A fire broke out also, at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.

Or it was simply a way to throw off suspicion that muslims actually did do Notre Dame.....perhaps a sick version of taqiyya....I am not the only one who brings this up.....

A certain group trying to stir up more animosity between Muslims and Christians is what I am thinking. But...I might just be feeling paranoid after reading too much Twitter...

^ This is always the way it works. In order to have perpetual war, there always has to be an elusive enemy. Just like in George Orwell's 1984, there must be an evil bogeyman, who can be used as a pretext for going to wars, creating fear, so that more unconstitutional, anti-freedom legislation can be passed. Stirring up animosity and pitting groups against eachother is another way that the PTSB achieve their goals, and it keeps the attention off of them, as we all fight each other instead.

(I'm not saying that's what's happening in this situation, I haven't even looked into this story, but it wouldn't surprise me.)
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for every Christian Church they burn

a Mosque will burn too

that's all my friends.

So then it must be the Jews. Revenge on Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, and the Mosque in Jerusalem.
To bad all Mosque's don't burn down. Loads of weapons in them.

Of course the death cult wouldn't appreciate the loss of the weapons. The Mosque?? Not as important as the lost weapons.
To bad all Mosque's don't burn down. Loads of weapons in them.

Of course the death cult wouldn't appreciate the loss of the weapons. The Mosque?? Not as important as the lost weapons.

Why, when they are a place for prayers, maybe they should burn all Christian churches and Jewish synagogues. We should get rid of all religions and anything that reminds us of religion.
To bad all Mosque's don't burn down. Loads of weapons in them.

Of course the death cult wouldn't appreciate the loss of the weapons. The Mosque?? Not as important as the lost weapons.

Why, when they are a place for prayers, maybe they should burn all Christian churches and Jewish synagogues. We should get rid of all religions and anything that reminds us of religion.

I'm not a big fan or religion when you consider how many wars have been fought because of it and how many have died in those wars.

For my money you can do away with religion.
The problem is that there is no Big Other to ingrain anything. Religious competition comes only from Homo sapiens..
No, one fire technically started before the other, unless Notre Dame was on the phone to Al-Aqsa. It's just that prisoners of the media pimp can't determine which one at this time. The investigator of religious pathologies must confirm when the first fire started, or who fired the first shot in the fight to the death for pure prestige. We captive Easter audiences of this passion-seeking should be afforded an ongoing tally with the money meters running for both xians and islamos side-by-side to see who's winning the race for Best Pandhandler of 2019. Dereliction in all of its original splendor.
Since the mosque in question was built on top of the temple mount in accordance with Islamic tradition, and since the temple mount was Jewish before the invasion of the Mohammadans, I don't think Christianity has much to do with this at all.
Think again, Einstein. The Catholic journal, Islamochristiana was founded in 1975. A Somali population was already prominent in Minneapolis according to the U.S. census of 1978. To synchronize the Easter media Pimp's intentions, current bs is about Trump and a Somali congresswoman.
Cavuto Hangs Up on Bill Donahue After He Links Notre Dame Fire to Recent Paris Church Attacks

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto hung up on Catholic League president Bill Donohue on Monday when he refused to stop speculating that the catastrophic Notre Dame fire could be related to other recent attacks on Catholic churches in Paris.

“Well, Neil, if it is an accident, it’s a monumental tragedy. But forgive me for being suspicious. Just last month, a 17th-century church was set on fire in Paris. We’ve seen tabernacles knocked down, crosses have been torn down, statues, —” Donohue stated.

As Donohue mentioned, a number of churches in France have been vandalized during the early part of 2019. Vandals have smashed statues, knocked down tabernacles, burned an altar cloth, destroyed the Eucharist and smeared a cross with excrement.


Saint Sulpice Church #Paris The moment it caught on fire people were inside and attending. Firemen on the ground saying this was no accident- This was set.pic.twitter.com/TLOAYl61dX

— Ruthann (@TeaBoots) March 17, 2019


“We don’t know that. So if we can avoid what your suspicions might be. I do want to look at what happened now,” Cavuto responded, cutting off his guest. “A very pricey rebuilding and renovation effort going on that involved a good deal of Catholic fundraising campaign I know in this country and abroad. This renovation was paid for up front. So, in other words, all the monies were there. Now I’m wondering how much more the Catholic Church commits to this or do you think they now first want to get to the bottom of it?”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycaller.com ...

Neil Cavuto is a piece of crap.

After that, I have no doubt.
It could be that two flammable buildings caught fire at the same time. A convenience store down the street from me was robbed one day. Turns out a convenience store 500 miles away was robbed at the same time. I'm sure that shit's connected.

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