call, your ISP shouldn't be concerned with the content you view or post online.

Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone companies could carve the Internet into fast and slow lanes. An ISP could slow down its competitors' content or block political opinions it disagreed with. ISPs could charge extra fees to the few content companies that could afford to pay for preferential treatment — relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service. This would destroy the open Internet.

For the stupid asses like "shouldbecensored", read and then make a comment not emanated from your rectums...

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