A Dead-On Accurate Cartoon


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Of course Snoop is anti-Democrat. Smart dog.

Of course Snoop is anti-Democrat. Smart dog.

So when we are all gone away, do you think your world will be a perfect place?
since our blue states support theirs they'll be begging in the streets

What a crock! The original study was over simplistic and did not take into account the state governments were blue or red. The methodology was completely flawed by basing the states only how they voted in federal elections for Presidents.

Many other flaws included omitting data on military bases, federal lands etc in individual states. Nor did they include any data regarding First Nations. And that's barely the tip of the iceberg on the numerous flaws in the methodology.
Of course Snoop is anti-Democrat. Smart dog.

So when we are all gone away, do you think your world will be a perfect place?
since our blue states support theirs they'll be begging in the streets
We don't want that, ed. The 'good old days' can have many definitions. I prefer to think of them as the days when we considered ALL our neighbors as Americans with the same rights we claim for ourselves. And I have the advantage of remembering WWII, a troubled time when we ALL pulled together. When the factory owner car-pooled with the janitor, when we saved tin foil, newspaper drives, nickle and dime stamps at school toward a savings bond. Those days weren't perfect, we still had a way to go to make the American dream more real, but we all thought we were a work in progress, and as soon as we got this war out of the way, we could get back to it! My point it that Billy is as much a part of the process as we are. He isn't always wrong, as frustrating as he is with that hardened heart. And our dream for this country isn't just for us.
Of course Snoop is anti-Democrat. Smart dog.

So when we are all gone away, do you think your world will be a perfect place?
since our blue states support theirs they'll be begging in the streets
We don't want that, ed. The 'good old days' can have many definitions. I prefer to think of them as the days when we considered ALL our neighbors as Americans with the same rights we claim for ourselves. And I have the advantage of remembering WWII, a troubled time when we ALL pulled together.

So does my mother. She'll hit 92 in a couple of weeks. She is as opposed to the modern Democrats and their foreign cohorts as I am.
Of course Snoop is anti-Democrat. Smart dog.

So when we are all gone away, do you think your world will be a perfect place?
since our blue states support theirs they'll be begging in the streets
We don't want that, ed. The 'good old days' can have many definitions. I prefer to think of them as the days when we considered ALL our neighbors as Americans with the same rights we claim for ourselves. And I have the advantage of remembering WWII, a troubled time when we ALL pulled together.

So does my mother. She'll hit 92 in a couple of weeks. She is as opposed to the modern Democrats and their foreign cohorts as I am.
I'd love to hear why. What foreign co-horts? Putin? Duterte? Erdogan? House of Saud?
I love the way Snoopy dances. He's definitely not a white guy.
Of course Snoop is anti-Democrat. Smart dog.

So when we are all gone away, do you think your world will be a perfect place?
since our blue states support theirs they'll be begging in the streets
We don't want that, ed. The 'good old days' can have many definitions. I prefer to think of them as the days when we considered ALL our neighbors as Americans with the same rights we claim for ourselves. And I have the advantage of remembering WWII, a troubled time when we ALL pulled together.

So does my mother. She'll hit 92 in a couple of weeks. She is as opposed to the modern Democrats and their foreign cohorts as I am.
I'd love to hear why.

She doesn't like bullshit totalitarianists either.
So when we are all gone away, do you think your world will be a perfect place?
since our blue states support theirs they'll be begging in the streets
We don't want that, ed. The 'good old days' can have many definitions. I prefer to think of them as the days when we considered ALL our neighbors as Americans with the same rights we claim for ourselves. And I have the advantage of remembering WWII, a troubled time when we ALL pulled together.

So does my mother. She'll hit 92 in a couple of weeks. She is as opposed to the modern Democrats and their foreign cohorts as I am.
I'd love to hear why.

She doesn't like bullshit totalitarianists either.
I should have asked directly...to what foreign cohorts of modern Democrats does she object? I know Clinton and Yeltsin were good drinking buddies. I remember one clip where they both got the giggles that made me giggle. But Yeltsin was a Russian progressive that moved away from the USSR, not a KGB land-grabber. Other than that, I must be forgetting something. Who?

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