A couple months ago Obama had the same viewpoint as the ceo of CFA

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.
Way back when obama was being elected he did come out and support civil unions despite being against gay marriage. I did point out to a lot of my gay friends who saw him as a ally how stupid it was to support separate but equal ideas being as black as he is. Clearly his own parents would have been denied the right to marry years before due to bigotry and prejudice, and someone of his stature should have known better.

4 years later he is the one who pushed to end DADT, and he will no longer support DOMA. He is also the first sitting president to come out in full support of gay marriage. Seems to me like many americans his view on gay marriage is changing, and I don't find that to be a bad thing at all. If you want me to be mad at him for coming to his senses and becoming an ally i would also have to be angry at a number of people in my life who have come to their senses and overcame the hate that was improperly pushed on them by society.

I know it is not something you have had to deal with in your life, but it is something that many gay people, and other people who are discriminated against, have to deal with as a part of this world. It is far better that he changed his mind rather than not.
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

I thought you said you could not get work because of Obama , then your complaining about paying taxes on 250k income because of Obama, now you present more of your twisted dementia.
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Ya know moon. You actually made my point perfectly.

My opinion on the matter is the exact same as Obama's WAS. Yet, I'm a hater according to you while he's been a good man.

Despite your desperate diversionary tactic you proved my point.

I almost feel bad for negging you......almost
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

I thought you said you could not get work because of Obama , then your complaining about paying taxes on 250k income because of Obama, now you present more of your twisted dementia.

There are no jobs, because the of all the possible taxes from OBamacare and if OBama wins again....aLOT more taxes...
Way back when obama was being elected he did come out and support civil unions despite being against gay marriage. I did point out to a lot of my gay friends who saw him as a ally how stupid it was to support separate but equal ideas being as black as he is. Clearly his own parents would have been denied the right to marry years before due to bigotry and prejudice, and someone of his stature should have known better.

4 years later he is the one who pushed to end DADT, and he will no longer support DOMA. He is also the first sitting president to come out in full support of gay marriage. Seems to me like many americans his view on gay marriage is changing, and I don't find that to be a bad thing at all. If you want me to be mad at him for coming to his senses and becoming an ally i would also have to be angry at a number of people in my life who have come to their senses and overcame the hate that was improperly pushed on them by society.

I know it is not something you have had to deal with in your life, but it is something that many gay people, and other people who are discriminated against, have to deal with as a part of this world. It is far better that he changed his mind rather than not.

BEing against gay marriage is not anti-gay......and the militant homos are out in full force......WOW......wait til people see the gays not just as some funny haidresser, but as mean, bigoted assholes that wanna hammer people for all the years they've been mocked.....they are truely fucked up nutcakes.
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

You don't remember liberals protesting by having that "kiss-in" in the oval office ?
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

Lies only work with those with tunnel. While Obama did not support gay marriage, he did support the idea of civil unions that would give gays the same exact rights as marriage. So, he moved a little to full acceptance. He never had the same views as Dan Cathy. Saying he did is pure 100% outright lie.
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

Lies only work with those with tunnel. While Obama did not support gay marriage, he did support the idea of civil unions that would give gays the same exact rights as marriage. So, he moved a little to full acceptance. He never had the same views as Dan Cathy. Saying he did is pure 100% outright lie.

REALLLY never had the same views???? Ok where was gay marriage 20 years ago....NOBODY talked about it....so I guess EVERYONE was a biggot......you Homo Nazis are batshit crazy as hell.....You guys make Iran look tolerant.
Oh my gawd libs look at this hatefest coming from Buuuurack !!:ack-1:

In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

Dear gawd in heaven libs I can almost feel the hate oozing from my computer !!!!

In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

I thought you said you could not get work because of Obama , then your complaining about paying taxes on 250k income because of Obama, now you present more of your twisted dementia.

There are no jobs, because the of all the possible taxes from OBamacare and if OBama wins again....aLOT more taxes...

If everyone was paying these enormous tax bills, we wouldn't have a massive deficit. Tax rates are too low, not too high. They are the lowest they have been in over 60 years. While the corporate tax rate is high, the effective corporate tax rate is extremely low.

U.S. corporate taxes that were actually paid (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 percent in fiscal year 2011, despite corporate profits rebounding to their pre-Great Recession heights. The U.S. both taxes its corporations less and raises less in revenue from corporate taxes than its foreign competitors:

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress

This idea that the economy is stuck is due to taxes being too high is hilarious. Here is the kicker. We know that nearly half of Americans are not paying any federal income taxes (but they do pay plenty of other taxes, this is not my point), so if we are going to give more tax breaks, who will benefit from them? You got it, the ones who have already benefited the most, the most wealthy would benefit, and to cut taxes more for the wealthiest people we would have to cut all kinds of programs that help those who need the help the most. In other words, we'll just continue to do what we have over the last 30 years, make the rich richer and the poor poorer. As for the middle class, they are heading in the direction of the poor, not the wealthy.
Oh my gawd libs look at this hatefest coming from Buuuurack !!:ack-1:

In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

Dear gawd in heaven libs I can almost feel the hate oozing from my computer !!!!

In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, "I'm a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman."

He's a commie, so they give him a pass....Again liberals never think outside the present.....they never have to be consistant or even care to be..hence they hate logic, reason, facts and truth.....

the truth is buttfucking is nasty.....they support it, but of course would NEVER do it.....I thought liberals were adventurous and liked to try things.....so have a go at riding the pony.....maybe you'll like it maybe you wont, but you'll never know til ya try!
I thought you said you could not get work because of Obama , then your complaining about paying taxes on 250k income because of Obama, now you present more of your twisted dementia.

There are no jobs, because the of all the possible taxes from OBamacare and if OBama wins again....aLOT more taxes...

If everyone was paying these enormous tax bills, we wouldn't have a massive deficit. Tax rates are too low, not too high. They are the lowest they have been in over 60 years. While the corporate tax rate is high, the effective corporate tax rate is extremely low.

U.S. corporate taxes that were actually paid (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 percent in fiscal year 2011, despite corporate profits rebounding to their pre-Great Recession heights. The U.S. both taxes its corporations less and raises less in revenue from corporate taxes than its foreign competitors:

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress

This idea that the economy is stuck is due to taxes being too high is hilarious. Here is the kicker. We know that nearly half of Americans are not paying any federal income taxes (but they do pay plenty of other taxes, this is not my point), so if we are going to give more tax breaks, who will benefit from them? You got it, the ones who have already benefited the most, the most wealthy would benefit, and to cut taxes more for the wealthiest people we would have to cut all kinds of programs that help those who need the help the most. In other words, we'll just continue to do what we have over the last 30 years, make the rich richer and the poor poorer. As for the middle class, they are heading in the direction of the poor, not the wealthy.

Well the deficit isnt just about revenue and liberals dont care about revenue, they like to control behavior with the tax code and government funding.....which is why the inner cities suck like they do, full of liberalism....
NOW....you tell Nancy Pelosi to get rid off all tax breaks, she'll then laugh at you and tell you to jump in a fucking lake.....I've never seen the democrats introduce a bill that is simple and said get rid of ALL tax breaks...let me know when ya find one.... ;)
A couple months ago Obama had the same viewpoint as the ceo of CFA

Really? Can you prove that with some credible facts? Also, I don't recall Obama spewing all the religious psychobabble like Dan Cathy.
Where were all the cries of hate and intolerance then? Then the gay rights activists told Obama "no money if you don't capitulate".

Talk about a lack of moral fiber or direction. And you idiots eat it up as if he actually cares.

Lies only work with those with tunnel. While Obama did not support gay marriage, he did support the idea of civil unions that would give gays the same exact rights as marriage. So, he moved a little to full acceptance. He never had the same views as Dan Cathy. Saying he did is pure 100% outright lie.

REALLLY never had the same views???? Ok where was gay marriage 20 years ago....NOBODY talked about it....so I guess EVERYONE was a biggot......you Homo Nazis are batshit crazy as hell.....You guys make Iran look tolerant.

Are you really that dumb? Never mind, no need to answer.
Way back when obama was being elected he did come out and support civil unions despite being against gay marriage. I did point out to a lot of my gay friends who saw him as a ally how stupid it was to support separate but equal ideas being as black as he is. Clearly his own parents would have been denied the right to marry years before due to bigotry and prejudice, and someone of his stature should have known better.

4 years later he is the one who pushed to end DADT, and he will no longer support DOMA. He is also the first sitting president to come out in full support of gay marriage. Seems to me like many americans his view on gay marriage is changing, and I don't find that to be a bad thing at all. If you want me to be mad at him for coming to his senses and becoming an ally i would also have to be angry at a number of people in my life who have come to their senses and overcame the hate that was improperly pushed on them by society.

I know it is not something you have had to deal with in your life, but it is something that many gay people, and other people who are discriminated against, have to deal with as a part of this world. It is far better that he changed his mind rather than not.

BEing against gay marriage is not anti-gay......and the militant homos are out in full force......WOW......wait til people see the gays not just as some funny haidresser, but as mean, bigoted assholes that wanna hammer people for all the years they've been mocked.....they are truely fucked up nutcakes.

Actually, it is entirely against being gay, for this reason. No one is opposing the church's right to marry gay couples in the eyes of god. There is not a single american law or state where i cannot walk into a willing church and be married in the eyes of god according to that religion to a person of my gender. The government is actually prohibited from denying a church the ability to unite 2 people of the same gender in the eyes of god, and there is no legal punishment for marrying two people of the same gender of consenting age.

What is prohibited is the government's recognition of a marriage contract between 2 people of the same gender. This, of course, gives superior benefits under our government to straight couples, and puts gay people in a different situation than any other people in the US. That is discrimination. There is no god involved at all in the government recognizing same sex marriage, or even calling it marriage. It is just pure selfishness and discrimination to not allow two people to enter into a legal partnership due to race, religion, or gender. If the government chose to not recognize any other contract due to those reasons the law would be shot down due to being discriminatory. The only thing the government offers is the marriage contract that is a legal document.

Our government does not even enforce any religious rules unless specifically agreed to in the contract. In other words, despite the fact some churches may not recognize a marriage being ended through divorce because it goes against their beliefs, the government will gladly end the marriage contract created between the two people as per it's laws. Interestingly enough you can decide to have the assets of the couple divided as per christian, jewish, or even sharia law, and have your religious leaders arbitrate the breaking of the contract by the rules of the religion if both parties agree to it.

So since god and religion have been removed unless the people volunteer for their inclusion, and there is no limitation on the partnership contract of the US based upon religion, the only thing that is left is it being based on prejudicial values. hence why when it comes before the supreme court and they are forced to rule on it based on US constitutional values regarding government contracts it will be shot down It is just a matter of time before every law against gay marriage is put to death by the supreme court.
A couple months ago Obama had the same viewpoint as the ceo of CFA

Really? Can you prove that with some credible facts? Also, I don't recall Obama spewing all the religious psychobabble like Dan Cathy.

I don't know what the CEO of CA thinks regarding civil unions, but Obama was quite clear in 2008 regarding the fact that as a christian he opposed same sex marriage, but he did support civil unions, and I do believe he also supported protections for gay employment, and was going to repeal DADT. Depending on if the head of CFA was pro-civil union he may very well have shared Obama's admitted position in regards to gay marriage in the US at the time of the last election. Obama did relate his reasoning to his religious beliefs as a christian at the time. I know it is hard to remember because after they failed to attack obama based on his church the republicans completely ignored the fact obama has always been a christian. Of course the birthers were much louder than the people who tried to attack one church over the other. I guess it was easier to attack islam than to divide the church by trying to claim Obama was attending a non-christian christian church.

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