a Drs. new Health care Opinion

The inability to get health insurance at any cost forced me on SS disability so I could get Medicare early.
A preexisting condition thingy.
What about the 23 taxes in the bill and Obama's Civil Army which no one cares to talk about?
I have no faith in Government at all.. Big business is supposed to be regulated and its not.
Corruption on both side to push the agenda..........
Tell me where I'm going wrong here?

Jillian will you answer this?
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Rising costs of malpractice insurance and regulatory paperwork, along with shrinking reimbursements paid to doctors on behalf of Medicare patients, have all but forced doctors to become hospital employees, McIntyre said.

Read more: Doc says 'physicians have reached a tipping point' | The Daily Caller

OH NO! The thought of a DOCTOR being employed by a HOSPITAL - its HORRIFYING!

It might be horrifying to a patient who finds that the doctor they expected to perform that surgery has had a shift change and it's a guy who just graduated from the med school in Guadalajara.

Then the hospital would be breaking the law, as someone fresh out of medical school isn't licensed to perform surgery without supervision.

You don't want to be cut on by residents don't go to a teaching hospital.
What is crazy is paying $10,000 or more per year per person for healthcare. It's not even crazy as much as it is insane.

but analyzing that situation and addressing it takes actual thought.

I can see regulation on cost... I pay 1200 a month. The moochers don't pay a fucking dime.

Now, I'll pay much higher taxes to buy those lazy fucks a policy.. The insurers will get richer along with the hospitals. The fed won't be contributing a dime of already tax paid money after three years or so. The primary care Drs. will take a huge hit. All this enforced by the IRS? WTF........ This Bill will die when Obby Juan Cannotbeanymore is gone in Nov.

and what about the 23 taxes in the bill and Obama's Civil Army which no one cares to talk about?

You must be referring to those moochers who are trying to support a family on a $9.00 per hour job with no benefits.

OH NO! The thought of a DOCTOR being employed by a HOSPITAL - its HORRIFYING!

It might be horrifying to a patient who finds that the doctor they expected to perform that surgery has had a shift change and it's a guy who just graduated from the med school in Guadalajara.

Then the hospital would be breaking the law, as someone fresh out of medical school isn't licensed to perform surgery without supervision.

You don't want to be cut on by residents don't go to a teaching hospital.

Surely you aren't trusting the law, are you? Just change the law. obama does it all the time.
It might be horrifying to a patient who finds that the doctor they expected to perform that surgery has had a shift change and it's a guy who just graduated from the med school in Guadalajara.

Then the hospital would be breaking the law, as someone fresh out of medical school isn't licensed to perform surgery without supervision.

You don't want to be cut on by residents don't go to a teaching hospital.

Surely you aren't trusting the law, are you? Just change the law. obama does it all the time.

So we wouldn't want doctors to work at hospitals - because hospitals are habitual law breakers - but we would want doctors at private practices, because private practices never ever would ever in a million years break the law.

I think I'm seeing your logic.
but analyzing that situation and addressing it takes actual thought.

I can see regulation on cost... I pay 1200 a month. The moochers don't pay a fucking dime.

Now, I'll pay much higher taxes to buy those lazy fucks a policy.. The insurers will get richer along with the hospitals. The fed won't be contributing a dime of already tax paid money after three years or so. The primary care Drs. will take a huge hit. All this enforced by the IRS? WTF........ This Bill will die when Obby Juan Cannotbeanymore is gone in Nov.

and what about the 23 taxes in the bill and Obama's Civil Army which no one cares to talk about?

You must be referring to those moochers who are trying to support a family on a $9.00 per hour job with no benefits.

I don't want to break your bubble but.. Someone making $9.00 an hour is already exempt from paying. We didn't need this HC bill to know that. Even illegals get free heath care under the current system.
I got my letter yesterday. My doctor is on leave until mid-november when he will make his decision on whether to continue to keep his practice open at all.

Affordable Healthcare in full force will give him more patient than he can handle. People are not going to the doctor now because they cannot afford to under their private insurance.

He can either take a dive or make his business a success with Affordable Healthcare. If he chose to leave, Obama wil bring in more doctors and nurses from India, Philipines, etc. I have not had an American doctor in the past 20 years. And I am happy. Your doctor can leave and go to WalMart for all I give a shit.

You know village idiot, your doctor will make more money working under Affordable Healthcare because he will not have the expense of running an office, mal practice insurance, etc. The fools that leave or damn fools and those that threaten to leave most will not leave.

Even though so many posters on this board hold you in the absolute regard of twit, I agree with you.

Some years ago a woman approached me and in broken english she was begging for money to feed her six children. I told her the obvious answer to her problem was to take the weakest, slaughter it, and feed the weakest child to the remaining. If the children were still starving, take the next weakest, slaughter that one, and feed it to the remaining children. Keep doing that until she had the correct number of children she could afford to feed.

As a nation, this is our solution. Get rid of our doctors, import doctors from India and the Phillipines, and if they don't like it, get witch doctors from Africa. Wall Street should move off shore if necessary and work out of floating cities like luxury liners. If we still have an economy with something to cannibalize, there are many industries we can slaughter to feed the poor. Keep doing that until we have eaten the whole country. We have to start someplace, it may as well be with the doctors.
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Then the hospital would be breaking the law, as someone fresh out of medical school isn't licensed to perform surgery without supervision.

You don't want to be cut on by residents don't go to a teaching hospital.

Surely you aren't trusting the law, are you? Just change the law. obama does it all the time.

So we wouldn't want doctors to work at hospitals - because hospitals are habitual law breakers - but we would want doctors at private practices, because private practices never ever would ever in a million years break the law.

I think I'm seeing your logic.

If the law was changed, the hospital wouldn't be breaking the law, now would it?
I can see regulation on cost... I pay 1200 a month. The moochers don't pay a fucking dime.

Now, I'll pay much higher taxes to buy those lazy fucks a policy.. The insurers will get richer along with the hospitals. The fed won't be contributing a dime of already tax paid money after three years or so. The primary care Drs. will take a huge hit. All this enforced by the IRS? WTF........ This Bill will die when Obby Juan Cannotbeanymore is gone in Nov.

and what about the 23 taxes in the bill and Obama's Civil Army which no one cares to talk about?

You must be referring to those moochers who are trying to support a family on a $9.00 per hour job with no benefits.

I don't want to break your bubble but.. Someone making $9.00 an hour is already exempt from paying. We didn't need this HC bill to know that. Even illegals get free heath care under the current system.

Yea, kind of my point. How could they pay for health insurance making $9.00 per hour? I pay over $10,000 per year for my kids and myself for insurance and uncovered costs, and that isn't really an unrealistic amount to spend. My point is that someone making $9.00 per hour could never afford to pay for those costs under any circumstances, yet you call them moochers because they don't pay.
You must be referring to those moochers who are trying to support a family on a $9.00 per hour job with no benefits.

I don't want to break your bubble but.. Someone making $9.00 an hour is already exempt from paying. We didn't need this HC bill to know that. Even illegals get free heath care under the current system.

Yea, kind of my point. How could they pay for health insurance making $9.00 per hour? I pay over $10,000 per year for my kids and myself for insurance and uncovered costs, and that isn't really an unrealistic amount to spend. My point is that someone making $9.00 per hour could never afford to pay for those costs under any circumstances, yet you call them moochers because they don't pay.

NO, Moochers are recipients that do not work....... Moochers are Public Union workers who bleed tax payers.

My heart bleeds for these vampire assholes. They can't keep raising their rates to pay for their new Jaguars (plus the Mercedes for the wife) and 3 country homes so they're taking their balls and leaving? Fine, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. And good luck finding a job that will get you those pretty toys.

Would you rather see a doctor who sees you as part of their next car payment, or one who wants you to be healthy?

If doctors didn't want to care for people, they'd be in another profession. There are easier ways to earn a living.

What is wrong with paying highly skilled labor what they are worth? What other profession requires four years of graduate school and then (at a minimum) three to fives years of post graduate training before it can be unleashed on the public.

Attacking physicians is the wrong approach. If the country becomes hostile to providers, people will leave and then you will be really screwed.

The aggravation of small and solo providers who feel like they are getting squeezed out of private practice has been going on for a long time. It's not new.

This is why the poll about people leaving healthcare that was comprised of only 11% hospital based physicians was such a screwy poll.
I got my letter yesterday. My doctor is on leave until mid-november when he will make his decision on whether to continue to keep his practice open at all.

Affordable Healthcare in full force will give him more patient than he can handle. People are not going to the doctor now because they cannot afford to under their private insurance.

He can either take a dive or make his business a success with Affordable Healthcare. If he chose to leave, Obama wil bring in more doctors and nurses from India, Philipines, etc. I have not had an American doctor in the past 20 years. And I am happy. Your doctor can leave and go to WalMart for all I give a shit.

You know village idiot, your doctor will make more money working under Affordable Healthcare because he will not have the expense of running an office, mal practice insurance, etc. The fools that leave or damn fools and those that threaten to leave most will not leave.

You are unaware that obamacare doesn't eliminate medical malpractice insurance aren't you? The act did not include tort reform.

At best, doctors will find themselves in the same situation that the doctors in Japan find themselves in.

Because tort reform is a state issue. The best the federal government could do was make physicians government employees to give them sovereign immunity (look it up) from civil litigation.

Then you guys would really be going fucking nuts.

As it stands, many states are now overturning tort reforms because it violates their own constitution. My state (Missouri), just did it last week.
In the liberal world everyone would be a government employee, that's what communism is all about.

My son saw this coming and after nearly a decade of certainty he would study medicine he's now getting ready for year number two in poly-sci and business.

The nation lost what would have been a brilliant surgeon but with any luck gained a common sense voice in Washington.

If your son made his decision purely on what he perceived his financial reimbursement would be, the field is probably better off without him anyways. Though, as a brand new physicians, I can't tell you how thrilled I am that someone who wasn't willing to get in the trenches now wants to go to Washington to make the policies I am going to suffer under.

The whole, "brilliant surgeon" bit is a little presumptive.

At any rate, when I started college, half of my college class was "pre-med". Most of those people didn't end up going to med school for various reasons. The people who did were not the people you expected (like me).

Though, maybe he gave you the whole "socialized medicine thing" to get you off his back.
In the liberal world everyone would be a government employee, that's what communism is all about.

Thanks for proving my point.

You don't even get the issue that you are bitching about.

You gripe about the federal government expanding it's role, but that is exactly what you want to happen with tort reform.

Time for you to change the light bulb in the cranial vault. Yours is dim.

My heart bleeds for these vampire assholes. They can't keep raising their rates to pay for their new Jaguars (plus the Mercedes for the wife) and 3 country homes so they're taking their balls and leaving? Fine, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. And good luck finding a job that will get you those pretty toys.

Would you rather see a doctor who sees you as part of their next car payment, or one who wants you to be healthy?
Poor little baby... isn't your welfare check as big as the bad, bad, BAD doctors? Oh you poor, poor little whiner. Tell me, what stopped you from going to school to be a doctor?

Your class warfare crap and blatant jealously of those who have achieved more in life than your pathetic, lazy ass is disgusting.


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