A Great Example of Why Right Wing, Anti LGBT Bigots Should Be Ridiculed


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
This is the same retard that sued Apple for "allowing" him to become addicted to porn. He also sued the State of Utah for not allowing him to marry a laptop. The guy is a nut case.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
Does this mean I don't have to pay taxes anymore? If so, I am all for allowing homosexuality to be legally recognized as a religion. :lol:
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
Obliviously this dumb fuck really didn't think this all the way through. If you make being gay a religion then they would be covered by public accommodation laws from The Civil Rights. You wouldn't be able to turn away gays from your bakeries in all fifty states. lol
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
You think this thread is about "antifa?" :cuckoo:
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
You think this thread is about "antifa?" :cuckoo:
you think i give a shit what you think?
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
Sounds like a lot of the rightwing nutjobs on this board.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”

You bigoted SOB... LGBT...you got something against people who are questioning??
Clearly you hate people who are different.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
And what the fuck does this have to do with this thread.?? You're not even making an argument of dealing with the topic. You obviously can't deal with the topic in any meaningful, intelligent or rational way so you have to troll it with this crap. Want to discuss Antifa and anarchy,? Start a topic.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
And what the fuck does this have to do with this thread.?? You're not even making an argument of dealing with the topic. You obviously can't deal with the topic in any meaningful, intelligent or rational way so you have to troll it with this crap. Want to discuss Antifa and anarchy,? Start a topic.
dude - grow a dick. my initial response was just pointing something out. if you can't handle that - ignore my ass cause i promise i'll do it again.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”

You bigoted SOB... LGBT...you got something against people who are questioning??
Clearly you hate people who are different.
Dhaaa.....I think it's the guy filing the lawsuit who hates people who are different. People can question all they want. Just do it in a rational way. Are you rational ? The fact that you have to call me names, rather than state your objection to my post and counter my points tells me that your not.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
And what the fuck does this have to do with this thread.?? You're not even making an argument of dealing with the topic. You obviously can't deal with the topic in any meaningful, intelligent or rational way so you have to troll it with this crap. Want to discuss Antifa and anarchy,? Start a topic.
dude - grow a dick. my initial response was just pointing something out. if you can't handle that - ignore my ass cause i promise i'll do it again.
You're trolling! Get out of here.
this - as antifa - the poster child for the progressives - are about to be tagged a terror org.
What? What dimension are you posting from? :cuckoo:
you always try to talk through your ass?

Antifa Listed Among ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Groups By New Jersey
And what the fuck does this have to do with this thread.?? You're not even making an argument of dealing with the topic. You obviously can't deal with the topic in any meaningful, intelligent or rational way so you have to troll it with this crap. Want to discuss Antifa and anarchy,? Start a topic.
dude - grow a dick. my initial response was just pointing something out. if you can't handle that - ignore my ass cause i promise i'll do it again.
You're trolling! Get out of here.
ignore me then cause whatever i'm doing, you must be doing it too cause neither of us are "on topic" at this point. i started off just replying to someone, you and blackwhoever got all anal-hurt and decided to drop some judgements.

nevermind. i'll ignore. fuck off and have a great day.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
Well, you obviously are a catcher.
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.

Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols

A Christian attorney is suing four congressional Democrats because they have LGBT Pride flags displayed outside their Capitol Hill offices. Chris Sevier, in a federal lawsuit filed in Washington, D.C., claims being gay is a "region," and the flags are symbols of “homosexual denomination.” He is asking the court to force lawmakers to remove the flags and for $1 in damages, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports.

I am willing to predict that the first responses to this are going to accuse me of being anti Christian because the article mentions that the plaintiff is Christian. Don't even try it! That is not why I'm posting this and do not see it as "gays against Christians" It is the right wingers who push that tripe.

For me, it is the bigots against those who believe in social justice and equality, be they gay or straight, and regardless of religion. Many gays are Christians, and many Christians, including churches support gay rights. Deal with it.

This nut job has even more nonsensical demands:

Sevier also asked the court to overturn Supreme Court rulings that ended a prohibition against sodomy and federal policies that only recognized opposite-sex marriages, as well as Obergefell V. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that found that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry," the Union-Tribune adds.

He is so fucking stupid as to think that whatever lower court he is filing this suit in can overturn SCOTUS rulings

And the reasons that he gives for this is even more stupid and bizarre

Citing national security, he's also asking that all four Democratic lawmakers be removed from office.

“The Defendants know or should know that they are advancing a threat to Democracy...to the point that they are unfit to hold office and should be removed for cause for representing an internalized danger to National Security interests.”
Sounds like a lot of the rightwing nutjobs on this board.
That is for damned sure . But I don't object to people taking an opposing position. In fact I welcome it if they do it in a thoughtful and rational way and show some glimmer of intelligence. As you can see, that is sorely lacking here . All that they can do is attack and taunt and try to derail the topic. They can't even bang out a coherent thought.

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