A full court press on health care today, Obama, Pelosi strong, arming Dems


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Here we go, they are pushing very very hard for this. Remember Republicans can not do a thing to stop this massive take over of 6% of our economy. They need 218, the dems who come from swing states are committing political suicide with this vote. People are sooooooooo angry over this issue that if I were one of those dems I would be afraid to go home for the holidays. I am serious, to go against your constituency may be dangerous to your physical health. Suggestion- to those dems, hire plenty of security before you head home.

Politics Today: House Preps for Health Care Vote - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)HEALTH CARE: "House Democratic leaders are pushing for a Saturday vote on their sweeping health-care bill, but they are struggling to win over shaky rank-and-file members who could hold up its passage," report the Wall Street Journal's Janet Adamy and Martin Vaughan.

"As of Wednesday, House leaders didn't appear to have secured the 218 votes they need to pass the bill. They were moving to quickly swear in two Democrats elected Tuesday, which would give the party 258 seats in the House and allow leaders to lose as many as 40 Democratic votes without losing their majority. No Republicans are expected to vote for the bill. ... House leaders spent Wednesday scrambling to secure votes from freshmen and lawmakers in swing districts. 'This is not a popular thing in many parts of the country,' said Rep. Zach Wamp (R., Tenn.)."
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I think that Owens who was elected in New York's 23rd campaigned against this massive take over of health care, but has stated after he won that he would support Pelosi on this. You people in the New York 23rd, how are you feeling about that 180.
What? Everyone getting tired of this subject??? That's what they want you to do. Don't do it, otherwise you are asking for it, it's gonna be a bend over and take it moment for the rest of your life if you don't fight this thing.
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Finally the transperency we have been promised. THE HEALTH CARE VOTE IS ON CSPAN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we go, they are pushing very very hard for this. Remember Republicans can not do a thing to stop this massive take over of 6% of our economy. They need 218, the dems who come from swing states are committing political suicide with this vote. People are sooooooooo angry over this issue that if I were one of those dems I would be afraid to go home for the holidays. I am serious, to go against your constituency may be dangerous to your physical health. Suggestion- to those dems, hire plenty of security before you head home.

Politics Today: House Preps for Health Care Vote - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)HEALTH CARE: "House Democratic leaders are pushing for a Saturday vote on their sweeping health-care bill, but they are struggling to win over shaky rank-and-file members who could hold up its passage," report the Wall Street Journal's Janet Adamy and Martin Vaughan.

"As of Wednesday, House leaders didn't appear to have secured the 218 votes they need to pass the bill. They were moving to quickly swear in two Democrats elected Tuesday, which would give the party 258 seats in the House and allow leaders to lose as many as 40 Democratic votes without losing their majority. No Republicans are expected to vote for the bill. ... House leaders spent Wednesday scrambling to secure votes from freshmen and lawmakers in swing districts. 'This is not a popular thing in many parts of the country,' said Rep. Zach Wamp (R., Tenn.)."

Through skillful machinations, I was able to get my hands on the (apocryphal) “Liberal Libretto”, as ratified by Saul Alinsky.
(Actually, I pointed over a libs shoulder and shouted ‘watch out’ and grabbed the book.)

Watch how the actions of the Dems today endorse Rules #3, 6c, 7e, 8, 9, and 10 below:

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

3. Always assure the opposition that you know what is better for the proletariat, even if there are polls that claim the opposite.
a. Assure the compliant that you are only looking out for their best interests, as in “look, it’s not about me…”
b. Claim the public has been ‘brainwashed,’ and politicians bought.

4. Be sure to you carry your ‘concern’ as though it was a hypodermic needle, but one filled with poison. Furrow your brow, look vaguely sad, (think Leon Panetta) but watch for opportunities to stab, to use abusive language, using your (imagined) superiority to allow you to do violence to the reputation of those who have alternative views.
a. Hey, there is nothing wrong with attacking personal traits, real or imagined. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
i. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it."

5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
a. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
b. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
c. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. This was started by a [conservative, republican, earlier] administration.
f. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “I’m only interested in discourse.”

6. Claim to misunderstand, obfuscate, deflect and change the subject, and, if all else fails, allege that you misspoke.
a. Remember, left-wingers may make a ‘mistake,’ for right-wingers, it is a lie!
b. When relating a series of events that lead to a conclusion, if it is a right-wing conclusion, we must never see the connection!
c. Any exposure of detrimental information must be referred to as either ‘fear-tactics,’ or ‘red-baiting.’

7. Never, never criticize in any way any government or movement that is totalitarian, homicidal or anti-American.
a. Claim to idolize despots and tyrants. But always state how their people love them.
b. The corollary applies: never support traditional American values. Important terms: imperialist, oppressor
c. Deny atrocities by tyrants. If not possible, explain they were necessary. Finally, justify them, and, show how America was ultimately at fault.
d. Support government officials and appointees.
I. This does not apply to uniformed government employees such as police or military.
e. When endorsing a plan that has clearly failed in the past, it is entirely appropriate to maintain a cognitive disconnection from the failures, by claiming:
1. it wasn’t tried long enough
2. enough money wasn’t provided
3. or, the ever-popular: “It’s different this time.”

8. Remember to spend appropriate time in front of the mirror practicing outrage, shock, and disbelief, or, and best, a sarcastic sneer.

9. Remember, as a liberal, you never have to apologize, be accurate, nor have any knowledge. No matter how many times your talking points are shown to be wrong, continue to repeat them.

10. Remember the gullible and grumbling always identify with vague terms like ‘hope’ ‘change’ ‘new’ ‘empathy’ and ‘better.’
A filibuster is still possible if some Democrats run and hide. Political suicide for a Democrat in a shaky district. Didn't let the public read your bill before the vote and you probably didn't get a full read either. Polls are shifting against the public option.
that asswipe pelosi is just grinning from ear to ear celebrating "the third year anniversary since the dems took control of both houses" yeah bitch and the US of KKKA ain't ever been in worse shape. it takes a DUmmie like her to feel pride in that donut?
And the majority leadership just let the world know that the House majority has agreed to pass the bill. Now the side deals will be worked out. You wingnuts are nothing more than a passing breeze just before dawn, almost gone and disappearing in the bright light of the sun. You are through.
And the majority leadership just let the world know that the House majority has agreed to pass the bill. Now the side deals will be worked out. You wingnuts are nothing more than a passing breeze just before dawn, almost gone and disappearing in the bright light of the sun. You are through.

Thank Yew for the update.. get your crow recipies together.whydonchya?
And the majority leadership just let the world know that the House majority has agreed to pass the bill. Now the side deals will be worked out. You wingnuts are nothing more than a passing breeze just before dawn, almost gone and disappearing in the bright light of the sun. You are through.

Pelosi said so, so it is the truth? I didn't see a vote yet. Side deals. The sleazy underworld where you make deals, because the legislation stinks. Sounded like they were going to lose the anti-abortion group or some liberals. Either way, it doesn't have enough votes to pass today. It doesn't happen til 2013. If you think I'm giving up your the one who is nuts.
All of you realize that with the passage of this bill that this is only the beginnnig of the process and it does not mean that this debacle will become law just yet? This bill will have more constitutional hurdles to overcome than any legislation in history before it becomes law. In several states this bill faces an uphill climb of epic proportions not to mention that it still must pass the Senate and the prospect of passing the Senate is a lot more bleak than in the house, or did any of you forget the other moronic legislation known as cap and trade that passed the house and is stuck in the Senate?Having said all that, this debate illustrates everything that is wrong with govt. in general. While jobs bleed on monthly basis and more and more Americans find themselves looking for a way just to keep their homes and find enough money to purchase food those that represent us are debating spending money that not only they have to borrow but on a program that will burden those even more that have lost their jobs. This whole thing reminds me of the story of the Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.

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