A Day in the Life of a Republican


A Japanese company (Toyota ) and an American company (Ford) decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River . Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race.

On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile.

The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action.

Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing.
Feeling a deeper study was in order, American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion.

They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing.

Not sure of how to utilize that information,
but wanting to prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing team's management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 3 area steering superintendents, and 1 assistant superintendent steering manager.

They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 person rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the 'Rowing Team Quality First Program,' with meetings, dinners, and free pens for the rower. There was discussion of getting new paddles, canoes, and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices, and bonuses.

The next year the Japanese won by two miles.

Humiliated, the American management laid off the rower for poor performance, halted development of a new canoe, sold the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment.

The money saved was distributed to the Senior Executives as bonuses

and the next year's racing team was out-sourced to India.

Sadly, The End.
Author Unknown (but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t management)

A Japanese company (Toyota ) and an American company (Ford) decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River . Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race.

On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile.

The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action.

Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing.
Feeling a deeper study was in order, American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion.

They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing.

Not sure of how to utilize that information,
but wanting to prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing team's management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 3 area steering superintendents, and 1 assistant superintendent steering manager.

They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 person rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the 'Rowing Team Quality First Program,' with meetings, dinners, and free pens for the rower. There was discussion of getting new paddles, canoes, and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices, and bonuses.

The next year the Japanese won by two miles.

Humiliated, the American management laid off the rower for poor performance, halted development of a new canoe, sold the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment.

The money saved was distributed to the Senior Executives as bonuses

and the next year's racing team was out-sourced to India.

Sadly, The End.
Author Unknown (but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t management)

This reminds me of the Van Riper war games experiment that shrub set up before starting his war for $$$ in Iraq. Of course, he ended up ignoring the true outcome - fixed the game so that we "win" and got us quagmired in an unwinnable - albeit profitable -situation.

Wake-up call | World news | The Guardian
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good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for
minimum water quality standards

Lie. Clean water has always been a bi-partisan and health issue going back to the Cholera outbreaks of the Colonial Era and was solved with basic water treatment techniques discovered in the Victorian Era and slowly over time advanced and protected. Trying to take credit for it by one political party is a patently obvious lie.

His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure
their safety and work as advertised.

Lie, this is again, a public health issue which is also throughout history a bi-partisan effort. It deals with fraud and public safety which was often abused by snake oil salesmen and dishonest companies hiding dangerous items in their product through negligence, carelessness and deceit. Although Upton Sinclair is the patron saint of this movement, many many others, regardless of party throughout western culture fought for these safeties. It is a proper role of government to protect it's populace and prosecute fraud and criminal activity in this manner.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers
medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their
employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too.

And if it wasn't for interference by FDR's New Deal, wage and price controls would never have needed to been circumvented by offering benefits such as healthcare separating the user from the supplier. In this manner cost crept higher because there was far less impetus to control costs for the user was insulated from the real costs promoting abuse of the system. If left to a direct pay system of 100% out of pocket, the costs of drugs would drop dramatically because unnecessary use would decline, and their full value would be paid, instead of often undependable or contested payments from insurance companies inserting loss into the system.

He prepares
his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe's bacon is safe to
eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing

See second lie debunking.

His bottle is
properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents
because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting
on his body and how much it contained.

taking sole credit for product safety perpetuates the lie more.

The air he breathes is clean because some tree-
hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our

I'm sure Nixon had nothing to do with these things. :rolleyes: Again, the lie of one party benevolence rolls on.

He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to
work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation

Which survives only because it is subsidized by taxation on non-user who then are forced to complain about the poor conditions of the roads because they drive in and funds are being siphoned off to benefit the vast MINORITY of society who think they are owed cheap fares on a toy train at someone elses expense because they are being "environmentally responsible" in a 19th century technology that is woefully inefficient in comparison to a well maintained and run highway and road system. And then he is taxed as well for the use of the system. With the exception of ultra dense urban conditions, all public transit systems are a failure and their monies should be spent elsewhere.

You see, some liberal fought for affordable public
transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a

Even if they don't use it, they are forced to pay. There's your true liberalism in action. Steal from those who do not use to subsidize those who do not deserve.

Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay,
medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some
liberal union members fought and died for these working standards.

He must work for the government or large manufacturer for most of the nation's industries and companies are non-union because they are small businesses and do not have a union. Example fail. Most jobs have no benefits or exceedingly limited ones that would be better off being paid cash so they can buy the benefits cheaper on his own, and never have to worry about losing them if he loses his job. Portability is much more important in this day and age of high job mobility.

Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't
want his employees to call the union.

Lie. Most employees won't work at a job, if there is better pay elsewhere. Therefore the free market determines the wages. Only entry level and low/no skill labor is paid minimum wage.

Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some
liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who
ruined the banking system before the depression.

A system that could easily be privatized, divorcing the taxpayer from being on the hook for a poorly run bank. All you need do is tell banks they must have a private insurer to cover assets, and they will be able to find one from a private insurer like Lloyd's of London or some other firm who will be more than happy to create such a product for them. Bank customers can then use this as a feature in which to judge whether a bank is a good fit for their investments. Banks without insurance must fold. Another case of a service better done by the private sector but liberals interfered with the right idea, but wrong application.

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below
market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that
Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and
earned more money over his lifetime.

Joe himself wants to be educated because that is were the good paying jobs are, not because some liberal determined he should be. It was not decided for him to become educated he chose it. Oh, and Freddie and Fannie are insolvent, and unable to handle their debt loads as is thanks to enabling the moral hazard of banks making bad loans by promising them they would buy bad debt, passing the financial loss on to the tax payers who have a hard enough time as is paying off their own mortgages, thereby punishing those who engage in GOOD personal financial habits.

He gets in his car for the drive to
dad's; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal
fought for car safety standards.

Huh... I didn't realize that Volvo was a government liberal. They created most of the car safety systems till the 1970's when EVERY car company saw the benefit of making safe cars. But governent then came in and forced more requirements just to make sure people still needed them and make the politicians seem like they were doing something. And of course, this falls once again into the non-partisan realm of product safety.

He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live
in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers
didn't want to make rural loans.

The banks will make loans to anyone that will give them an agreed upon return, regardless of location. They wouldn't loan to farmers in the masses because they were not stable enough to ensure repayment, causing defaults to make the bank insolvant. Without this, the market would have shifted, more would have moved to where they could make a living, the food supply would have dropped, forcing prices to rise, thereby allowing the remaining farmers better profits making them more able to get loans from the banks and grow. Another example of not trusting the market forces.

The house didn't have electric until
some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and
demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republicans would still
be sitting in the dark)

Oy! If a market exists, capitalism will fill it. Hydro electricity required government involvement due to the Army Corps of Engineers being in charge of waterways, making it a federal issue. And of course when they embarked on these projects was the height of the second most liberal administration of this nation, and so gubmint had to be the force behind it all. False dichotomy and highly assumptive result.

His dad lives on Social
Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could
take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.

The concept of a retirement plan is one of the few things liberals did right. Social security is a joke, because if allowed to invest it on his own in even treasury bills, his father would have gotten a greater return on his money at all but the lowest rate, AND the benefits would have been inheritable and probably grown far faster than the ponzi scheme that is Social Security allowed. Plus, the system is bankrupt so where is the money coming from? That's right, IOUs and taxes.

He doesn't tell Joe that his
beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit
Joe enjoys throughout his day).

Why would he say such a lie to his son?

"We don't need those big
government liberals ruining our lives; after all,

Correct, but too many Americans want to be enslaved to the government because they are too weak mentally to stand up on their own or handle the consequences for their actions.

I'm a self-made man
who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I

He's as self made as the government will allow him to be... which unfortunately is not very much for they must have you endebted to the government lest you leave them without work or purpose for their lives.

This little fantasy is a solid chunk of pure shit trying to take credit for things they either never did, resisted themselves at times, or was truly non-partisan. But the philosophy of the big lie relies on you to swallow the whole whopper, just as much as the Little Lie theory hopes you miss the lie buried in the truth.
No one is perfect, chanel. Both sides make mistakes. I liked the piece mostly because I think we bitch so much about government's failures.

There have been successes as well, and we often fail to recognize them or applaud them.
Calling the fourth place solution grand champion because Gubmint did it, is stupid. There are often far better private solutions to 90% of what we have today.
Person who wrote that Republican tale specializes in folklore. Because lets face it........the Republican earns everything he gets and thats what drives the lefty k00ks fcukking nuts. They are miserable because they have made disasterous personal decisions for themselves and now are looking for a scapegoat......somebody to blame for their miserable ass lot in life. Its always the same...........

Track the life of a Republican and you will almost invariably find something not present in the life of a liberal: hard working role models who live a modest lifestyle. For the lib, their role model were elitist asshole parents who lived high on the hog/self centered and now the kids are miserable and jealous because they blame the parents for feeling forgotten..........OR..........the other lib who wants their lives litterred with government handouts. Its either one or the other if we want to be a intellectually honest here s0ns. Sure there are the wealthy but such a small % in terms of GOP support.

Funny irony with that story above..........the whole idea of these lucrative pension plans is fast coming to an end. The public at large is fast becomming sick and tired of paying mega sums for all these asshole public assistance employees posh lifestyles after retirement. Many of the elitist liberal k00ks on this board are unaffected by it because they dont own their own residence ( or much else for that matter) so they dont know dick about it...........but I watch my local taxes go up and up and up every year because of this sh!t.

Only the hopelessly duped of the world buy that story above:eusa_whistle:

I see. So that is why we liberals have to support your lazy conservative asses? KookyBill, without the blue states, you in the red states would starve. That is correct, we send in more money to the Federal Government than we get from the Federal Government. But you Conservatives send in less than you get. Talk about redistribution of wealth!

Why don't you fellows try working for a living instead of sitting at home in your single wides swilling beer and leering at your neighbors daughters?:lol:

And we wouldn't survive without a federal government?? :lol: You're proud to line the pockets of all of those wealthy politicians pulling your strings and playing you like a puppet? Seems to me you'd be starving without the red states. Another lie that's been perpetuated and repeated ad nauseum by the lock step leftists.
Person who wrote that Republican tale specializes in folklore. Because lets face it........the Republican earns everything he gets and thats what drives the lefty k00ks fcukking nuts. They are miserable because they have made disasterous personal decisions for themselves and now are looking for a scapegoat......somebody to blame for their miserable ass lot in life. Its always the same...........

Track the life of a Republican and you will almost invariably find something not present in the life of a liberal: hard working role models who live a modest lifestyle. For the lib, their role model were elitist asshole parents who lived high on the hog/self centered and now the kids are miserable and jealous because they blame the parents for feeling forgotten..........OR..........the other lib who wants their lives litterred with government handouts. Its either one or the other if we want to be a intellectually honest here s0ns. Sure there are the wealthy but such a small % in terms of GOP support.

Funny irony with that story above..........the whole idea of these lucrative pension plans is fast coming to an end. The public at large is fast becomming sick and tired of paying mega sums for all these asshole public assistance employees posh lifestyles after retirement. Many of the elitist liberal k00ks on this board are unaffected by it because they dont own their own residence ( or much else for that matter) so they dont know dick about it...........but I watch my local taxes go up and up and up every year because of this sh!t.

Only the hopelessly duped of the world buy that story above:eusa_whistle:

I see. So that is why we liberals have to support your lazy conservative asses? KookyBill, without the blue states, you in the red states would starve. That is correct, we send in more money to the Federal Government than we get from the Federal Government. But you Conservatives send in less than you get. Talk about redistribution of wealth!

Why don't you fellows try working for a living instead of sitting at home in your single wides swilling beer and leering at your neighbors daughters?:lol:

And we wouldn't survive without a federal government?? :lol: Your proud to line the pockets of all of those wealthy politicians pulling your strings and playing you like a puppet? Seems to me you'd be starving without the red states. Another lie that's been perpetuated and repeated ad nauseum by the lock step leftists.

Are you all for abolishing Congress? Shall the states all become decentralized islands unto themselves?

I see. So that is why we liberals have to support your lazy conservative asses? KookyBill, without the blue states, you in the red states would starve. That is correct, we send in more money to the Federal Government than we get from the Federal Government. But you Conservatives send in less than you get. Talk about redistribution of wealth!

Why don't you fellows try working for a living instead of sitting at home in your single wides swilling beer and leering at your neighbors daughters?:lol:

And we wouldn't survive without a federal government?? :lol: Your proud to line the pockets of all of those wealthy politicians pulling your strings and playing you like a puppet? Seems to me you'd be starving without the red states. Another lie that's been perpetuated and repeated ad nauseum by the lock step leftists.

Are you all for abolishing Congress? Shall the states all become decentralized islands unto themselves?

Where did you ever get that from what I said??
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nY0SRsAeaw&feature=related]YouTube - The Beatles;A Day In The Life[/ame]
And we wouldn't survive without a federal government?? :lol: Your proud to line the pockets of all of those wealthy politicians pulling your strings and playing you like a puppet? Seems to me you'd be starving without the red states. Another lie that's been perpetuated and repeated ad nauseum by the lock step leftists.

Are you all for abolishing Congress? Shall the states all become decentralized islands unto themselves?

Where did you ever get that from what I said??

Do you think we would survive without a federal government?
Are you all for abolishing Congress? Shall the states all become decentralized islands unto themselves?

Where did you ever get that from what I said??

Do you think we would survive without a federal government?

Yes, I do think we would. It's the federal government that is the biggest threat to our country at the moment, it's out of control. It's not being run as was intended when it was formed, that's what I want.

My point was that even if it were true that blue states pay more in taxes, to assume that the red states would not survive without federal aid is ridiculous. I would be in favor of reducing or eliminating all federal aid to states outside of infrastructure building, they use that money for CONTROL.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U]YouTube - Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid[/ame]

I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anyone help me out? No!

--------Are all conservatards this stupid? Do conservatards even know what I'm making fun of?
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Are you all for abolishing Congress? Shall the states all become decentralized islands unto themselves?

Where did you ever get that from what I said??

Do you think we would survive without a federal government?
Thank you for illustrating the fundamental ignorance of the purpose of government in one sentence. The fact that you liberals seem oblivious to the concept of checks and balances except when politically expedient is truly amazing.

The purpose of the FEDERAL government is to ONLY deal in the following areas:

Military protection
Trade Normalization
Courts and law enforcement
Interstate commerce regulation
Weights and Measures
Anti-Fraud and consumer protection.

That pretty much is it. The problem is that the definitions have been worked over like a rape victim in a back ally by a bunch of gangbangers out wilding. The distortions of the Interstate Commerce Clause and consumer protection has gone so far as to think that they have the right to decide what is 'good' for you. This is tyranny no matter what way you slice it and is diametrically opposed to the founding father's intents and documents.

There is a fundamental and replicating ignorance of the purpose of government going on in this nation, and it needs to be stopped.
Where did you ever get that from what I said??

Do you think we would survive without a federal government?

Yes, I do think we would. It's the federal government that is the biggest threat to our country at the moment, it's out of control. It's not being run as was intended when it was formed, that's what I want.

My point was that even if it were true that blue states pay more in taxes, to assume that the red states would not survive without federal aid is ridiculous. I would be in favor of reducing or eliminating all federal aid to states outside of infrastructure building, they use that money for CONTROL.

How about the Constitution? Shall we do away with that too?
It's interesting (sad, but interesting) that some folks are so angered by the Op. It's fascinating to me that some seem to think government has no legitimate role in social change, or that controls on business flow as fast and as easily from the conservatives as they do from the liberals.

I think everyone with this avowed POV is also guilty of accusing the present administration of "not doing enough".

There's been so much hysteria over the NAACP and the Shirley Sherrod debacle; so little thoughtful examination of the financial reform bill. (Myself included; that stuff is h-a-r-d.)

Just sayin'......
Do you think we would survive without a federal government?

Yes, I do think we would. It's the federal government that is the biggest threat to our country at the moment, it's out of control. It's not being run as was intended when it was formed, that's what I want.

My point was that even if it were true that blue states pay more in taxes, to assume that the red states would not survive without federal aid is ridiculous. I would be in favor of reducing or eliminating all federal aid to states outside of infrastructure building, they use that money for CONTROL.

How about the Constitution? Shall we do away with that too?

No, that's the exact opposite of what my comments said. I want to follow the constitution and the constitution does not call for a federal government to control every aspect of a citizen's life, or for it to control states via federal dollars.
Where did you ever get that from what I said??

Do you think we would survive without a federal government?
Thank you for illustrating the fundamental ignorance of the purpose of government in one sentence. The fact that you liberals seem oblivious to the concept of checks and balances except when politically expedient is truly amazing.

The purpose of the FEDERAL government is to ONLY deal in the following areas:

Military protection
Trade Normalization
Courts and law enforcement
Interstate commerce regulation
Weights and Measures
Anti-Fraud and consumer protection.

That pretty much is it. The problem is that the definitions have been worked over like a rape victim in a back ally by a bunch of gangbangers out wilding. The distortions of the Interstate Commerce Clause and consumer protection has gone so far as to think that they have the right to decide what is 'good' for you. This is tyranny no matter what way you slice it and is diametrically opposed to the founding father's intents and documents.

There is a fundamental and replicating ignorance of the purpose of government going on in this nation, and it needs to be stopped.

It's to bad your posts will get a whole bunch of *avoid* tactics.
It's interesting (sad, but interesting) that some folks are so angered by the Op. It's fascinating to me that some seem to think government has no legitimate role in social change, or that controls on business flow as fast and as easily from the conservatives as they do from the liberals.

I think everyone with this avowed POV is also guilty of accusing the present administration of "not doing enough".

There's been so much hysteria over the NAACP and the Shirley Sherrod debacle; so little thoughtful examination of the financial reform bill. (Myself included; that stuff is h-a-r-d.)

Just sayin'......

When I was a kid, the Republican Party was known as the "Party of ideas".

Apparently, that was many generations ago.

PEW research shows that only 6% of scientists in the US admit to being Republican. And this as AFTER they dropped teachers, professors (all leftists), non citizens and those working outside of the US. That left scientists working in business and in the government.

For some reason, when you point this out, it drives the right into a frenzy. This is a political party that wants to "teach the controversy". There is a huge disdain for any type of education, beyond Bible Study, from the right in this country. "It's just a piece of paper", according to many on this site.

The right is dependent on the left for everything. They simply can't take care of themselves. Is it any wonder they are terrified?
It's interesting (sad, but interesting) that some folks are so angered by the Op. It's fascinating to me that some seem to think government has no legitimate role in social change, or that controls on business flow as fast and as easily from the conservatives as they do from the liberals.

I think everyone with this avowed POV is also guilty of accusing the present administration of "not doing enough".

There's been so much hysteria over the NAACP and the Shirley Sherrod debacle; so little thoughtful examination of the financial reform bill. (Myself included; that stuff is h-a-r-d.)

Just sayin'......

When I was a kid, the Republican Party was known as the "Party of ideas".

Apparently, that was many generations ago.

PEW research shows that only 6% of scientists in the US admit to being Republican. And this as AFTER they dropped teachers, professors (all leftists), non citizens and those working outside of the US. That left scientists working in business and in the government.

For some reason, when you point this out, it drives the right into a frenzy. This is a political party that wants to "teach the controversy". There is a huge disdain for any type of education, beyond Bible Study, from the right in this country. "It's just a piece of paper", according to many on this site.

The right is dependent on the left for everything. They simply can't take care of themselves. Is it any wonder they are terrified?

Right but in that same thread it was talked about that many people *think* they are liberal because they pay no attention to politics but then find they agree more with conservative values.

How about giving the people in the study a test, just about things like how the Government works and maybe a simple history section to the test. If they fail they can't be in the study... Liberals fear that because they would lose most of their support. If liberals thought that a test (to take a study) would improve their chances they would be all for it, but hey, keep asking non political people what they "think" they are.

Take Obamacare, before it was passed it was bragged by liberals as being one of the greatest things, now that it's passed it nothing for a liberal to say "sure it's shit, but it's something."

Point is, liberals don't know wtf they are even supporting most the time. Also, when I say liberals in this post I mean the voters, same with conservatives. There is a big mix up that happens when saying conservative/liberal. If I say conservative you say Bush, despite the fact that Bush was a Neocon and more or less a progressive liberal.

The Republican party is being forced back to conservative values, away from it's progressive liberal but religious values that it had become. If you don't believe me, please show us all a hand full of areas that Obama is running the country different that Bush. Remember Bush passed and pushed for bigger Government HC too!

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