A great victory for the internet!

The FCC is now empowered to step-on Internet Service Providers who have heretofore been squeezing the little guy and plotting to sell-off the high-speed lanes on the Internet to the highest corporate bidders with deep pockets...

This is one of those rare occasions when I find myself actually applauding the Obumble administration for doing something right...

Why shouldn't Service Providers sell off high speed lanes to the highest bidders? That's called "supply and demand," a basic principal of capitalism.
I thought Congress created Laws?

I hope they move quickly to overrule this. The most outrageous power grab of my lifetime.

IF this is not reversed, this board is done. No doubt the administration will provide a forum where we can post our love of Dear Leader, but the days of free and open debate are in the past.

Soon ISPs will have to get licenses and demonstrate that they are beneficial to the community. You know what that means - censorship and propaganda.
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!

Net neutrality is nothing more then a scheme to vastly increase the federal government’s control over the Internet.

And you think that's a victory? :cuckoo:
like it or not ISP's upgrade, increase their speed/ bandwidth, and increase your monthly bill .. not a damn thing you can do if you keep the service.
Such a typical leftist-fanatic response.

"Like it or not, it's going to rain every now and then. Not a damned thing you can do, if you go outside and don't use a raincoat or umbrella."

These people can't imagine that people might drop an internet provider who raises his rates, and go to a company with lower rates or better service. And that the companies might react to their dwindling customer lists by powering their rates again, or not raising them in the first place.

Is poor little siete even aware that internet rates have been falling overall for the last ten or twenty years?

The ignorance these people rely upon to get their agenda believed, is staggering.

Siete is eager to bend over and have government give it to him up the ass.

No you stupid fucking hemorrhoid, my link confirms that the stupid shit you posted below is the product of you inhaling your own shit...

Alright, you're a retard and a liar - no point in bothering with you.
So I'm a liar for posting your own words???!!!!...lol

Try again hemorrhoid, here they are aagin...

Uncensored2008 Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
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Behind the Orange Curtain
OnePercenter said:
What freedom have YOU lost?
Placing the FCC in charge of the content of the Internet offers the opportunity for the government to directly control what is said online.

I support freedom, you support dictatorship. Thus I fight this and you rejoice. You dream of an internet on par with North Korea.

RIP Free and Open Internet

Retard, your link confirms that this places the Internet under the 1934 Telecommunications act.

Do you spend ALL day eating paint chips?
FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules For Open Internet The Two-Way NPR

The FCC approved net neutrality by a 3-2 vote! A free and open internet benefits everyone! A more accessible internet will help geek culture proliferate! I am not ashamed to say I am proud to be a gamer! I grew up with games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and I don't have any problems introducing geek culture to the next generation! A more accessible internet would make that much easier!
You are so mislead. Just wait until they start charging you more for your bandwidth use.
The FCC is now empowered to step-on Internet Service Providers who have heretofore been squeezing the little guy and plotting to sell-off the high-speed lanes on the Internet to the highest corporate bidders with deep pockets...

This is one of those rare occasions when I find myself actually applauding the Obumble administration for doing something right...

Why shouldn't Service Providers sell off high speed lanes to the highest bidders? That's called "supply and demand," a basic principal of capitalism.
Unbridled capitalism is as undesirable as unbridled socialism...

In this instance, we are merely recognizing that Internet service provisioning has taken-on an importance that begins to rival that of older 'necessary' utilities...

And, given how greedy the cable companies have become, and given how little recourse the public has had to date, this is a few years too late, but better late than never...

Better to empower all our citizens with Information than to create a permanent Low Info class, attributable to a lack of adequate information access...

The Nation... the People... and the ISPs will all survive, just fine, and, ultimately, we'll be better off for it.
I wrote this last September:

You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
Sure son sure... I'm as ignorant as the common sense used by law makers on this issue that has you so butt hurt...lol.

What lawmakers?

You have no clue what is going on.
Let me dumb it down for you.
I am happy that the FCC has made this decision, I am happy the President made the people aware of this issue and his support for it
I am happy that Senators Conyers and Peters of MI support it.

So that my statement has been reworded...continue on with your petulant episode of butt hurt drama.

^^^^Just another typical liberal shit-for-brains who wants big government to impose more of its control on the people. :cuckoo:
I wrote this last September:

You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
Oh wow!
Now I'm just plain scared.
It's all going the exact same way as telephones!
As everyone knows freedom on the telephone is a long distant memory...so, by bye freedom on the internet.
I didn't realise that the government will be in control of the actual content of the internet!!!
I hope the Republicans are able to repeal that part of the legislation at least!

Sure you didn't.

The left supports overturning the Clinton telecommunications act precisely because you want the FCC to have control of the content of the net.
I don't want that at all!
I don't want the content on the internet to be controlled like content on the phone lines is controlled by the government under this law.

I never thought of it like that.
Welcome to reality.
My only question is which of the "guarantees" will actually happen first.

  1. We WILL get Sharia law in this country if we elect that muslim Obama for president
  3. Obama is going to take our guns!
  4. The government is going to censor the internet!
You guys are great at promising what WILL happen, I'm just wondering when any of it will come true.

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